Episode 9

[EP 8] Finding God's Grace w/ Leah Bryner

Published on: 10th June, 2024

Leah shares her faith journey from growing up in a Christian household to experiencing Jesus and the challenges of maintaining faith. She emphasizes transformation through surrender to God, the importance of reading the Bible, and seeking a personal relationship with Him. Leah discusses practical steps to turn to God, such as removing distractions and being honest with Him. She reflects on God's grace, extending love to others, and the freedom found in surrendering to God. Leah highlights unity in the body of Christ and the importance of being set apart from the world, concluding with a prayer for guidance and strength.


  • Maintaining faith can be challenging, but turning to God and seeking a personal relationship with Him can bring transformation and freedom.
  • It is important to remember that God meets us where we are and desires to transform our hearts and desires.
  • Understanding God's grace leads to transformed interactions with others, seeing them as whole individuals and extending grace and love.

  • Letting go and surrendering control to God is essential in the Christian walk.

  • Unity in the body of Christ is crucial, and believers should embrace and learn from the diversity of expressions of faith.

  • Renewing the mind through the power of the Holy Spirit is key to being set apart from the world.












You're tuned into the Authentic Podcast, where we explore the transformative power of embracing the reality of Jesus Christ. As we embark on this journey together, we will navigate the depths of faith and discover the profound impact that Jesus has on our spiritual walk in this space. You will find real and inspiring conversations about faith and how, as a believer, we should navigate the kingdom reality.



We are excited that you are part of an adventure where authenticity and faith intersect. Welcome to the Authentic Podcast. Let's dive in.



Since I want to give you a warm welcome to the Authentic podcast, I am your host, Christian Cyr, and I call you blessed, loved and Not forgotten. In this family, in this body, you are never alone. You have a Heavenly Father who is infinitely in love with you, a friend in Jesus, and one incredible comforter named Holy Spirit.



May the Lord bless you in today's episode and create an opportunity to become more like him. I give the honor and privilege to have Leah Briner on the Authentic podcast. Leah, thank you so much for coming on and joining us today. Yes, thank you for having me. I'm so excited. I'm so excited as well. So for you guys that are listening, Leah is actually my cousin and we had her brother Isaiah on.



He's in one of the beginning episodes, and it's just an honor and a privilege to have both of you on. You have so much wisdom and knowledge, and it's really cool because, well, this part is a call back. My parents got a divorce. Wow, this got deep so fast. my parents got divorced when I was 14, and then my mom's side of the family I kind of lost connection with over the years.



And, it was one of those things that when we were younger, like the sibling, it just it kind of grew apart. And it was a weird, situation. But God is so awesome, and he's so faithful and he is the redeemer. And to see my relationship with my mom redeemed and with that side of the family, it is just so cool.



So having you on today, Leah, it's like I'm hearing your testimony for the first time, and I know that we've been, building a relationship at Thanksgiving and at other events and outings, and God always has so much to speak to you. I swear, like at every event that we have, you're just always highlighted. And he's always thinking about you, and he's always, just talking about you.



So I'm so curious to see what comes out of this recording today, because there's just a lot of wealth that is bottled up inside of you. so tell us a little bit about yourself. Where you're at. Where are you at? What are you doing? What's your age? I know you're in school. What's your major? Just some brief information about you.



Yeah, well, obviously, my name is Leah. I grew up in Perry County, so central PA, yeah. I'm 21 years old, just turned 21 in October, and currently I'm at Messiah University, which is in Mechanicsburg. It's like less than an hour from my house and I am studying, marketing now. I don't know what I want to do with that yet, but.



Well, that's still in the work. It's a it's a very broad major. You can do a lot of different things of marketing, but it's a great major, major nevertheless. And you're very creative, so it fits you well. so how long have you known Jesus? Leah. I like to say, like I've known of Jesus all my life. Pretty much as long as I can remember.



I grew up in a Christian household, so, it's just. Yeah, it's very Roman. Wow. Oh, yeah. He's been around a so I've always known, like, he's a good. He's good. Like, I want to follow him, but that obviously is more complicated the more you dive into, like, my actual, like, faith journey in my life, I'm just discovering God and who he truly is.



And I became a person that we're going to be diving into that journey on a deeper level today, and I'm excited to hear the twists and turns and and how you've walked out this reality in Christ. So it seems like you said, you've always kind of known him. You grew up in a Christian household. And one question I really want to get to and ask is like, tell me the first time that you've really encountered him, like where Jesus really got Ahold of you?



Because there's a difference of knowing him versus like, being in a relationship or knowing about him versus being in a relationship with him, for sure. Yeah. I definitely was the kid that, you know, grew up going to Sunday school every week and went to children's church. My parents were always devout Christians. My dad was a youth leader.



My mom was just always a prayer warrior. And they always just like they always did a great job of just like teaching us Jesus and just honestly being good examples, loving people. Like I had a good view of kind of what it was like to be a Christian for the most part. but I guess more like elementary years.



I just kind of went along with everything, you know, believed in Jesus, accepted in my heart. I don't really remember when, but I just always knew that was the thing. I knew I was going to heaven. I was like, yep, you can always go to that place. Seems pretty cool. Come on. but I think, like, later in elementary, I joined, like, a little.



It was called stars. it was like Wednesday nights. It's like a little girls group. elementary, probably like three, eight, maybe, fourth grade. But we would meet every Wednesday and just do, like, little activities. Have a lesson. maybe volunteer randomly at places. But we would always go to, like, these retreats, usually in the summer, where you just go off.



They have, like, different speakers that come in. There's lots of activities that we get to do. There's different, like worship nights and, it was a really cool experience. I did grow up in like Assemblies of God Church. Like that was a normal thing to do. but yeah, I think there would probably be like my first, like, true.



Just like personal encounter. I think growing up, I was a witness, God, in different things and Jesus and, you know, saw cool things happen. but I did personally, I was always kind of lacking like the okay, like, how do I actually have a relationship? Why am I like, who is he to me? Like, I don't know, I just always felt a little disconnect there.



But I think the first time he really got Ahold of me was probably at like one of those retreats, just like being there, hearing the speaker and just feeling that like, true to being at worship night and just getting like, this overwhelming, like sense of I didn't know what it really was, but I just brought me to tears.



And I had such a peace. And like, looking back, I'm like, oh, wow. Yeah, like that was definitely just God like, I didn't know what it was. I just saw, like, heightened emotion. Who knows? Yeah, sure. But I think the thing that really made me realize, like, that's when he got hold of me was probably because I left.



