Episode 10

Oppressed to Blessed w/ Rachel Sturgeon

Published on: 24th June, 2024

In this episode, Rachel Sturgeon shares her powerful testimony of overcoming trauma and finding healing through God. She recounts her abusive childhood, supernatural encounters, and the hope she found through youth groups and supportive individuals. Rachel discusses her journey from trauma to love, the impact of caring families, and the power of scripture in overcoming spiritual attacks. She also shares her deliverance from pornography addiction, the restoration of her marriage, and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. Rachel encourages listeners to seek personal encounters with God and embrace the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit in their lives.


  • God hears and answers our prayers, even in the midst of difficult circumstances.
  • Encountering Jesus can bring deliverance and freedom from oppression.
  • God's love and presence can bring healing and restoration to even the most broken situations.
  • Community and support from caring individuals can make a significant impact in someone's life. Pornography addiction can have a detrimental effect on marriages and relationships, but deliverance is possible through the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • The darkness of pornography can be overcome by focusing on the light of God and seeking His help and deliverance.
  • Experiencing the supernatural and having personal encounters with God can lead to healing, restoration, and a deeper relationship with Him.
  • The baptism of the Holy Spirit empowers believers to speak in tongues and operate in the gifts of the Spirit, bringing about transformation and boldness. Encountering the power of the Holy Spirit can be a life-changing experience.
  • The baptism of the Holy Spirit is an important aspect of the Christian faith.
  • Surrendering to Jesus and letting go of shame and trauma are key to experiencing the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
  • The Holy Spirit empowers believers to live a transformed life and walk in the supernatural.


Rachel's Socials:

YouTube: @KingdomMountainWorship












You're tuned into the Authentic Podcast, where we explore the transformative power of embracing the reality of Jesus Christ. As we embark on this journey together, we will navigate the depths of faith and discover the profound impact that Jesus has on our spiritual walk in this space. You will find real and inspiring conversations about faith and how, as a believer,



Since I want to give you a warm welcome to the Authentic podcast, I'm your host, Christian Cyr. And I call you blessed, loved and not forgotten. In this family, in this body, you are never alone. You have a heavenly father who is infinitely in love with you, a friend in Jesus, and one incredible comforter named Holy Spirit. May the Lord bless you in today's episode and create an opportunity to become more like him.



I have the honor and absolute privilege to have Rachel Sturgeon on the Authentic podcast. Rachel, thank you so much for joining us today.



Good stuff. Rachel is a great friend of my wife, and I, she's also, a big major part of our nonprofit Psalm 72. I know you guys have heard me mention that from time to time on this podcast. She is our secretary. But even more than that, she is our our worship leader. she is called.



Yo, you got fireworks going on? I'm telling you. I know for those of you guys who can't see this right now, this. This girl has fireworks going on in the background behind her. we're just going to believe that this is a sign from God. Thank you Lord. Thank you, Holy Spirit. Rachel is is an incredible worship leader for us.



she just has a gift. Multiple gifts. One is of intercession. she's always interceding for the body of Christ. But worship is really her weapon. And it's incredible just to hear her sing in the notes that she hits. She really brings God into the atmosphere. Rachel, thank you so much again for coming on here and just setting some time apart.



even though it took two months to get you on here. I remember, I remember talking to you. I'm like, hey, can you come on the. I mean, we're good friends, you know, so I second I could get you in a little bit sooner, but you gave me a date two months out. So here we are. Oh, man.



so, Rachel, what do you want to tell us? Just a little bit about yourself? if you're willing. Maybe your age. Just kind of like just a couple sentences about you, your family. and and how long that you have known Jesus.



So maybe about, like, 15 years. 15 to 20 years or something like that. You've. You've known about Jesus. Okay. Very good. Well, how about you tell us, the about the first time that Jesus got Ahold of you, and you know, if you do want to go back, your testimony is such a God's story of redemption. you know, you you look at certain people's testimonies and you just are speechless.



And this is one of those, circumstances. as you're willing or whatever you would love to share, or like to share about your testimony, please feel free. as the Holy Spirit leads to do so. it's just been amazing, just in the short amount of time that we've known each other. and my wife and I and you and your husband, we've been doing ministry together.



you have just grown exponentially. And your walk with the Lord is so inspiring. And it's contagious. It's so contagious. but just knowing, being able to know about your past and where you've come from. man, it just it's just so good to see that God is faithful through it all. even during the years that it didn't even look like he existed.



so tell us a little bit, about your backstory leading up to that point where Jesus really did get Ahold of you.


















