Episode 16

these 5 tactics will destroy your calling

Published on: 30th August, 2024

In this conversation, Christian exposes 5 tactics that the enemy uses to destroy the calling on one's life. He teaches from the book of Judges, specifically focusing on the life of Samson. The tactics discussed include fear, confusion, consequences, exploiting weaknesses, and binding and blinding. Christian emphasizes the importance of recognizing and resisting these tactics and encourages listeners to seek strength and restoration from God.


⇀ Recognize the tactics that the enemy uses to destroy your calling

⇀ Do not let fear, confusion, or consequences hinder your walk with God

⇀ Guard against weaknesses and be discerning of the company you keep

⇀ Seek strength and restoration from God to overcome the enemy's attacks

⇀ Remember that you are victorious and can overcome with God's help






• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BX8A1lSAUL0&t=360s

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cK2ZXiGzdZ8&t=0s

• https://youtu.be/kOtWoK2zwLU



• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOEN-QWgIyQ&t=14s



• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P44V5T5N0gI&t=6s



enemy tactics, destroy calling, fear, confusion, consequences, exploiting weaknesses, binding and blinding, strength, restoration

Christian Searer (:

Are you tired of the enemy getting an upper hand on you? Do you keep falling into traps or getting set back? I want to expose 5 tactics that the enemy uses to destroy the calling on your life. I also want to pray for you to break the chains and the demonic assignments off of your life at the end so be sure to stick around for that. If you haven't already, please be sure to like, share, and subscribe to this channel. It is a great way to support

And if you make it until the end of the video, please be sure to put a fire emoji or a flexing emoji. love when you guys put those. All right, let's get into it. I know many of you guys that are watching have an incredible call on your life that the enemy is trying to destroy. And I want you guys to be able to fight that back and be aware of these tactics that the enemy uses against us. Today, I'm going to be teaching out of the book of Judges and more specifically on the life of Samson.

Tactic number one, the enemy brings fear. Samson's getting ready to marry this girl and he gives them a riddle. Nobody knew the answer to this and he gave a seven day time limit on it. And by the third day, these Philistines actually approached the wife to bring fear. And this is what they said. They said, then it came about on the fourth day that they said to Samson's wife, entice your husband so that he will tell us the riddle or

We will burn you and your father's house with fire. Have you invited us to impoverish us? Is this not so? The word fear itself actually has an acronym and that acronym is this. False evidence appearing real. See, Samson's wife, if she knew anything about him would know that he has a call on his life that he's super strong that

This strength comes upon him and if anybody would try to burn her or her father's house, Samson would just utterly destroy them. But they said, no, we have this tactic, this fear tactic, we're going to burn you. And she starts to believe this. This is false evidence appearing real. So Samson's super secure with his walk in the Lord. He has the call, everything's going good, but his wife keeps pressing him. She's afraid that this

Christian Searer (:

This destruction is going to come to her household and the enemy is starting to warp and skew her view through these fear tactics. So she goes to Samson, tell me, tell me the secret, tell me the riddle and check this out. She even says, you don't love me. You hate me. Mind you, this is Samson's wife and she should be for him, not against him. And here's a really big wisdom key for you guys. What she's trying to do is extract a riddle, extract an answer.

out of a secret place that Samson and the father had together. Satan will try to pry these plans of God on your life out of you. Don't let him, don't tell him, just show him. So the fear tactic prevails and Samson gives up the answer to the riddle. The people find out and he's very upset because they shouldn't have this privileged information. And as a man of God does, he goes and makes good on the debt that is owed because of this riddle. And

Out of that place he was very angry and this leads me into tactic number two. Satan brings confusion. Out of this place where Samson needs to go pay his debt, he's gone and his wife is actually given away to who is supposed to be Samson's friend and he returns and this is the encounter that happens in Judges 15 -2. Her father said, I really thought you hated her intensely, so I gave her to your companion.

Is her younger sister not more beautiful than she? Please let her be yours instead. So out of this fear, out of this fear tactic being implored comes confusion. As Samson's away, lines and signals get crossed and people think that he actually hates her and she's probably starting to believe that because remember at one point she said, you hate me.