And also, like, they prayed over all of the girls, like, before we left. And the main thing they would pray is like, or they would ask us like, what do our prayer requests like, like, what do you guys prepare for it? And a lot of us were saying, like, we just we just want to leave change. Like, wow, we just want to be changed.



And I was like, wow. Like I remember just leaving and being like, yeah, like, I just want to I want to leave and be different. Isn't that like what being a Christian is about? Like going to be different and like, I just want to be change. Like, that's kind of like the basis of where, like my personal like relationship got started with, like Jesus and like, I just really feel like I reached out to him and he put that like on my heart of, like, yeah, man, change you.



Like, let's change your heart. Like, because I didn't, I don't know, I just kind of just believed everything I was taught all my life. I didn't really, like, experience it for myself quite yet. so I think that was like the very beginning of it, just that, like urgency in that sense of like, I, I do want to be different.



I want to be changed. I want to see what this is actually like all about myself, man. There's such a maturing in that. And even at a young age, like you coming to a realization like, I can't just know about God, but I need to experience him. That's incredible. And that's I really believe that is how God has created us.



It it's an experiential thing. And I'm not saying that it's all about signs, miracles and wonders and, you know, crazy like running across the front of the church or speaking in tongues or whatever, you know, your flavor is, but any good father would want to play with his kid, would want to encounter and spend time with his kid.



And I'm just thinking back to like Jobe Jobe part one knew of God. Now, he went through a lot of stuff, no doubt. but Jobe part two, he says, not only have I heard about you, but now I have seen you. I have experienced you, and I think there's such an importance for us to to get to know God more than just his word.



you know, like, I think of, like the Bible saying we will worship in spirit and in truth, and the truth is like his word, you know, and like it's the living word. It's very important to read your Bible and like, know the word. But there's that spirit aspect. It's like, whoa, what? What is this thing? What how do what what do I do with that?



so when you had this first encounter with the Lord, you felt a peace come upon you? Can you describe that a little bit more? It's almost like you feel like nothing. Nothing else like matters. I don't know how to describe that. It just is like nothing else. Like what's hindering me in that moment. And it just was that, like, overwhelming peace or maybe even that sense of just like I'm taking care of like, wow, you know, like that's how I would describe it.



I feel like that's incredible. Now, we're you might not know this, but did other people have a similar encounter to you while you were at one of these retreats, or, did you kind of, you know, were you alone on this? honestly, most of the girls were having, like, similar encounters, maybe not as extreme, like, maybe not all of them were, like, crying, like I was right here, but but they definitely were all just, like, very at the moment and very like we're all experiencing that just you could just tell, like the whole room was just very impacted.



And just like the leaders there were coming, coming out of that event. Like, was there any group of you that were able to like, talk about that and cultivate that? Because I love your guys's hearts, man. You're like, we got to leave change and I love you. Were starting to preach is the evangelist inside of you. You're like, well, that's what being a Christian is about, right?



Like, I could see you start to get fired up. That's so good. were you guys, like, able to cultivate that, or was that an experience to kind of hop into at a young age? And it got placed on a shelf like what took place after that conference or after that retreat? Yeah. Yeah. I think I had those thoughts, but then it's like you leave those retreats, you're not around all the same people.



You're not around the same leaders. You just go back to your regular life. you always have that in the back of your mind, like. Like. Yeah, yeah, like I want to be changed. But then you're left with that question of like, wow, wow. Like, how how's that going to happen? And then you start, you know, just hanging around the same people or just going to school every day, and then it's like, okay, you don't really have that like desire anymore.



That almost like, hey, man. And I think that's what then I experienced for so much of my life, or like where I am was like new, like, this is what I wanted. Like I want to be change, I want to, but then it's like but also I was like that desire was also just not there. Or I was like, do I really like I feel like if I give the worldly things up or like, actually body is like that doesn't seem as good or like, wow, thinking about reading my Bible and like, I read like I don't want to do that.



I used to ask my mom, I be like, how do you read your Bible every morning? She would always be sitting there when I come down here in the living room, sitting there with her Bible open every single morning, and I'm just like, hey man, why did how do you get yourself to do that every day? Like, no way would I ever do that.



And then I remember her saying, like, yeah, but when when you get to know I'm, I'm like, when you get to like, read it and you see what it does to you and you see like the impact of his, she's like, you actually start to look for it. Like you actually will get excited one day. Like, so like I don't you might not be there now, but like one day, like this will be exciting.



Like you'll realize. You'll realize that's kind of like, oh, she can't really go into too much depth. But always remember that. Which is funny, cause it just kind of came with my brain now. But I'm like, I will never forget that. Because then of course, like when I actually experienced and, like, reached it and I saw that like the Lord was good, like, can I understood?



So I was like, yeah, I want to read my Bible. This is exciting. Give it to me. Like, I need all this work. I need to answer like I want and like it was funny to look back and realize, like, right, I'm. I was right, like, Amen. But in that moment, in those years of like growing up in, like elementary, middle school, like, I just didn't really believe that, like, God's better, you know, his ways better.



yeah. I just thought, like, be a Christian was, like, constantly doing things you didn't want to do, just. Oh, what? And I think that's that's what I think so many people, experience and a lot of my friends had experienced the same thing. but and obviously I did even my siblings, I think just growing up in that like, Christian environment, you see everyone doing all this, the things and you're just like, I don't know, I don't want to.



Yeah, but you don't realize that, like, it's not just you doing them. It's not just us trying to be good and trying to, but it's like a work that the Lord does in your heart. but honestly, that kind of then, like, leads into more of, like, my first God encounter. But if you've had any other thoughts where maybe there's so much there.



And thank you so much for just being so raw. And I'm going to play on the name of the podcast. But authentic. And that's what I love, is just having true conversations. Because walking with Jesus, it's not rainbows and sunshine and glitter and sparkles. It's it's quite the opposite. And, you know, I, I like to relate to Scripture.



And Jesus said, if they persecute me, they will persecute you also. So it's like he's not really promising us sunshine and rainbows. he's like, yeah, I'm going to I'm going to promise you some persecution. This thing is going to be like, you're going to have to pick up your cross daily and die to yourself. That doesn't sound fun.



You know? But up front it's like, yeah, youth group and in worship and, you know, stuff like that. Jehovah's sneaky man. He knows what he's doing. my God. But I think that is such a trap. And I know your father. He says a phrase, and, man, I'm probably going to butcher this, and I wish I had this better, but he's like, the word without the spirit.