Come on.






we can go. We that. Listen. First of all, that is is so incredible to hear that God hears us. God hears us. There is people listening that just feel like they're in a hopeless situation. That God isn't real, that God doesn't hear them. He hears you. And if he can use wicked kings and rulers and people like that in the Bible, like, of course he can hear and use you.



And of course he could hear and and use a nonbeliever to come in and bring T. And it is just incredible the extent that God's love goes and reaches for us. So I just for those listening, I just want you to know that God hears you. He really hears you. And this story, this testimony that you're going to hear today, it is tough.



It is tough. It is not an easy one to look at, but through it all, God is faithful and he hears you. And and there's a level of surrender. that it takes on our part to walk with him. But he is always chasing us down. He's always trying to open a door and and reroute and provide an avenue for us.



Rachel, there is there's no limits here on this podcast. So it is to what you want to discuss. I will we will go with you wherever. yeah. So if you want to continue, if your story, whatever you're feeling, led to do. even if you want to take it back to, you know, like, four years old.



wherever you want to go, we'll go along with that ride, with you.



Come on.






Thank you. Lord.









Come on.



It is heavy. It really is. You know. And I love that. I love how you are introducing this. And, just, you know, showing. And we're not going to fully, you know, focus on, on the negative side of all of this. You know, we are going to come to the redemptive part of you walking with Jesus. but it is good that you prefaced everything like, hey, like I'm a walking testimony.



God did deliver me from this because there is hope. the world is very hopeless, but Jesus provides nothing but hope. cast to take it away. Where do you want to start?



Who wouldn't be?



During. During this time, I mean, obviously. Abby. Wow. This this is so much, Wow. And I I've heard, a good portion of this before. but for those and I've had time to process and digest this a little bit. so those of you hearing this for the first time, I know this is a lot for you.



And I know that the process is just, like going in in your minds right now. so obviously your childhood was very traumatic. There was a lot of oppression, and your mom was very deceived. And during this time, what was your spiritual like context? What was your your reference to anything like spiritual or God? Did you have any concept of this at that time?



Wow. Wow.



Come on.






So when you say normal earthly realm, you know, for the listener is like. You mean physically. Like with your two eyes. Like you would see you or me? you would see these things.






Could you. Could you share that dream? Because I would love to dive into that just a little bit. because God's so, God's so good, man. And even, like you not having a context for him and you not even knowing him, he knew you. And, there's just so much here, Rachel. There's so much here. We can have, like, 15 episodes.



just on your story. it is wild. There's so much to draw from it. but could you share that dream?



Come on.



Wow, man. That's so powerful. Because that literally parallels, the story of the man that was out of his mind by the tomb. And he used to, like, cut himself in chains, couldn't hold him, and he would be naked and not in his right mind. And the first time that you shared that with me, I just, it impacted me so hard because that was Jesus visiting you.



That was Jesus coming in your dreams and the reason why you were ripping clothes off is because the demons were just so terrified. Like they were. The oppression was so heavy that when Jesus showed up, they had nothing to do other than freak out. And, you know, we read in the Bible and it's like, Son of Man. Like what?



Why are you here? Are you here to torture us before our appointed time? And, you know, they they always freaked out. when Jesus was around and they couldn't help but manifest. just because his love is so pure. His light is so bright. man like. And so even amid all of this oppression and stuff, you, you.



The first night you spend at these people's house, Jesus comes and visits you. And, the only context that I, if I have, with my own personal life with this is my friends and I, we were out in Ohio one time, Jake and he's not from State Farm, but he is from Ohio. I don't even know if he was khakis, but.



So we so we, we just get done with a life group, and I'm so filled with joy. I mean, I am so filled with joy. And we're going to a gas station, and Jake's like, dude, we have an assignment here. So we get out and we go over to this gentleman, in this gentleman, and he's crying and he's in tears.



He's sitting there without a shirt on. out in front of a convenience store, and we're like, hey, man, like, what's going on? And and he said, they just told me that they they they burn Virgin Mary at the stake. And in this and that he's going on and we're like, whoo! And he's like the voices and, these demons were like, just speaking so many lies to him right there in front of a store in front of a 7-Eleven store.



And he's crying. And that that virgin, the Virgin Mary was burned at the stake and all this, and we said, hey, man, like, this isn't true. And, you know, we started explaining to him and, we could tell he was a little uncomfortable. So we said, let's go to the side of the building. So we took him around the side.



And, my friend Jake was like, I'm going to pray for you. I'm going to pray that you received the Holy Spirit. Can we do that? And in that moment, he was like, no, no, no. And I, I could feel, I was so full of joy, up until that point, but I could literally feel the demons inside of him get gripped with fear and freak out.



