Episode 15

Discerning spiritual voices | 5 types

Published on: 28th August, 2024

In this conversation, Christian Searer discusses the five voices that we can hear: God, Satan, ourselves, angels, and other people. He emphasizes the importance of discerning these voices and understanding where they come from. Christian provides biblical references and personal examples to support his points.


- We can hear the voice of God, who speaks to us through the Holy Spirit. It is important to know His voice and discern it from other voices.

- Satan can also speak to us, often through our thoughts. We must hold every thought captive to the obedience of Christ to avoid being deceived.

- Our own thoughts and desires can influence us, but we have the mind of Christ when we have the Holy Spirit. We can filter our thoughts through the mind of Christ.

- Angels can communicate with us and bring messages from God. Their messages bring clarity, not confusion.

- We can perceive the thoughts and intentions of other people through a word of knowledge.






• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BX8A1lSAUL0&t=360s

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cK2ZXiGzdZ8&t=0s



• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOEN-QWgIyQ&t=14s



• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P44V5T5N0gI&t=6s



voices, discernment, God, Satan, ourselves, angels, other people, thoughts, mind, heart, biblical references, personal examples

Christian Searer (:

We all hear voices, it's true, and if you don't believe so, encourage you to stick around until the end of the video. There are five voices that are continually trying to speak to us, and I want to bring some context to them as well as draw attention to them so we can start to perceive these voices and delegate them accordingly. Be sure to like, share, and subscribe. It is a great way to support the channel, and if you make it till the end of the video, be sure to put a fire emoji or a flexing emoji. I love those so much.

Alright, let's get into it. Today I'm teaching about voices and I went to God and I asked him, God, who are the voices that we can perceive? What voices are continually trying to speak to us day in and day out? And this is what God spoke to me. He said, my voice is the sound of many rushing waters, audibles in audibles from the crashing of the water to the gentle lapping of water along the shore. You know my voice, so you should recognize a stranger's.

Discerning comes from the heart, wisdom from above, knowledge internally and externally. I've warned you before and I warn you again. Know my voice. The loudest isn't always me. So the voice number one that I want to cover and debunk some of this prophetic, can God speak to you? Can God not speak to you? How dare you add to the Bible? Cause I see this in the comments time and time again.

And it is so sad to see that a lot of Christians don't believe that they can hear from the Lord, that God still does not speak, but we are actually created in His image. So voice number one that we can hear is God. Yes, God has created us in His image. How amazing is that? We're not a body that just happens to have a spirit. We are a spirit that has a body. When we end this life, when this life has come to an end,

Our body cannot go with us, but our spirit is lasting and eternal. So God has created us in his image, is spirit, God is spirit, and we can connect and talk and converse with him in that way. If you think of the Old Covenant and the Old Testament, there were those prophets that the spirit of the Lord would come upon, but it was only at set points in time and only set points in people that the spirit of the Lord would speak to. These were the prophets of old.

Christian Searer (:

but the prophets of today are those who have Jesus Christ inside of them. They have the Holy Spirit and His job is to tell us of things to come. He will actually speak to us. See, the veil was holding us separate from God in the Old Covenant, but now it has been torn. You see, by the blood of Jesus Christ, we who were once so far away and separated from God have been brought very near to Him. The word says this,

In Acts chapter two, 38, repent. Each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. So when we say yes to Jesus and we repent, we receive the Holy Spirit. These are for those that are Christians and have said yes to Jesus. And John 16 13 says this, check this out. But when he, the spirit of truth comes, this is the Holy Spirit.

He will guide you into all the truth for he will not speak on his own, but whatever he hears, he will speak and he will disclose to who? To you what is to come. Guys, this is so important to understand that God can still speak to us today. it just blows my mind away that there are Christians that do not believe this.

but it is right here in the scripture. am giving you wisdom keys. am backing it with scripture and it is important because yes, we know that Satan can speak to us, but God can speak to us as well. And it is the Holy Spirit's job to take what he hears from heaven and to share it with us. We have the unfair advantage of knowing what is coming guys. It's right here in scripture. says he will disclose what is to come. Hallelujah.

And check this out. is one of my favorite verses in the entire Bible. And it is the verse that says we have the mind of Christ. Hold up, hold up, hold up, Christian. You're telling me that we have the mind of God because I read in the scripture where his thoughts are not our thoughts that his ways are higher than our ways. Well, check this out in first Corinthians chapter two, verse 16. It says for who has known the mind of the Lord that he will instruct him. But we have the mind.