You you don't you don't grow up or. Oh, man, or you drop out. You type the word, the word without the spirit, you dry up the spirit without the word, you blow up. but the with the spirit and the word. You grow up, bro. he says it's so much better than me. But you guys listening can get the context of that.



And I think a lot of times, and this is something I'm, I'm really just coming to a realization and, and I say it often, but I think the church as a whole is really good at worshiping with truth. And it's like, oh yeah, we need to do works. We, need to go to church. We need to attend, you know, a conference or a small group or something like that.



And people get into, you know, the true side of it, but there's a whole spiritual aspect of it that if we do not have Holy Spirit pouring into us, if we're not spending time in our secret place with Jesus getting filled up and just sitting before the father and being saturated in his love, if we're not doing those spiritual things like keys phrase says, we'll dry up the word.



Without the spirit, we will dry up. And I think so often, you were you were discussing like, a slow fade, like having that encounter with Jesus, and then it just kind of, like, waning and just sliding away, and reality comes crashing back in. And I don't know where this is. I have some deep thoughts on this. but I think reality versus faith is always going to be one of our biggest struggles as believers.



number, number one, biggest struggle as a believer, I think, is receiving. I think that's probably the biggest struggle that we have as believers is is receiving what Jesus has done on the cross for us, and not just for salvation. But, you know, God is the provider. God is a healer. God is a deliverer. you know, and the many different attributes of Christ and realities that we live in as a Christian.



And I think it's so tough because we put on clothes, we drive cars, we eat food, we do all of these physical things. But there's such a spiritual aspect to everything that we do, and we're not a body that has a spirit. We're a spirit that has a body. And our time here on earth is very short.



It's very minimal. So this time that, like, we're in a flesh suit, is very, very small compared to the time that we're in a spirit and there is a spirit in a glorified body for eternity. so it's like, how do we keep that eternal perspective while in a physical place like Earth? You know, it's it sounds so weird to talk this out and flesh this thing out.



but it's a slow fade and. Yeah, I think and you might even get into this, too. I think I've come to realize that it's more than just an encounter with God. It's it's like it's it's loving him for him. Not the goosebumps that we can get and not the good worship and, the dreams or the healings or whatever takes place, like it's loving him for him, but at a young age are context or framework of that.



It's not quite there. and I think I'll, I'll let you get into this. I'll let you get into this. Do you think do you think it would have been a little bit different if someone would of. And I'm not, like coming against your parents. Like I love your parents. But if someone would have, like, fathered or mothered you more in the faith, like, do you see room for, like, more equipping, or do you think, like the youth group model?



The way that it worked was good. Oh, so good question. I think, Well, first of all, I think with anyone, if it's like any youth group or even parents, like, I think the number one thing that like, will always be helpful is just like remembering. Like remembering what it's like to not understand wow. Or to like, not really know or not to connect all the dots or to not know really anything of the Bible other than the Noah's Ark.



you know, like the basic Joseph and like just remembering, like, oh, I never read Ronan's or like, I never read it, like, because I think we get a lot of the Christian language, and we hear it and we become numb to it, and we don't actually understand what it means. Wow. Even just hearing God's grace, like, I never really been like my parents could have told me and really equipped me with all this knowledge.



But like, I still like it. Things just didn't click until a certain age, until I like discovered it on my own. And honestly, I think that was just God's. Maybe that was his way of like, that's how you wanted to, reach me or, that he knows. But I mean, I thank you for the main thing. Yeah.



What they can do is really like, provided by them. Fundamental like like what is the gospel, truly? Because I think all I heard growing up was like, this is what I remember. I know that's not what all I heard, but this is just what I would remember was like, Jesus died on the cross so you could be safe.



Yeah. You know, and Jesus died on the cross. And now, like, we follow him, I guess. But I didn't truly understand like, yeah. God's character that and like the read like even like understanding creation. Why he even created us to begin with and just like, understand and with that desire to have relationship with us and love. But then yet that was separated.



He so badly wanted to restore that relationship that that he like, lowered himself in order to come to where we were at and like just the beauty and like so I discovered so much more of what the gospel actually was. And I think that's where, like, truly impacting me is kind of funny because that's the most simplest thing.



Yeah. That you could ever like, like that's actually maybe what we get wrong, it's forgetting to like actually tell the gospel again, because then what we try to do, we forget to tell a gospel and then we focus on is more like the okay, now do you get to do this? And we try to like, oh, I don't know if it's discipling or leading without that first, that foundation.



because if you don't have that foundation to understand why, then you're just doing, doing in order to just like I just have to like, I just have to like whatever. And I think that really goes alongside with like the how I was feeding, encouraging me, just trying to put on a good face because, like, I'm supposed to be Christian, I want to represent Christ.



Like I'm told like this. I'm a Christian. Like I have to represent Christ if I'm not doing that. Like, sure, like and so I think even though I might put on the Christian outfit, the Christian like faith deep down like I was rotting because my heart wasn't even in the right place, my heart wasn't actually being transformed by the love of God, because I didn't even understand what was going on.



And I think that's like what happened to me. Like, you wouldn't even know that. Oh, that's what I was going through. Like I always thought like, oh, I don't even really have intentionally. I'm not doing drugs and not out, you know, like go and be in that class, like, but I think my testimony is more like the internal like I had I did all the Christian things.



I was a good Christian child. But what was happening deep down inside was, you know, who knows? I can be nice to people, I can be kind to people. But deep down, maybe I was envying and jealous of others and wanted and was comparing myself to others. Who knows? I didn't have a boyfriend after high school, but deep down I could still be sexually immoral.



Or I could still have this lust with. I could still be going through that turmoil. there's just so many things where it's like, just because you're putting on the face or just because, like, you're you can still be writing, you can still be missing the whole point. And I think the second I actually like, heard the gospel and read like Romans, I like that was the first thing I read for myself.



It was actually during like around Covid time when I actually read like just Romans for myself and really understood, just like, wow, Jesus. I came. Beautiful book. Oh, that. Yeah. It's so funny. Like, just like reading that I was connecting so many things and I could not stop reading the Bible because I was like connecting the dots and dots that I had questions about all my life.



And I didn't realize that it was the answers were there. and when I realized those things, oh my goodness, like, that's when I started seeing the Lord working in me and like him, like literally transforming my heart and like the my desires were changing and like, the more I just got after him, the more I desired him more.