And it was almost like, if you're in the middle of class and you're, let's say you're cheating or you were sleeping or something like that, and the teacher says, hey, and points at you that like, like that, getting caught, feeling like that, you know, like that is what I felt in in me. dude. And it was like 100 fold.



Like it was more it was like getting called out in a stadium or something like that. Like it was the feeling, the sensation was so intense. And that was just me feeling what was inside of that dude. So, like, I cannot I cannot even imagine, like with all of the trauma, with all the oppression, like everything leading up to this and like, Jesus literally visiting you, in your dreams, like, well, there's that one too.



man, man, that is that's wild. So at that point in time, you didn't have a frame of reference for that yet. This was just an experience, something that you were going through. now, when did you start going to youth group? So you moved out at 11 and. And with these people? it was shortly after. Did you start going to youth group?



I want nothing to do with you. Man of God.



Wow. Come on. No, but that's real. That's real.



Yeah, yeah. Yeah.






Man. Come on.






Thank you. Lord.



Man, you're just getting kicked out of places.






Come on.



You guys, if you're. If you're not. If you're not watching the video format, there is, every now and then, like, a thumbs up comes up on the screen, and we're not quite sure what it is other than God just saying, hey, I'm with you. so we'll just receive it as that.









Come on.



I'm sure.






I think that I think that point is very important to make. And I don't know if you could speak into that just briefly. but I just I feel in my spirit that there are people listening that are very afraid to open their Bibles. They are very afraid to step into a church. They are afraid to go to bed.



They're afraid to. There's a lot of fear driven mechanisms that are going on. can you speak into, like, why you were afraid to open up your Bible and, like, kind of like what? That, what that looked like, and it maybe give a little bit of hope along with that, too. because I feel like there's something to break here.






You lived it. I mean, you lived it.












That's right.



I think we're going to get there in a moment. But I want to stay in this equipping moment.



And I think, you know, a very practical thing. And. Rachel. That's incredible. that's very equipping that that is a wealth of knowledge and just truth spoken from you. I think a great place, if you don't know where to start, is just say, Jesus. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, help me. Jesus, reveal yourself to me. Jesus. if if you're real, show me.



Like Jesus. Just call in. Invoke the name of Jesus. and and here's a great scripture. If you're going through something and you have said yes to Jesus and you have invited him into your heart, into your life. Here's a great scripture for you. If you're going through a demonic attack, if you're going through something that is going on, just say he who is in me, which is Christ.



Christ is now in you, is greater than he who is in the world. And we know he who is in the world is Satan. Satan's been given the world to just rule over for a time here. But Jesus is the highest authority. Jesus is the highest dominion. There is no name. There is no thing. There's no place or principality or anything that was ever created that is higher than the name of Jesus.



So if it is more powerful than Jesus, it can stay. But if it isn't, it has to go. So he who is in you, which is Jesus, is greater than he who is in the world. So just call on the name of Jesus, you know, use that verse, but don't let those be the only two things you need to dive in and find out who you are in Christ.



who does God say that you are? Who does God say that he is? Who is God to you? Who are you to him? And these are just important questions and things that we need to find out. And if you man, I feel this. If you are experiencing something and you just don't keep it to yourself, there's there's there's wisdom.



There's wisdom and who to share this with. but seek somebody. Somebody in the church or somebody of some type of authority or just, you know, someone who's like a really good person, you know, seek somebody and just you have to open up about this stuff because the devil wants to keep you isolated. The devil wants to keep you.



looking inwards and just, you know, excluding yourself away from everything and making you afraid or fearful to talk about this stuff. The Bible says that, you know, if you expose these things, if you expose them, they have to go. They have to flee where light is. Darkness cannot be. So we gotta speak about these things. We gotta bring them out into the light to expose them and to ultimately evict them.



But Jesus will not leave you. He will not forsake you. And I know you guys have heard that before, but it's very true. And you're hearing it in Rachel's testimony. so, yeah. Listen, listeners, fast forward a little bit. so let's just go right to the hands of fire. So, you know, you're, you're 20 something, you're you're in a new place.



you know, you've gone through school, you've remade yourself. God's grace has been on you. you know, you went from. I don't want to say like, nothing to something, but we're just going to bluntly put it like that. and so you're starting to you're starting to live life more of a normal life. and becoming a little bit more open to spiritual things.



You're not so pushy. Push off is like, I don't want your Jesus, man. And you find yourself at a youth group meeting, where maybe this is this is the first time that you've really experienced, like, God's love. One on full display or, how to want to say this? Like, you've been demonically oppressed for a majority of your life, but now you get to see, like, the angelic side.



do you want to speak into that moment? Praise God.