You don't love me and she's buying into the enemy's lies. She's buying into this fear. So out of fear comes confusion. The enemy loves to bring both and where there is chaos, there is lack of vision. And the Bible also says where there's lack of vision, they will perish. I can only imagine how the wife felt with all this guilt, all of this shame. She was supposed to be married, now with a friend. Now here comes Samson and there's this whole scene with the father.

Christian Searer (:

And that's what the enemy does. brings guilt and shame and condemnation and out of fear, out of chaos, there's this confusion. And a lot of times in that place, our blessings are mishandled. We start to make wrong decisions because our vision is skewed and we are angry. We are not perceiving the reality around us in a correct way. So we start to make choices that we probably wouldn't have made in a peaceful and right mind.

Samson's wrong choice here was he went found 300 jackals and tied a torch, I was going to say a flamethrower, a torch to their tails and sent them into the wheat fields to destroy the fields. And they definitely did that. And the Philistines were very upset and they actually took the wife and the father's house and burned them. So the one thing that the wife actually feared from the start became a reality.

because instead of placing her trust in the man of God, in her husband, in the head of the house, she placed her trust in the fear and in her own strength of what the enemy was speaking over her. And it was a self -fulfilling prophecy. She was so focused on the one thing that she was so afraid of it actually became true. Samson, rightfully so, is quite upset that these Philistines went and murdered who was supposed to be his wife and he went and slaughtered a whole bunch of them.

And then he went to go live in a cleft of a rock. this brings me to tactic number three. The enemy loves to utilize consequences. See, the enemy has been around for a very long time and he understands that there are physical and spiritual consequences to our actions here on earth. So out of fear, out of confusion, Samson's making these stupid choices of setting fields ablaze, murdering a bunch of people.

And there's a real life consequence to this and mind you, you know, there are spiritual forces at play here. We're not battling against flesh and blood. Samson isn't going up against flesh and blood. There are powers and rulers behind all of these decisions. So when we pull back a layer of the onion, we can see the demonic that's actually at play here. And because of these choices, these men of Judah come down to...

Christian Searer (:

bind up Samson and Samson's like, listen, are you going to kill me or are you just binding me up? And they're like, we're just going to bind you up. So he comes out of the cleft of the rock. He gets bound. So this could be like getting handcuffs on guys. out of this place, out of this confusion, maybe you've made some stupid choices that have landed you in, in jail. Maybe you've made some stupid choices that have, you know, brought addiction or you have a negative balance in your bank account.

And Satan wants to utilize these real life consequences to oppress you, to make you feel like a victim, to put you underneath of his heel so you cannot rise up again. He wants you to feel defeated here, but just hang on because there's more to the story. So Samson goes before his oppressors and God gives him the strength to overcome. And this is the amazing part where Samson breaks free of these ropes that were placed around him.

grabs a jawbone of a donkey and goes and kills a thousand Philistine men. A thousand Philistine men with a jawbone of a donkey. And not only that, not only does he overcome his enemies, and I'm sure that was tiresome to go through all of the courtrooms, to come up out of that addiction, to get the negative balance into the green. I'm sure that was really tough for him to do.

but he says to God, God I've overcome my enemies. Are you just going to leave me here to die? I need water. I'm thirsty. And the Lord cracks open the ground and gives him something to drink. So guys, we need to keep following the Lord and despite the enemy, God is so much stronger and he has resources upon resources and strength for us to pull from and to be strengthened in the Lord. So,

If we are breaking out of fear, if we are breaking out of confusion, if we finally broke the bonds of consequences, here comes tactic number four that the enemy likes to use. And that is exploiting weaknesses. If we finally gone through these trials and tribulations and we figured out, okay, these are the things that I should not do. And we

Christian Searer (:

become strong in the Lord once again, how we've been called because you've been called to be strong in the Lord. You have a plan and a purpose and a destiny set before you that God has called you to do before you were even born. And yet you might've stumbled along the way and Satan might've used these tactics on you, but they're being exposed and exploited and now you know what to look for and you're getting strong in the Lord and here comes Satan once more exploiting weakness.