Christian Searer (:

of Christ. Hallelujah. Yes, our mind has thoughts, wills and emotions and all of those are fallen. We are born into a fallen state. But when we put on the mind of Christ, the mind of Christ also has thoughts, wills and emotions and they are perfect, sanctified and redeemed and holy. And if we have the mind of Christ, if we have the Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit can speak what is coming from heaven and we can put it through the filter.

of the mind of Christ that has sanctified, redeemed, and perfect thoughts, wills, and emotions. So now his thoughts can become our thoughts and his ways can become our ways. Guys, this is some good news and this is the first voice that we can hear and I want to give you a biblical reference of a time that the Holy Spirit directly spoke to one of the disciples and this is amazing. In Matthew chapter 16,

verses 16 -17, Simon Peter answered, There is a real life example of somebody who was on the earth, who heard from heaven, not from his flesh. He knew in his mind that Jesus was the Christ. So voice number one is God.

Voice number two is Satan. Satan, his job is to steal, kill, and destroy. And there are multiple different ways that the enemy can do that. There are multiple different ways that the enemy can come in and oppress us. But today I want to focus on the thought life. I want to focus on the voices that we can hear. And one of the ways that Satan can steal, kill, and destroy from us is coming into our thought life.

Now, Satan doesn't know our thoughts. He doesn't have the ability. He's not omniscient. He's not all knowing. He's not all powerful. He's limited in resources. He has no ability to know what we are thinking, but he does have the ability to place his thoughts in our mind. And that is why, guys, we have to hold every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Here's a scripture. But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived

Christian Searer (:

Eve by his trickery, your minds will be led astray from sincere and pure devotion to Christ. See, in the garden, Adam and Eve used to walk with God, they used to commune with God, they could literally talk back and forth. You want to talk about a pure audible voice from heaven, from God? They literally could hear his voice and he could hear theirs. But Satan, he deceived and he tricked.

by playing on their mind saying, well, surely you will not die if you partake of that. And he started to put thoughts in Eve, started to put thoughts in Adam, and it was the thoughts that gave birth to the sin that actually separated us from God. And here's a second verse. In Acts chapter five, verse three, Peter said, Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and to keep back some of the proceeds of the land? So yes, Satan can deceive us,

But one of the ways that he can come in is through lying. When we are actually trying to deceive others ourselves, that gives him a foothold that gives him the ability to come into our heart. And our heart is our knower. Those times when you just know that you know that you know something that comes from your heart. That's also a part of your thought life, a part of your of your mind. And this is how Satan can come in and speak to us. The third voice that we can hear is ourself.

You see, we are a mind, we are made up of a mind which has thoughts, wills, and emotions. Our flesh actually has a voice. Our brain, it is still flesh. It is an organ. And here's a scripture I want to kick us off with in hearing the voice of ourself. Temptation comes from our own desires, which entices us and drags us away. These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death.

So don't be misled my brothers and sisters. Here we see that our flesh actually has desires. This is that heart thing that I was talking about. This is feeling something that you want to act on. Now I want to encourage some of you, some of you really beat yourselves up and you have a dirty thought or a nasty thought or a thought of wanting to go and hurt somebody and you think, man, how vile I am, how awful I am for having that thought.

Christian Searer (:

Well, I want to encourage you that the thought itself is not a sin. Here we see that from our own desires, which entice us. So we have this thought arise. We have this mode of arise and we start to ruminate on it. And the principle of seed time and harvest always applies. So as we spend time thinking on this thought, it'll actually start to grow and grow and grow to the point where it's like, I need to birth this thing. I need to go do it. The thought itself isn't the sin.

but the action is where you sin. I'll tell you this, that if you have a thought that says, go give that homeless person $5, your flesh does not want to go give that $5 to somebody. Your flesh would rather go spend that $5 on a Big Mac. And Satan, he doesn't want you to have a revelation of radical giving. So this thought, Hey, go give $5 to that homeless person. If it didn't come from Satan and it didn't come from yourself, who do you think it came from?

It came from God and these are ways we can start to discern and decipher who is speaking to us and where that thought is coming from. Voice number four that we can hear are angels voices. Now this one really geeks me out. I love the fact that there are angelic voices, angelic encounters that are present all throughout the Bible. We see it time and time again where heaven is interacting with earth through angels. God even says that

His angels, his holy ones are like winds in a fire that they are ministers to those that are to inherit salvation. are on our side. They help us day to day. There are warring angels and revelation angels and, messenger angels. And it is just incredible how heaven and earth interacts that way. If in here's catches guys, here's a really cool revelation. Have you ever had.

an encounter where you're talking with someone super spiritual and super deep and you walk away from that conversation absolutely exhausted and it had nothing to do with how boring the person was, it was a good conversation but you walked away just physically and spiritually drained? Well, look when the angels came, what happened? People would fall over as if they were dead, they would actually have to be lifted up and strengthened or given food or they would actually be sick.