Amen. Yeah.






Wow. Yeah. Man.



Hey. I'm okay. Can I pause just for. For one second? Because, you know, I just. I feel like, you know, there's a story in the Bible where we're, David is playing the harp for Saul, and, like, he has these attacks that go on, and the demons inside of him were soothed as he played this harp. Like he came to peace.



He came to rest. And I just I really feel, like saying this. If if you walk into a church and you tangibly feel different, that's a good indicator of one. 1 to 2. 1 or 2 things here. One God is in that church. And I know that's a weird statement, but there's some churches that he doesn't visit and I know that's really tough to hear.



And maybe someday we'll talk about that. But the second thing that that could indicate is you are oppressed. You are oppressed, that a demon is trying to influence your life, that it is trying to make you feel just heavy and put a weight on you. Maybe your back even hurts or your necks always in pain. Or there's these physical ailments.



But when you walk in the church, there's a pep in your step, a weight lifted off of you. Your pain doesn't feel as bad. Everything's a lot more manageable. 1 or 2 things, but I just want to highlight that. Second thing. If you walk into an atmosphere where good worship is being cultivated and you feel tangibly different, that's a good indicator that you're oppressed and you need to seek deliverance.



You need to go to somebody and say, hey, I was feeling this when I came in here. I'm feeling that. I think something is oppressing me. And, once again, there's wisdom in this. Go to people that have a context and have a frame of reference for this, because there are some people, and this is just a sad reality of the body of Christ today.



And I don't want to see it like this, but that's where it is right now. There are some people who say Christians cannot have demons. Christians cannot be oppressed by the devil, the gifts and the healings and all that is for back then. And everyone has their view, and everyone has a relationship with the Lord and everyone's walking through maturity with him.



And there are just people that are different places. We're all the same. We all have the same spirit. not one person can claim a spiritual superiority over anybody. We are all sinners. We all fall short of the glory. God, we all need a Savior. Not one of us is good enough on our own. So I am not saying that one way is right or one way isn't, or that you are better or higher than somebody else if you operate in these giftings or anything like that.



I'm just saying that this stuff is real and there is freedom for it. And if you are experiencing this and you don't know where to turn, you need to find somebody, a Christian that has a frame of reference for this. Maybe, maybe one of those Christians that people look at like, man, they're a little weird. They raise their hands during worship.



They're always speaking about Jesus. I heard him talking one time and I didn't even know what they were saying was a for tongues or something. Go to that person and explain to them I need help. I need help. I need help, and I just, I just man, I just pray over you, whoever that is. the multiple people that there just be a grace and an understanding for you when you go to that person.



And I just declare freedom in the mighty name of Jesus. yeah. Yeah. I just felt like there was a really big wisdom key there. Rachel. yeah. Praise God, if yes. Man. Thank you Lord. Thank you. Jesus.






Like a veil.



Come on.



This is so awesome.



Hey guys, this is Christian, your host on the Authentic podcast. And I just wanted to take a quick break to say thank you. Thank you so much for tuning in and being a part of our amazing community. I hope you are and enjoying these episodes as much as I love creating them for you. I just wanted to let you know that there is no editors or partners or big time donors that is, supporting the authentic podcast.



I am the man behind the curtain. I do everything myself to bring these inspiring stories and insights to you, and I just want to encourage you that if you found value in our content, please consider supporting the podcast with a donation. Your generosity helps keep the show running and allows me to continue to share these incredible journeys with you.



You will see a donation link on the screen or in the show notes or description below, and if it isn't a monetary donation like shares, comments, subscribes, all of that goes in an immense way.



Thank you so much for your support. I call you blessed in the mighty name of Jesus. Remember to keep dreaming with God. All right, let's get back into it.



Come on.









No way.



Come on.



Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.






So a hot seat is just a chair. just a plain old chair. Doesn't matter. The chair and a person sits down into it and everyone just kind of focuses their attention on that person's person and just seeks heaven on their behalf and just prays over them. And it's a prophetic thing, you know, they you really step into, like, whatever you feel the Lord leading you to just say or to do in prayer.






The trenchcoat. The. The hat. The everything.



Come on.









Come on.



Yeah. Man.






Tell me that. Did that happen? Rachel?



man, you know that. That's so wild to me. Just like how God operates, you know? And I just want to say, like, oh, it's about time that they got a taste of, you know, taste to him, you know, some real power coming back because, man, I do not like demons. I really do not like demons. They upset me immensely.



but that's just. Wow, what a powerful experience. Sitting there cold in a shawl. And the next thing you know, it's like you were thrown into a furnace. You know, God's refining and purifying fire. The fire that will burn and, you know, and kick demons out. man, what a powerful experience. And it's so I know you're getting ready to get into it, but experience without a relationship, it just it doesn't it doesn't go.



and it's a shame because, like, you did have good counsel around you and you did have, the resources to really start stepping into some of this.