Now, he isn't going to attack us where we are strong. That would be pretty dumb on his part. And despite maybe what you think about Satan, he is smart. He's been around for thousands of years. He was an angel who was in heaven. Like he's not a dummy. He is because he fell out of out of heaven, but he's not stupid. He has tactics and war plans and strategies that he utilizes and implements. So he's going to hit us where we are weak.

Jesus tells us that if we resist the devil he will flee. yes that is totally true. The Bible's word is truth. But check this out. In Luke 4 13 this is after Jesus was tempted by Satan. And so when the devil had finished every temptation he left him until an opportune time. That doesn't mean that Satan fled forever.

That means he's going to wait again. He's going to strategize. He's going to watch us. He's going to want to come back and try us in a weak moment. He's going to try to hit us from a different angle. And Samson's weakness was women and maybe yours is social media, maybe yours is drugs or alcohol or gambling. We all have a weakness that we need to guard against. are flesh and daily we're crucifying our flesh. are

you know, laying it down at the feet of Jesus and picking up our cross and putting on the robes of righteousness and wearing the helmet of salvation and putting on the mind of Christ. All of these amazing things that we do day to day, but there are still places and areas of our life, of our walk that we need to guard against. And these are areas where Satan, he really wants to hit us hard. Samson, it was women and he went and he was with a prostitute.

Christian Searer (:

Then after the prostitute, he fell in love with this woman, Delilah. And Delilah was not good news, guys. She was approached just like Samson's previous wife. She was approached to find out Samson's weakness so she could exploit it, get money, and he could be humbled and bound and defeated. So once again, we see a pattern here. Samson's a strong person and yes, he hasn't been perfect in all of this, but

Ultimately, he's strong, he's keeping to his Nazarite vows, he is following the Lord, and here comes another person to sway him. And this is Samson's weakness, it's a woman and day after day after day, she just keeps, it's like the war of attrition, she just keeps nagging at him, tell me how you are so strong, tell me how you can be humbled, tell me how you can be so weak, you know, and she just keeps going at him and won't let up.

And the enemy will do this a lot of times. He will attack our thought life. He'll keep sending people into our lives. So we will give up. we'll say, okay, that's enough. And, you know, and spew out an answer that once again is intimate between God and yourself. And here nobody knew the secret. Satan didn't know the secret of how Samson was so strong. He was trying to find out how to defeat this person, but it was only when Samson himself spoke out of his mouth the answer.

He said to Delilah, if you cut my hair, if you shave my hair, I will be weak just like any other man. And what do you think Delilah did? She set up a trap for him. There are people in your life that the enemy will strategically place to wear you down, to exploit you, to have your pearls cast before them. And we need to be careful and we need to use discernment here.

And I have a verse for you and it is wisdom. is straight wisdom from above. is 1 Corinthians 15 33 and it says, do not be fooled. Bad company corrupts good morals. Time and time again, I've heard of people saying, I'm, know that they're not good company, but I'm actually sharing Jesus with them. So it's, good and everything will be okay. And they themselves actually end up falling into sin or sexual sin or

Christian Searer (:

Here they were trying to be the savior versus, you know, allowing the savior to do his job. Don't be fooled. Bad company will corrupt good morals and good character. So you have to protect yourself. You have to guard the anointing, the calling that is on your life that God has given you. This isn't for everybody and it is maybe sometimes a lonely walk, but in that place, God will surround you with the right people, the right community. Not everything is for everybody to share and be careful.

who and what you share it with. Tactic number five that the enemy uses and this is probably the saddest one of all is he binds us and blinds us. Here Samson is bound as the Philistines come in and this is what is spoken. Delilah says the Philistines are upon you Samson and he woke up from his sleep and said I will go out as all the other times and shake myself free.