And more. And it says that in the word like that's what's going to happen to it. Always clicking in my head. And I was like, wait, so I don't have to just like or wait because we've made some good. He can actually do a work in me. Come on. My desire is to please him like my desires and to actually, like, follow him.



Yeah, like that was like life changing. And that's what I like truly about more led by like the spirit and like my life started to be, like actually changing like that was my like first like God encounter and I don't I don't know if you know this or not, but you're coming at something today. I'm telling you, you are on assignment and devil, we are putting you on an eviction notice.



I, I man, I just feel so strongly in the spirit right now that there is people that are listening, that are resonating with your story. Leah. There are people that not only have one mask, they have two, three, 4 or 5 masks. One for the office, one for home, one for the church, one for the bar, one for the club.



They have a bunch of different masks and I, I just I really feel like just declaring this today that masks are getting ripped off. Today, they're all going to be masks that are thrown into the trash today. And I just I think it is so important what you are saying, that it is not from the outside in, it is not from the outside in.



It is it is not about us getting more of the Holy Spirit. It is allowing the Holy Spirit to get more of us. And religion will say, okay, you're a Christian now. You can't drink, you can't you, you can't smoke, you can't do this with other people. You can't look at that. You got to drive this. You have to wear that now.



Come on. How fair is that? You were you were just born again. You're just saved for two seconds, and you expect everyone to conform to these rules that took you 20 years to do. Wear it. Why are we pointing finger fingers and judging people? Why are we? I'm coming at something today to why are we playing Holy Spirit?



Why are we not removing the log from our eye? So we can then go remove the speck from our brother or sisters? And I man, it is such a powerful truth what you were saying. And I'll even say it like this. There is so much freedom in surrender. There is so much freedom and surrender. How many times do we try to control a situation and take it into our own hands?



You know, I praise God I was spending time with the Lord's Day. And he said to me, you know, Christian, every time you try to take control, you're trying to bring yourself off of the cross. You're trying to resurrect yourself off of the cross. And I'm like, well, what do you mean? He's like, well, you were crucified with me, right?



And I'm like, yeah, I was crucified with you. That's what your word says. And he's like, well, why are you trying to take me on? Why are you trying to take yourself off the cross? I'm like, well, I'm not trying to. And this is my internal dialog. And he and he's like, but do you understand that when the father looks at the cross, he sees you, and when he looks at you, he sees me.



But every time you try to take control and try to take a situation over in your own strength, you're resurrecting, you're pulling, your old self off of the cross. Your old man, and trying to put it on. But the issue, gosh darn it, the issue of trying to put on the old man is that is your wounded nature that is no longer, you're no longer being a partaker of the divine nature.



You're being a partaker of your wounded nature. Yeah, it's it has holes in it. It's beat up the beards ripped off. you know, ladies, your hair was ripped out, like, however you want to think about it. Like Jesus was beat up, unrecognizable on the cross. I mean, it was a scene and a half, and we're trying to put that person back on.



That's what happens when we take control. That's what happens when we put on these masks, when we try to, put this facade on. And the only person that we're hurting other than God's heart is ourselves. Well, you know what? And those around us. Because if we're not being real with ourselves, who are we being real with?



Oh, man. and here I could just add on that to like it roll. Oh my goodness. Like. Yeah. And in those moments you feel so like trapped too because it's like. You you kind of like, you want to follow God. Like you want to also like, spread the word to others. Like, you know, here's guy like, you know what he does and says, if you like, if you've witnessed him in other people's lives, you know what he can do.



But if you haven't actually, like, truly experienced him and he has it really, like even transformed your heart or like anything, then you always have this, like, hesitancy. Yeah. I always had a really hard time, like, truly going all in or like, being like, all you gotta do this or like, you know, like the all out. I don't know how to describe it.



Like, I just almost like a hypocrite. And I just always, like, I just couldn't do it. Like, so I kind of so just, like, laid back and just, you know, felt more like that lukewarm Christian. I knew that wasn't good. And I was like, it's kind of what I'm doing. But what I found like, when I like, truly like started getting transformed and like my desires were changing, like, that's where I really felt the freedom because I no longer had to, like, hold back.



I no longer felt like part of me was this way. Pardon me, was that way like, that's right. I was it like, feel like a hypocrite. So I was like, oh yeah, now I can just fully hop in this. And if I spread the word to people, I won't feel like, oh, but I'm not really doing that. So, like, I can't really give them advice or like, it's like I felt like I was able to actually, like, proclaim the good news or right, God be more like, expressive in like what I believe maybe or like like that's where like so much freedom happened.



Like then I really went all in because I didn't feel like guilt or shame, like, oh, like I'm doing X, Y and Z, but yet I'm still a Christian. I don't know, like and I didn't really understand God's grace at that time either. So like, man, that's I was also like battling that and so many different stages of just realizing the truth and hearing the mundane sayings or the cliche.



Yeah, I'm all these. And finally, like understanding for myself that every single phase of my life has been like that. And it's just that's how I've been able to grow. I could never just say like, oh yeah, this day happened and I ever was changed. And I never looked back since. But it's just been like a constant, like discovery and even confused stage.



But just like there's always been that desire of, like, I do want to know him. Like I want to know because I want to believe that that's real. And if I believe it, that's real. I actually want to then like, live it out and see it for myself and like, man, actually you are so good at bringing the grace part.



sometimes the the like prophetic side of me, it's very black and white, you know, and I come at some things sometimes, and I think there's grace in this moment because the Lord knows that you're full of it and you like to share that. so I'm hammer down some truth over here, and you're just, like, laying it out, like it's okay.



Like God's going to do the work in you. And I love that because it's true. And I. And if you're getting riled up and stirred up, those of you that are listening and, and if you're getting upset, I would just encourage you to just to look inwards. I don't think it's us that you're getting upset at. I think something inside of you is getting stirred because this is a very convicting episode.



I just I feel so much truth that is on it. And Leah, you even mentioned a phrase that I mean, it just stuck out to me. you said double minded. double mindedness and double mindedness, can also be described as schizophrenia, which is a mental disorder. And the Bible says, I'm thinking it's in James James one five.