Normal. Normal. Christians.



Praise God. Thank you. Lord.



For sure.









It's even worse. Yeah.



Come on.






Go at it.



imony as well. From about age:



We've been ten. 12. I can't do math at the moment. That's awful. But anyways, for many years I struggled with pornography as well, and it is nasty. It's exactly everything that Rachel said. It it all, it all. You know, if you've ever watched it, you're if you're on YouTube and you start off like watching golf videos and then it ends up on, like something weird in the net, and you go down this rabbit hole and into a conspiracy theory or something, and it's like there's layers to this thing, you know?



It's like Satan, he'll dip your toe in and you know, but but the more you submerge yourself, the more that you. the Bible says that your eye is a lamp unto the body. And if you are focused on darkness, how great and terrible that darkness will be inside of you. And then the opposite is true with light.



so the more that you focus on the darkness, the more you are filled with the darkness. And I believe what's actually happening in those moments, you know, because we're we're spiritual beings. We're spiritual people. And if you think about a shark, in a water, in water, how does it know where the person is? It's bleeding while the blood gets in the water.



And, you know, there's a wound. And I think the same is true when we watch pornography or we step into sin, our soul gets wounded and our spirit man is putting off, something in the spirit realm, and that attracts demons that attracts the demonic, that opens up a door and allows for a greater oppression and a greater influence to come.



And, there is nothing hidden in the spirit realm. Everything. Everything is plain. We can put on masks here. We can, you know, hide. We can do facades. We can. We can smile when we're really hurting inside. But in the spirit realm where God is and where God can see, and this is man, the importance of the prophetic.



There is nothing hidden. There's nothing hidden. So if you're in sin, God and the devils also can see it. They plainly the even more plainly than you can see it.









This is, This is going back to the exposure about talking with people. If you're feeling demonically oppressed, or if you're dealing with something like going to the right person. But this is about exposing. This isn't about isolating and and pulling back and being secluded. This is about getting this thing out there so it can truly get out.



And, Okay. So you had a crazy encounter with hands being laid on you. You are. You're living in sin. You're, as you put it, you couldn't get it through your thick skull using your words about God coming and encountering you and actually having, like, this angelic, you know, you see, in the angelic and not just the demonic, and, you know, so you're coming to the realization, like there's a wedge being driven between you and your now husband, Cody.



Shout out to Cody, keeper of the flame. I love you, brother. now how do we want to take that and transition that into, when you actually got it, when it actually clicked for you? we're we're heavy heavily through a major part, a major portion of the podcast. And with the remaining moments, I just I want to really drive home the things that are on your heart.



like I said, we could have probably 15 episodes. It's ridiculous. There's so much in your story and in so much wisdom you have accumulated, and there's a lot to discuss, but I just want to kind of point us and direct us, into the hope side of it, into God's power side of it, where, he is faithful and he will.



He who starts a good work in you will bring it to completion in Jesus name. yeah.






Well, we'll definitely run it back and have another episode or two. Or whatever the Lord leads. I'll have to put you in the schedule now, since it takes two months to get you. So,















Come on.















Oh. This wasn't at the while. This was, at the pools of Bethesda or Bethesda. one of one of the to. Yeah, yeah, he was. He was lame for however many years.



Yeah. Was. That was:



When you have the right people around you and you have the right counsel around you, you have people praying with you and for you, and you're allowing God to do a work inside of you because it's not us who does the work. It's it's him in us. It's from the inside out. God can do things very quickly, very quickly.



We're not even at the time of this recording. We're not even a year into, knowing each other. That's so wild. So much has transpired. Wow. Praise God.



Come on, Jesus, let's go.






Which was, my wife and I's wedding anniversary. so we we were debating whether or not to go to a small group that we were participating in with our church. And I will say this, my wife very strongly did not want to go. And I said, no, we're going to this church thing, and this is what our wedding anniversary, guys.



so I just, I really, I don't know, I just I felt very led for us to go and, when we, when we, we sat down and there was this new couple, which is Rachel and Cody, and, the people in the group are pretty mild when it comes to spirituality. but then this chick, Rachel started talking about, like, kicking demons out and, like, throwing up anointing oil and all of this, and I'm just like, yeah, I'll kick Satan out.



th of:



but in that time, this, this fast track, this man, he does things so quickly, he shows and equips and does so, so much in such a little bit of time because he only has us for a little bit of time. If we just yield ourselves to him. Man. What? We could walk in. yeah, it is good.