But he did not know that the Lord had departed from him. Then the Philistines seized him and gouged out his eyes, and they brought him down to Gaza and restrained him with bronze chains, and he became a grinder in the prison. Here we see that when the enemy finds our weakness, the first thing that he wants to do is he wants to bind us and blind us. And he tries to do this through fear.

which it kind of creates this confusion, it skews our view. But when the enemy really gets our weakness and hits us there and gets us bound, whether it's in sexual sin, whether it's an addiction, over an indulgence, whatever it is you're partaking in that the enemy gets you in, the first thing that he wants to do is rip out your eyes and he wants to bind you. So now you are bound and you are blind.

and in that place you feel condemned, feel dirty, feel shame and you don't even feel worthy of God coming and reaching down and saving you and uplifting you and pulling you out of that place. And if you find yourself bound and blind today, I want to encourage you that Jesus Christ died for you, that His blood is enough, that His mercy is enough, that His grace is enough. There's enough for all of you. He is

Christian Searer (:

taken your sins away from you 2000 years ago on a cross. Do not let the enemy fool you. This is a ploy of the enemy to bind you, to keep you going back to this thing and feeding from it and to blind you from looking up to Jesus who is the author and perfecter of your faith. That means he's seeing what you will or will not do in your life and he will not only pull you out of that but he will perfect your faith.

if you so choose to go to Him. If you holistically take a look at each one of these points, you will see that Satan is trying to skew the reality in which we see. He is trying to oppress our strengths. He's trying to remove the calling and the anointing from our life. But if we can just pause in whatever situation we are in and take ourselves out of it and say, God, what is it you would have me do?

Would you restore my strength? Would you lift me up from the oppressor? Would you once again breathe on me and allow my anointing to flow? If we could just remove ourselves and honestly humble ourselves and go to him, he will do it. But if we remain in bondage and we remain in the skewed vision that the enemy puts, we will never be able to see clearly. So I want to pray for you today that

Jesus would restore your eyes, that he would restore your strength and that he would break those chains.

So Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, God, there are real people right now that are in sticky situations. Some of it is self -induced, others the enemy sent somebody into their life and they were sly and they got information from them and they devised a plan and...

Christian Searer (:

And some, was themselves and others, it was not. So God, whoever those people are, I just pray that those people would be removed, Lord Jesus. That the enemy's plans for those people would just be removed and canceled. God, I just pray that those situations would actually just remove themselves so that they wouldn't even have to deal with them, Lord Jesus.

God, I pray that you just give them eyes anywhere where their eyes are cloudy, where their mind is skewed, where their vision and reality has just been warped and twisted. I just command it to be restored right now. Every demonic veil that has been placed over their mind and their eyes, I remove it in the Spirit right now in the mighty name of Jesus. And I just command everything that the enemy has stolen to be returned to them, including their strength. And Father, I just pray that the strength of Samson

would come upon them, that you would just breathe on them, that you would just come upon them and give them strength in their situation to overcome. I just hear the Lord saying, persevere, keep going, keep going, don't stop. You are victorious, you will win. I will strengthen you and nourish you. And Father, I just cancel every assignment that has been sent against them to kill, steal, and destroy, to remove their anointing, to oppress them in their walk.

I just declare that they are victorious. I declare that they are conquerors. I declare that they will come out of this thing, that this will not oppress them, that their situation will not define them, but they will pull from heaven the fabric of heaven itself and be strengthened and encouraged in the Lord. May it be said about them that they have strengthened themselves in the Lord.

So I just declare chains broken, addictions broken, situations restored and overcome for clear eyes and strength right now in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. If you haven't liked, shared or subscribed, please be sure to do so. I call you blessed in the mighty name of Jesus. Go kick some devil booty.

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Christian Searer

I was saved by grace through faith. Called from darkness into light and forgiven of my sins. I have been made alive in Christ and purposed to declare His goodness on my life. I’m continually being renewed by the Holy Spirit and molded into the image of Christ.

I am who God says I am.

My desire is to widely share the authentic gospel of Jesus Christ. I want to model a lifestyle that is "worthy of the calling" and to be found approved.​

This is how I give back to God what is rightfully His.

This is the Authentic Podcast.