Like, if you lack wisdom, ask for wisdom are benevolent. God will not withhold that from you and give it to you. But if you ask, you have to ask and believe. Because if you don't like, you're tossed to and fro and you're double minded and it and it goes. One is like the double mindedness and how it's not good.



so I love that you're kind of drawing a picture here that as you spend time with the Lord, your desires start to change. And that's because he's doing a work inside of you. And as he's doing the work, it's not us that's doing the work. He's the one that promised to do the work. Praise God, because we are not good at doing that work.



he does that from the inside out. And as your desires change, so does your mind and your carnal mind, which is your your brain, your your flesh brain starts to be subjective and, held service to the mind of Christ. And then his thoughts start to become your thoughts. Oh, man, this stuff keeps me out, man. He's so good.



ems like around Covid, around:



Can you tell me what was going on in that time? And like, what led to that? yeah. So actually probably like a little bit even before that experience, I actually went to I, a youth convention with, like again, another like places where a bunch of youth gather and just it's different than my girls retreats, but it's just like a convention.



There's like a few speakers and then, worship. And it's just a cool gathering of a bunch of youth. but I went there with my one best friend who also has played, like a huge role in my faith. we both grew up very similar. So we were able to really, really on a lot of things. our hearts were very similar.



especially in our faith journey to. It was also very like at the same, place. But I went with her to the conference and I just remember, like, being reminded it was, this one worship song. I forget what it is, but the thing that, I was reminded of was just like, God will meet me where I am because I kept thinking, like, cause I had all that shame in me.



Like, I was like, oh, I need a restart. I need to, like, turn. Like I need to go back to ground zero. Like I just like I keep slipping away, I keep like. But I was reminded like, just turn to him. Amen. Turn to him. And he is going to meet me. Where I am. And like that like gave me so much peace because I just kept like not wanting to go all in because I was like, but like, I was like holding on to different things and like.



But he also just turned to me, like, I'll meet you where you are, like. And I think after like having that in my brain and then like, I think I went through another school year. but then boom, Covid happened. I had then that opportunity to be like, okay, how do I actually turn to him? You know, like I want to, like, press in, like how?



Well, this time, like, I really just want to, like, know him more. And I think that's like what really helped me like just realizing, like, as long as I'm turning to him, I'm turning away from the sin that I keep getting, like tied down in or like that. I feel like he hold me back. So I think the biggest theme was like, turn to him.



especially in my like first like God encounter, because as soon as I did that.



That's that's again like where I. So period I hear you saying turn to him. And prior to you actually turning to him, you were asking, how do I turn to him? Yeah. And and once again, I just I feel so strongly that there are people that are very much so resonating with what you are talking about right now, like, okay, Leah, I'm with you.



I'm on the same darn journey you have been on. I had an experience, but I don't know how to take myself to him. What are some practical steps? What were some, you know, things I don't want to say that would maybe save some people some time. Because there's a beautiful thing that happens in the process and in the walk with Jesus.



But what are some good practical applications that you found that you used to turn to him? well, first of all, like I always relied on that verse and like, my parents always like that it too. But like, if you can like he, you'll find him like he says, if you seek with all your heart, like you will find me.



And I think that always stuck out to me. So I was like, okay, let me seek him. but I think practically, I definitely, first of all, went to his word. That was like the first thing I did. And that really opened my eyes to a lot. that really, really helped. But also, I think part of seeking is sometimes like from losing things, because if you're seeking after something that there's a bunch of things blocking that thing you're seeking, it's harder to like, see it and like turn to where it's at or it's harder for that.



So let's say like God is light or Jesus is the light. Like if things are blocking that light, it's like not shining through. which then relates to my favorite verse, like that relates to my testimony. But what's your favorite verse? Well, I have a lot, but I just chose one that kind of related to my game, like Psalm 34.



five let me get the exact I screenshotted that while you're looking that up. I just want to say that is such a good picture, an analogy, because a lot of times people are visual learners. We kind of need to see it. And you paint the picture very well. It's like if we if we have so many things in front of us, you know, I think of like John the Baptist who cleared the way for Jesus and, you know, sometimes I pray that over people like father in the name of Jesus, I just said a John the Baptist spirit out in front of people to pave the way, to take away hindrances to remove stones



that would make them stumble, or, traps of the enemy that are laying and wait for them. I descended John the Baptist spirit out in front of them, and I love that you recognize that that that was an important thing to see camp. Because you, you you were going after him. It really sounds like you're like, okay, gosh darn it, I'm doing this thing.



I'm going in. I put my foot down. Jesus, here I come. I was like, let's see if this is right. Let's see if I actually seek him to find him. You know, I even was praying like, you know, because once I was like, all in and I was like, oh, I now see the gospel. I'm understanding things like, I was like, what?



I'm well, it's like, yeah, I want all the wisdom. I'm like you said, you give freely with wisdom and like, Praise God, I want, I want that. I do want to know that like, wow. Like he's not going to hold back even though I'm young or even though X, Y and Z like, yeah, he is willing to give it.



And I'm like, wow, okay. Which honestly, I've learned he's given through multiple different experiences. Challenge. Like so many things have happened throughout my life that have given me like his wisdom or even just living out the things in the Bible that is like that brings wisdom, because then you're able to see the fruits of doing things like Christ, following Christ way like you're able to see the fruit and actually understand and like, Amen.



Yeah, that was huge. But yeah. So the verse that related to what I was talking about is, Psalm 34 five, those who look to him are radiant and their faces shall never be ashamed. Come on. That was a huge like, I don't know, chain breaker. Like when I discovered that, like, verse, I just was so like, relieved.



especially like the other verses were just like, talking about, like those who, like, trust in the Lord or those who, like, fear the Lord. Like they wackness like they like nothing like they do, like, oh, I deal what this. And I struggle with this or that or like and I, I just, I don't know, like that just gave me a peace in knowing like, you know what?



He is good. He says, if you just come to me and you seek me and it's like, turn to me. Like I will take care of that. Like I will take care of that. Like it just like brought me so much peace and like knowing, like if I just looked at him, I'm radiant. That shame has nothing on me.



That is. Then like that is not what I'm getting power to like. I can be radiant. I can shine even though, like those things. Like it's because of him. It's because, like, we're turning our faces to him. And that's like, that was like, I love that verse. And honestly, that whole chapter is so powerful. Completely the same chapter that talks about like, teaching that the Lord is good or I don't even know, talking about those who take refuge in him.



And I love of Psalm 34, I think it's very, very powerful. All right. Well, if you, have been thinking about reading Psalm 34, here is your sign. Go in that thing and read it. Man. Lee, I love how you're bringing some practical steps to this, like turn in a way. Just take take a time. Just take a section of a time.