It's good news. but at this point in time, I'm like, I want to step into deeper things. I want to cast out devils. I want to speak prophetically and and lay hands and people get healed. And I want to see these greater works that you're talking about. God, because you love us so much. You do these things and provide these things for us.



What good father would allow their child to remain sick? Or what good father would allow their child to remain in bondage? Like what good father would not pour out his love on us? And I had yet to experience that in its full capacity or to a greater extent. So when when you came in and you're like, and I threw up anointing oil and, and I know that it's real and I'm like, preach, sister.



And everyone's looking at we are the only like couples that are like getting hyped. And Eric Cody's is sitting there kind of his head buried like, oh, it's my wife, you know? It just. And I were getting all fired up like, yes, you know. Yeah. man, that that was the start of an incredible, an incredible relationship with you guys.



We love you guys so much, and we're so proud of you and what God has been bringing you through. And and just you yielding yourself. That's the biggest thing we have to yield ourselves to the Lord. And. And you guys doing that? It is. Man, it's just been such a privilege to walk through that with you guys and to see the transformation.



It's it's night and day. I mean, it is night and day.



Yeah. Yeah.



Wow. Sure.



If we. If we wouldn't have went to that meeting, you know? I mean, it was our wedding anniversary. Like, we did not have to go to that meeting.



Yeah. On April 1st. Yeah, yeah. Praise God!



Yeah. I know, yeah! Yes!



No. Don't worry, guys, we'll we'll run it back. There will be another one of these. Just where several months. We'll we'll get there.






It's good.






Yeah. What does that look like?






yeah, I, I, you know, some, you know, the way that the Lord speaks to me a lot of times is just through joy. you know, so I'm very I'm very giddy with joy because, my spirit bears witness to earth what you are saying. I mean, we know it to be true not only because it's just God's word.



I don't want to say just God's Word, but we know it's true because it is God's Word, and God's Word is either true or it's not. It's either a fairy tale or it's real. And you. If one thing's false, then who's to say the rest isn't false? So it's either it's either real or it's not. And not only because we know God's word is true and it's real.



We have also experienced it. And that's the importance of I use the parallel, the duality of Joe before he knew God, or he knew of God. But then at the second part of Jobe, he experienced God. He got to see God for himself. And, there's just something to in experience, but it has to be in the confines of a relationship or pointed to the direction of a relationship.



just going back to, like, you know, your, your hands of fire and other encounters that you had, but it was outside of a relationship. So but but yes. Yeah, I am, I am I am giddy to say the least.



Yeah, that's the power.



That's the power. Come on.






Come on.






It's a sign. It's a sign to unbelievers. It is.



man. Yeah. I'm excited to dive into this here.



right. So, Rachel, you you have just you've been really leading us up to this baptism. you know, and you I know that you feel in your heart like it's important to experience the Lord and and you even use the words like it rocked you. And it's so cool to hear you say that, because I believe you use that same phrase, but with the the demonic earlier in the podcast.



So now this is like the angelic. This is this is God rocking you. so what did what did that look like when the rock rocked you?



And the all man. Now, this is you. I want you to describe this. I'll chime in. You know where led. But, this was your experience. I just, you know, I was so fortunate and blessed. One thing that I love about God is he uses us to get glory. He, he, we are the chosen instruments and tools that he uses to speak to other people, to lay hands on other people, to serve people, not to even say anything.



Sometimes it just open a door. you know, a wide range in variety. He chose us to get glory through. And if none of it. And if he gets all the glory, none of it is ours. But I really love when he uses me and I get a front row seat to seeing him love up on his daughter's love up on his son's, you know, love up on the body of Christ.



I love just being privileged to have a front row seat to that. And this was one of those encounters. This is one of those times, that my wife and I, we had a front row seat to an incredible miracle. I mean, it really was. It's exactly what Rachel laid the foundation for in the Bible. Speaks about it in acts.



There's many other references to it. I love the one story, where I think Paul's traveling. I think as Paul is traveling to, these people. And he said, have you been baptized in the Holy Spirit? They're like, no. and he's like, well, what baptism have you been baptized? That. Well, John's baptism and and Paul's like, no, that's just water.



Like, you need to get baptized in the Holy Spirit. And they're like, well, we're we weren't even aware there is a Holy Spirit. And and they got smacked. They got smacked and, you know, and they, they spoke in tongues and they prophesied and they encountered God in a real way. Because is it in pourtant, is it important to say yes to Jesus?