Christian Searer (:

for multiple days after encountering an angel, when you have a super deep spiritual interaction with somebody and you walk away exhausted, there's a good possibility angels are present. So here's a verse for you. And as they were gazing intently into the sky while he was going, then behold, two men in white clothing stood beside them and said, men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky?

This Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven will come in the same way as you have watched him go into heaven. Here we actually see an angel standing where Jesus ascended from talking to the disciples. So this is New Testament. This is after Jesus's death, burial and resurrection and ascension. This is literally the first encounter that happens after Jesus's ascension is an angelic encounter with angels and with men bringing a message.

bringing revelation, bringing clarity. know, Satan can come as an angel of light, but when Satan comes, he brings confusion. But when God's messengers come, they bring clarity. so this is how we can decipher when an angel comes with a message. It can be a voice, which would be more external. It could be a knowing, which is more external. The Holy Spirit, when he speaks to us, is internal because he's inside of us.

but a messenger, an angel, when they come to us, they're external. So when they speak something and something drops and gets deposited in our spirit, it'll feel as if it was an outside thought, but it'll bring clarity, not confusion. This is how we know an angel just delivered us a message. Voice number five, and congrats to those of you who are still watching. If you haven't liked, shared, or subscribed yet, please do so. And if you do make it to the end,

put that fire emoji or that little flexing emoji. So voice number five is other people, other people's thoughts, not that we're talking and we can hear their voice, but that we can actually perceive their hearts so we can actually hear their thoughts. And let me give you an example of this. What do you mean, Christian? Can you, can you be a mind reader in Christ? It's

Christian Searer (:

Not necessarily reading minds, but it's perceiving them. It's knowing in our hearts somebody else's intentions or thoughts, which come through a word of knowledge. And I'll give you a real life example that happened to me at the end, but here in Matthew chapter nine, verse four, says, and Jesus perceiving their thoughts said, why are you thinking evil in your hearts?

This is right after the four friends lifted or lowered down the paralytic man and Jesus not only forgave him hallelujah, but he healed them and the Pharisees were saying who is this man? were blessed like what how blasphemous is this? This person's claiming to be the son of God, but they're not speaking out of their mouth. They're speaking inward internally in their hearts and Jesus turns to them knowing their thoughts, perceiving their intentions and say what?

Why do you think evil in your hearts? they didn't even say anything. Check this out. Here's another verse. Psalm 139 verses one to four. Lord, you have examined me and know all about me. You know when I sit down and know when I get up. You know my thoughts. before I think them. You know where I go and where I lie down. You know everything I do. Lord, even before I say a word, you already know it.

Well, if God knows our thoughts before we think them, if he knows the words that we're going to say before we say them and we established voice number one's the Holy Spirit and we have God inside of us, that means that he knows other people's thoughts. He knows other people's words and that it would totally be possible for him to share and reveal to us what somebody else is thinking. Well, why would he do that? Well, discernment here, we see the Pharisees.

that are set against Jesus so he knows that there's evil intentions in his heart. It is to address something that is totally wrong. They're saying that Jesus is blasphemous, but he is righteous and bringing salvation to the earth. Sometimes we hear somebody else's thought to encourage them. Now, this voice that we hear, it's an internal voice and it's distant. And I've had this happen to me before. And here's my real life experience.

Christian Searer (:

I was at a power and love conference with friends and one of our friends, she got totally rocked in the Lord. She was super encouraged. She got hit with the power of God, but as she was sitting there in her seat, Satan began to speak to her in this voice, in this condemning voice, like you're not good enough. You won't add up. You're not worth it. And I could hear her thoughts start to say, yeah, I'm not worth it.

And I'm sitting right beside her and I turned to her and I said, you are worth it. You are good enough. And she broke down and started crying. And later she revealed to me that, man, I was just, you know, hearing these voices saying I'm not good enough. And I started to even say in myself, I'm not good enough. And in that moment, Christian, you turned to me and said, you are good enough. You are worth it. This is a real life example of how I heard somebody else's thoughts, how I perceived.

their heart and what was the purpose of that? To break that lie to encourage her that exactly everything that happened there at that conference is true and that she is worthy of the one that paid it all on the cross for her life. Guys, thank you for tuning in. These are the five voices that we can hear. call you blessed in the mighty name of Jesus. I'm hoping that this has brought clarity to you as you start to discern the voice of the Lord and operate in the prophetic in your life. Bless you guys.

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Christian Searer

I was saved by grace through faith. Called from darkness into light and forgiven of my sins. I have been made alive in Christ and purposed to declare His goodness on my life. I’m continually being renewed by the Holy Spirit and molded into the image of Christ.

I am who God says I am.

My desire is to widely share the authentic gospel of Jesus Christ. I want to model a lifestyle that is "worthy of the calling" and to be found approved.​

This is how I give back to God what is rightfully His.

This is the Authentic Podcast.