Turn away from kind of what what you were doing. Remove some distractions. Open up God's word. Like, actually, it's it's not magical, guys. It's not even at times the most exciting thing, but it is very practical and it is very important to us as Christians as we are walking this thing out, we need to build a foundation. We need to have a healthy filter that when we hear something, that we have an appropriate we have a good clear filter to filter that stuff through.



We need to know how to test the spirits, and we can't test the spirit if we don't know the truth. Oh man. So get in the word, remove distractions and seek him. I think that is, Matthew seven that talks about like ask, seek and knock. man. And those are kingdom principles. Those are those are spiritual principles that God has set in place for anybody at any time, at any place on, on the earth.



Those are principles that he cannot lie. These are things that don't return void or or come up not like if you do this, he is faithful and true to, to to bring his word to fruition. man, that's so good. And so good. All right, you're leading up to an encounter here. You're leading up to something. I gotta know what happened.



and, gosh, where was I even at? Well, that's just honestly. What? Just. I don't even know if it's, like, completely like, leading up, but that is, like, that's honestly my story because I think it's like, with testimonies is that you're always like, what's the big thing? Like what? Like just, well, but I always would say, like, I don't even know, because every time I thought it was the big thing, then another thing happened and I learned more, or I realized, oh, like, I have a different view of matter, which is, like, really funny.



but I think once I actually started to just, like, practice what the word would say, and I actually just was honest with God about everything, like just fine. It's like, tell me exactly how I feel or like, not test or challenge him, but like, hey, like he said this like this, what your word says. Like I'm kind of relying on that.



Like, I hope that's like true. Like I'm relying on it and like, or I would just explain to him how I feel like I don't even want to like, open the Bible right now. Like, I don't feel like it or I feel lazy or whatever x, y, z, I think just like being honest and open and realizing, like you can he can handle all of those, like confusing questions or any of the things that you're, like, dealing with, like, he's not afraid of any of that, and he is just so happy that, like, you are choosing to be with him and turn to him and like, I don't know, just like knowing that like



really encouraged me to like, continue. And as I would continue like that's just when I realized, like my desire to continue following him increase. And I actually started to notice those like heart shifts and like the changes in me that I couldn't explain, that I couldn't just say like, yeah, that was me. Because that is not how I felt in the past, but that's not what I experienced in the past.



Like I genuinely did not have like that desire to like, sit in that way or this way or like it, like I was so focused on the Lord that, like, those things just start to like they don't. He's don't deal with things just like you're always tempted. I said like, of course. But I think the I, the big thing I realized was the more I said my spirit and the more I like sought after him, it made it so much more like feasible to like turn the method in like kind of run away from it.



and that was just like they a practical I mean, became through the spirit and the just like your flesh resist the devil and he will flee. Yeah. Come on. It is funny because, like, there's just so much scripture that backs up, like all the things that I was like, realizing. It's like I was able to really be like, okay, I like this really is like, true.



It. But I think even though I experienced that, like, I would see my parents out. So I think, like, how did they just always so consistently year after year, day after day, they're just sort of it or they're just so like they never seem to have the how to or not like the most. Like, you know, the spiritual ups and downs like, sure.



Because I've always like, that's what I was experiencing like all throughout like high school or even college is like, you know, going through those dry seasons, going through those, like confusing times, like I always struggled with that, like what what what's going on there, like, and it's weird because, like, the Lord would always then give me a word that would like my freshman year, like, bring me out of those dry seasons and or just bring a revelation or like, but I still I always did struggle with just that.



Like in-between of like, I just feel like I was falling a little bit and I come back and I'm like, how do I just stay? Like in it? But then I'm like, I don't know. It's like, why would I be learning all the things that I learn each time I come back? Like, I think some of those times gone through just like hard times, like it's not always just like a dry season, but it might just be like a difficult time and it just feels draining.



I, I am sure your parents did not start off being steady. Eddie always continued. Oh for sure. And and here's why I really believe that. so like strongholds, I was just learning about this. There's actually, like, a rut that forms in in your brain. It's like your brain, like, wears out these tracks if you think of, like, tire tracks or whatever.



and you're so used to doing something and sometimes these tracks can get really deep. and I think as we, I think as we renew our minds at what is the Lord renews our minds like those strongholds, those tracks. So they start to get filled up and they're not as deep and they're not as worn. And that and then we don't even go near that track, you know.



And I think that's part of, like breaking out of a



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stronghold. And I've kind of always, had the sense or the feel of like a rubber band. what do I mean by that? I feel like, you know, when you get, like, a brand new rubber band, it's like super tight and like, you know, like it it takes a while.



Like, you have to keep stretching it for it to get, like, super elastic and worn out. And at some point it breaks. Well, I felt like I'd be running, running, running and snap back and then run and run and run it. And I go a little bit further because the band is getting more elastic and snap back and running, running and running and things really stretch and get, you know, snap back.



But each time, each time you run, the farther back you go, the harder you snap back. you know, there's more of a resistance. There's more of a pull that's pulling you back because you're you're really on the verge of breakthrough in these moments because just a little bit more resistance, just staying a little, just steady, just a little longer.



That rubber band can't hold you anymore. And it snaps and it propels you forward. And I feel like that is kind of the the Christian struggle is going against that resistance, which is the flash and which is Satan. but God is so much greater, and he who is in you is greater than he who is in the earth.



And if we just continue to stay steady, eventually we're going to get out of those strongholds. And eventually, like there is victory in Christ. We do not need to remain hopeless. We do not need to, remain in sin or condemnation, you know, go back to Romans, Romans eight one. There's no longer guilt, shame, or condemnation for those who are in Christ like we are victorious in him, so we don't.



The reality is, God does the work in us. It's his promise. We just have to believe in that. And we have to believe that when God looks at the cross, we're hanging on it. And when he looks at us, he sees Jesus and that. And that is why the penalty of sin has been removed, and that we can be spotless and blameless and in right standing with him.



And there is no shame or guilt or condemnation. It's not because we did something or we tried, but it's because we believed. It's because we received what he has done on the cross for us. How are we saved by faith through grace? it's it's a belief thing. It's a belief thing. And I think that is seriously one of the biggest struggles for Christians is it's believing and and receiving, you know, what what he has done.



And you even alluded to this early on. Earlier on in the podcast, you said I almost you know, I felt as if and I felt this to it because it's very real that, you know, if I give up Netflix or Nutella or whatever it is, I don't know, whatever, you know, whatever the thing is, you know, put your thing in there, like, does God really have something better for me?