Amen. Yes, 100%. The most important decision you will ever make in your entire life. Do you receive the Holy Spirit in that moment? Yes or no? Yes or no? yes. The Bible says that you are sealed with the promised Holy Spirit as marked and owned and protected by God. You are a new create a new creature in Christ.



When you say yes to him, a lot of things happen. You are born again. You cannot enter the kingdom of God unless you are born again. A lot of amazing and incredible things, and I don't want to go into super big teaching mode here. I do want to talk about this encounter. but a lot of amazing things happen when you say yes to Jesus.



But there's more. There's always more. Jesus says that he is the living water, and anyone who goes to him will not or will not, thirst any more, like their thirst will be quenched. Like there is enough. There's always enough. There's a super abundant amount, a well that never runs dry. and that more is the baptism of the Holy Spirit is receiving the power from on high.



You see, Jesus and the spirit rests upon him. He got baptized in water. Then he goes into the desert fast for 40 days. The devil flees and he walks out in white and power, in power. So Jesus himself needed to be baptized in water. But also receive the power. It's twofold, and a lot of people get stuck on just the baptism of water, and they never step into the power part.



Which is a shame, because that that's the role in the New covenant. You will be baptized in water and fire with power.



yeah. Yeah. Peter had a vivid vision on top of the roof. The the sheet being laid down and. Yeah, yeah.



Yeah, yeah. Yes. Yeah.



Fell upon him.



Yeah. It's true.



Yeah, man. Come on.



Man, that's even good, too. I love the fact that you just pointed that out as well. That, It doesn't matter who you are in Christ. Like, this is for you. but one thing that I love is that this came first. the the holy, the baptism of the Holy Spirit came first. And then he was like, oh, we need to baptize them in water.



Hey, man. you know, the Lord's leading you into this. It seems like he's brought you to this encounter. He's he's brought you, in the podcast. We haven't talked prior, to the podcast. You know, it's all Holy Spirit, that it's all static, where we're just allowing him to lead. So it seems like the Lord's really drawing you to this place.



That said, you said it rocked you. It's changed you. You cannot even remember or even fathom what it would have been like, you know, living without this experience, you know, prior and until now, once again, it's your experience. I was just privileged to be there. I was just privileged to help, administer the baptism of the Holy Spirit.



use speak on it. You talk when whatever the Lord's leading you to. I want, people to hear from you.






Nine. Nine months. Yeah.






I don't remember the meal. If I'm being honest. I know it was the good, like, farm like country meal. Like it was a good like that. I do, I do now, but I that is the last thing I remember. I love that you have that detail from that day. That's funny.









I can't I cannot imagine that.



That your baby. Christian. At this point, I mean, seriously.



Come on.



Yeah, yeah. You haven't had the angelic experiences yet. The good side. yeah.



Yeah, yeah. she we're just. We're. Yeah, we're in a circle praying I kicked us off. And, you know, my wife was next, and she was like, you know, I just. I received a lord from the vision, or I received a vision from the Lord. And I can just see your feet in the shower, and you're asking the Lord for your prayer language.



that that's like what she received, which was spot on. and then then it transitioned to you had to pray.






Know I mess up my prayer. Oh, no. No, I yeah, I you know, so like, all of this is by faith. It's leading by the spirit. It's, you know, it's not it doesn't look normal from the outside looking in, but it's by faith. And I just I really had the sense to just stop her prayer. And there was something that was supposed to take place, and I just said, Rachel, stop.



And I said to my wife, I said, honey, can you please put your hand on her stomach? And, and I saw Rachel put your hand on your stomach and and just put your hand on top of hers and, you know, call it what you want, guys. I said, wake up, Holy Spirit. I said, I said, it is time to wake up.



Wake up, Holy Spirit. That's what I said. That's there. You know, it's nothing super magical. And I didn't I didn't spin around three times and, you know, do something weird. I just I just was led by the spirit. And that was the instructions. I just said, wait, wake up, Holy Spirit.



Ha! Yeah. He woke up for sure.












I mean, this whole podcast episodes been supernatural.



Yeah. I didn't I didn't know what was going to happen either, either. If I'm being honest, I was just being led by the spirit, so, like, I had no idea what was getting ready to transpire. I was only doing what I was told.









Come on.



If. Anyone.



Oh, yeah. Your husband. I'm just having a little bit of lag on my end. I don't know if, someone's trying to stream something right now or what's going on. not. I think it's more on my end. but I do remember, like, your husband getting ready to pick you up off of the ground, and, I was like, no, we just just leave her there.



Like, she's encountering the Lord. And Jess is like, yeah, she's giggling. She's going to be there a while. And yeah, now and you know, and and it was, it was exactly that. I mean, it's crazy because sometimes when you receive your prayer language, it's just a syllable. Or is this Dada, dada, dada or these, you know, just like something too small, but you are full blown tongues like you when you encounter the Lord.



I mean, it was your prayer language was so mature already, which was incredible that in it, in and of itself was incredible. and yeah, I took time to sit down and to talk with Cody about what what was happening. And I was like, so, it acts chapter two, and there's Rachel and for his shout out of eyes and, you know, just, like, plastered onto the floor, and it was great.



It was a really good equipping time, you know, to, to talk with Cody with that and to, like, be a part of this experience, because you were you were receiving your tongues and the interpretation for the tongues. I mean, it was the Lord literally showed me that, like, he stepped in from the front door, like he he literally walked into the living room and he showed me like a picture of the calendar.



And he had an X on on April 1st, and he had that marked for you. He was like a it was like a birthday celebration, like he knew this day was coming. And man, it was powerful.



Come on.












Come on.



That's right.
























So that. That that ray of light. When it came down and hit you in your stomach. That's when I was asking Holy Spirit to give you more wine.



Is that right?



Yeah. Yeah, I got you. Sorry, guys. if if the conversation seems a little bit chopped up as you're listening, we're just having a couple little technical issues. on our end, hearing each other. But it is being recorded, and it will be smooth. in post. So that's so interesting that, you said that you saw a ray of light, like, come down and hit you in the stomach because as we were speaking, you know, I never really had revelation on why the Lord had me say, wake up, Holy Spirit.



but I just received it while we were talking, and he said, when when we when we say yes to Jesus, we do received the promised Holy Spirit, okay? We we receive him. But he's in a dormant place. He's he's in the stomach. I believe he resides, like, kind of in the womb. that's like the birth, the birth canal, the birthing process.



We must be born again. And I could speak more into that, but I feel like he resides in the womb. Because out of your belly will flow rivers of living water. And. And that was the putting the hands on the stomach part. but we receive the Holy Spirit. But he's just sleeping. He needs to be woken up inside of us.



We need to awaken. and this isn't woke culture theory, whatever. But he he needs to awaken inside of us. We need to awaken our spiritual senses. to God and have that encounter. So I just. Man, he was sleeping. He was literally sleeping. And I just had to say, wake up, man. And that light shone on the stomach, like, why would it shine on the stomach?



You know?






Yeah. Yeah.






Come on.



Amen. Amen. Yeah, I know that, you said we could keep speaking on this, and we are well over, the time that I typically like to, you know, keep my podcast. And I really do want to respect the audience. And there's a lot here. And I know it's engaging, and I know people will stay engaged and listen to it.



but we will run this back. I there's many other encounters, there's many other truths. There's things to dissect and discuss. you know, things that we have encountered and are continually encounter encountering together as a group, as a family, as a body of believers. man. Rachel, I just I thank you so much for taking the time, setting this apart, opening up your life to us, opening up your relationship with the Lord with us, and sharing, just how good and how faithful he is.



Even amid all of the dark trials and tribulations, like he remains faithful. And if we would just open our, just open ourselves up to him and yield and give him and control, what he can do in something is such a short amount of time. Is nine months. I would ask Rachel if you could, pray over our audience to close us out.






Amen and amen. You know Rachel's. You're praying. I even saw people in their cars parked along the side of a road getting baptized and in fire. So I believe that's true. And if that is you, please reach out. We'd love to hear that testimony. Guys, thank you for listening to this episode of the Authentic podcast that was Rachel Sturgeon, a good friend and, an incredible worship leader, a woman of God called to do may many mighty works for the kingdom.



I just called you guys blessed in the name of Jesus, and we'll see you on the next one.

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Authentic Podcast
A faith-based podcast that equips the saints and preaches Christ crucified
You're tuned in to The Authentic Podcast, where we explore the transformative power of embracing the reality of Jesus Christ. As we embark on this journey together, we will navigate the depths of faith and discover the profound impact that Jesus has on our spiritual walk. In this space, you will find real and inspiring conversations about faith and how, as a believer, we should navigate the kingdom reality. We are excited that you are part of an adventure where authenticity and faith intersect. Welcome to the Authentic Podcast!
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Christian Searer

I was saved by grace through faith. Called from darkness into light and forgiven of my sins. I have been made alive in Christ and purposed to declare His goodness on my life. I’m continually being renewed by the Holy Spirit and molded into the image of Christ.

I am who God says I am.

My desire is to widely share the authentic gospel of Jesus Christ. I want to model a lifestyle that is "worthy of the calling" and to be found approved.​

This is how I give back to God what is rightfully His.

This is the Authentic Podcast.