Like, is there something better that could replace this? if I, if I did yield myself to him, like, am I going to be miserable and have to read the word in all of these things? But, he's so faithful. There's so much he gives super abundantly more than we could ever hope or ask for. There is. There is joy, peace that that surpasses all understanding.



There's so much in Christ that goes beyond just letters on a page and in letters on a page. 100% important, that is, that is the truth aspect of our walk, of our worship that we need to have. But there is a relationship aspect that is you spend time with him and I love it. Like you radiate, you glow like your face that shines in.



And I'm telling it is so true because it's on you. Leah. Like literally you do glow. And, iki has the same thing too. You guys have a lot of face time with God, and I love that about you guys. It just it radiates off of you. It it truly does. And and it's cool because you can recognize that and other believers.



And there will be times I'll be in a store or even at church. I know this is weird to say, but I'll even be a church and I'll be like, wow, you love God. Yes, I can see. I can literally see. It's like a physical, but also a spiritual thing that, like, you are radiating like you have been spending time with God and you know that he loves you and you love him.



ve that verse. Was that Psalm:



I'm not saying that you 100% understand it. Nobody could. but I think that you've come to a revelation of his grace, and I was. I was curious if you could talk about that or what he's shown you. And in that department, because there's some there's a work that he's done in you and that Romans eight one being set free from that guilt, that shame, that condemnation.



You've come to an understanding of his grace on some level. Could you talk about that? Yeah. that definitely is something that had such a huge impact. Like understanding his grace.



I think that's why I like when I recognize his grace. Like, a lot of things shifted because I think. I just always was thinking, like, I just have to be like, perfect. You're like, I have to do it, all right? Or there's disappointment or it's like, I'm not doing like, you know? And I think when I finally realized, like, oh, he knows we can never do it perfect.



Like he knows that. And even though he knows that he is still, like, willing to extend his arm to us and help us and like and and he doesn't just ignore like, what's wrong, you know, so he doesn't just ignore the sin, but it's like he actually took steps to, like. Help us to remove that. And like, he wanted truly what was best.



And I think that was like huge to understand that. Like, he's not just looking at all the bad. He's not just focused on one thing. Like he sees me as a whole in first Loves me. As his creation, as his daughter. And then, like. He sees that. And that's like his motivator. Like, I don't know, like that's her.



I just view grace. Like, even though, like, even when I encounter other people, it's like, yeah, I am not ignoring. I'm not blind to what's wrong with them or like, I'm not blind to the things people do or say, but I could recognize, like that's not right. Or how they act is not okay. Like it's not godly or it's really causing destruction on others.



But it's like that even though mindset of like even though they're doing that, like, what are the reasons or even though they're doing that, like how can they be they be pointed in a different direction so that they could see new fruits from doing another thing or like how, yeah, like they probably still desire love or like, oh, they probably still like want freedom or they want the same things we all want.



Yeah. Like if they do like a relationship or a friend or and I think, like when we're able to recognize the things that people and then want to point them in a new direction, like that's great because you're not just holding so tightly onto the thing, showing everyone down, but you're like instead what he took lift them up and like, point them in a new way or direction and like, come on.



And you're not like treating them based off of like perspective, but instead you're treating them on the things you want to see or like. I believe that like could happen in that way, but then following them, how God values them. Yeah. And like that is love. Like believing in someone and having that belief in like a seemingly like the best and like and that's hard because it's like, yeah, well people can feel that.



They really can. But the thing that really helps change people is like their belief. Like, I believe like he can do like I believe that you're going to be transformed. Yeah. And that's always had an impact on me. Wow. Yeah. Well you're having an impact on me and all of those who are going to listen to this episode.



Wow. I just I could just sit here and just think on that for the next several hours and not say a word. that is such a healthy view and perspective. That man, that is the father's heart. Like believing and hoping for like love hopes for all things or like I forget how it says that in first Corinthians 13.



you know, but it sees the best in people and it doesn't hold grudges. and you know, going back to Romans eight, it seems like Romans eight is like a very big theme for today. Romans 832, in the amplified reads, this he who did not spare even his own son, but gave him up for us all, how will he not also along with him graciously give us all things?



So if he did, if he gave up his us, his one and only begotten son, why would he hold anything else back from that? Jesus was the most precious, is the most precious thing ever. And if God gave that up for us, why would he not give us anything else? And that's that grace. Yeah, man. Wow. Let that sink in, guys.



That's that grace. That love that he has for us. Even though that's such a good phrase, I'm going to have to start thinking that in situations when people are yelling and looking wild or acting weird, even though they're acting weird, even though they're angry or spitting in my face, even though the situation, the truth is, the reality is God loves them.



And if my life is no longer my own, if I've been purchased with a price, purchased with blood, the blood of Jesus, if I'm hanging on that Christ and on that cross, and it's no longer I who lives but Christ inside of me, even though God loves them, and we have to treat them with that love, with that respect, with that grace.



Seven times 70. How many times do we need to forgive our brother? Seven times 70 don't actually do the math because God's like always forgive you don't. You're not counting down to 490. I'm not good at math, whatever would be. But, that grace, that love, that agape love. And that's so good. That's so good. Have you seen when you've come to that understanding, how has your interactions like, shifted and altered with other people?



I know beforehand, you said I could put a mask on and look like a Christian. but still be having this internal dialog in these thoughts. And, I love I love how you said like, I'm not blind. Like, I, I, I can see the issue that's so real and it's so real. It's not we're not saying, you know, be ignorant to like what's going on and be oblivious, you know, like by is is a serpent is gentle.



Is it off like, you know, be discerning, see what's going on. but there's there was a change that happened inside of you. So what was the what did you see internally, like putting on the mask versus the inner change with grace? Yeah. Yeah. I feel like when I started, just, like, realizing what I was doing was just more surface, like, oh, just just be nice.



To be nicer. Like, just being kind. So I just. But when I, like, understood God's grace and understood like, how he's how he treated me throughout my whole, like, journey and like how much Grace Academy and like how, like every single step of the way, even though I was not even close to being, like, holy or set apart or he was just beginning his work like he just was so kind and is always like pointing me in a direction or always just, like, made me feel loved or like I just started like kind of putting that and seeing others in that same light.



Yeah, that makes sense. But it's kind of like a basic way of putting it because like, I feel like a lot of people say that like, oh yeah, like look at them through God's eyes, like genuinely like that's kind of more what happened. And I started to like, more like see people as, like a whole person and not just what they're presenting to my face, because I want God to see me as the whole person and not just like, what do you see me doing in that moment?



Or seeing my sin like I want him to see my whole self and my whole journey and my heart and like, that's then I know what that's like. To feel like God is then seeing my heart. And like when I understood the gospel, like I want people to experience that same thing and like I want to be able the extent, I don't know, there's.



And so I think like that's why like people as I go out, like I'm just always thinking like there's just more than meets the eye and I know the grace God have had on me. So like, how could I not extend that to someone else? Like, that would be hypocritical. Like, you know what I mean? Like, how could I not like, I'd actually like, want to and like it is hard at times.



It really is hard, especially if you're being wronged or you're being. But it's like, dude, how many times have I wronged God? How many times have I said in front of him? And how many times have I like, you know, whatever. Like I know what I you kind of have to be self-aware in order to extend grace and to be compassionate and to have empathy.



Like you have to be aware of yourself and be aware of all of your shortcomings and be aware that why am I expecting these things of others? When I was there, I was just that. That is just what I was at and what did I needed that moment. I needed a God who was going to see me? Who is going to like, love me?



Who is going to like, comfort me in those times and point me to him, which is my ultimate best. It's getting to know him and being relationship with him and like living that out. And that is like, that's what's best. So it's like, if I want what's best for people, then I need to like give them a great deal, love them, because that in turn is pointing them towards God.



And that's what's best. And that's the ultimate thing that like change your impact, your mind. It's like practical, like you do it and you experience that. Like you experience like the diffusion of like a live Catholic experience, like you becoming less, you know, just irritated or intolerant of people like you. Actually, when you use the practical things God says, like, give grace to forgive you experience like, oh, yeah, I'm just not like I'm not thinking the worst of them.



So I'm going to love them. I'm going to seek the best of them. And when I do that, oh, I'm actually less angry. I'm less irritable. I actually have joy now and can, like, get to know that more without being, like, irritated or can you honor other people? Like, then you don't have them completely quarrel with you. And like when you seek to understand their heart and seek to understand them and don't judge them right away like that, they're not going to be like closed off as much, or they are maybe going to open more and they're not going to be so like hostile or like aggressive to you.



Amen. So it's like practical when you actually live like that out. It's like wow. Oh it like makes sense. Like imagine I think that's why I always I always come back like no matter what because I'm like, I've seen I've seen it. I can see God's faithfulness and goodness in his truth and in His word. And like, I know that that's true.



Like, I know it's great because I've actually, like, practiced it and I've seen the fruit of it, like, come on, you can't deny it, man. Once you taste and sin, you can't on taste and on you really can. Man, that's so good. Yeah, I love that, you know. And I know you're hearing from the Lord because I was hearing in the spirit, like, talk about how it is way more exhausting and draining to hold a grudge.



Oh, it's way more exhausting and draining to have an argument. you know, I heard a statistic one time. I'm not a big stats person, but there's a certain things that you hear that stick with you. and it takes eight. So 80, you can have 80 good thoughts. And that would turn over like one bad thought. So like you have one bad thought and it takes like 80 good ones to like overturn it.



And like that ratio is awful. Like, like if you just you, if you wake up negative and you think negative and you're not, you are going to be so negative and it's just going to it's going to take so many good things to happen to you to pull you out of that. Well, man. So like you're kind of like I would say like about grace or having understanding with grace, I would say the same thing with me, but with joy and, you know, happiness is circumstantial.



Good is circumstantial, but joy is understanding who you are in Christ and in who Christ is to you. And that helps with that steady eddy, that continual progression, you know, being able to weather a storm, having joy. How are you happy in the middle of all of this yucky ness and whatever. I'm not happy. I'm joyful. What do you mean?



Well, God says like, he's going to prepare a table before and in the presence of my enemies before me. And, it's true, it's true. It's like when you start to laugh how you say actually practice these things, you find out what God says is true. And there is, actual fruit that is, that is born. You start to bear God's fruit.



Yeah. And praise God, that's so good. You got to see it. yeah, I saw one that I saw, like. Yeah, like you got to see it. You got to see it for yourself. You got to do it like. Like you said earlier, Sun Valley, we hear these things and we're like, oh, like, is it really going to be better if I give up?



Yeah. Like Netflix or social media? Like, does he really have something better like. And I think that's where we all then stop. And then we don't actually like take that step forward to like actually surrender it like, oh, let's actually Shredder and see if he really is better. And I think like when we start actually surrendering and seeing it is better, that's when you discover that he is better.



It's you got to do it like a just step. It I thought, is just a thought until it's added on. And you know, I even, you know, feel a release to, to to push out there to there's some people that are struggling with inner dialog and inner sin and you know, maybe even lustful thoughts and things like that.



Thoughts are not sin. but if you allow that thought, if you ruminate on that thought, what's going to happen is a seed gets planted and when that seed gets planted, it makes it hard that much harder to remove. And the more that you think on that thought, it'll then give birth to action. And then when you act on that thought, it'll ultimately lead to death.



and in the same thing, like with good thoughts, we can just, we can think on on a good thought, we can focus on the Lord and that that also plants a seed. And when we think on that more, it'll also put it into action and give birth to life. So think one, think on the good things. And I know you were alluding to this and speaking about that earlier on, like just remembering the things that that God has done.



And man, there's a verse and I need to memorize this one, but it's like, whatever is faithful, whatever whatever is of good rapport, like whatever is true, they're going to. Yeah, actually, I have it on, no card. Do you really paint on my wall right now? Let me grab, Haha. And see. That's awesome. That's the Lord.



We're getting it right from Leah's dorm room. We're not sure the version, but it is. card stock version. Card stock. Yeah. It says finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things. Whether you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen me put it into practice, and the God of peace will be with you, my at the end, for my good.



Philippians four eight with the little head nod. Oh man, that's good. Well, that almost like sums up everything that we've been talking about. Yeah, it's like it's like as you realize and recognize, you know, Jesus the person and have a relationship on him, not you will then want to act upon that relationship. And then God's peace will be with you, man.



Like, so Philippians four eight. Yo, if you guys have been thinking about reading Philippians four eight, here's your sign. Yeah, okay, watch the sign. come on, man, that's so good. Wow, this is really good wisdom and knowledge that you are giving us. I just man, I really, once again, just thank you so much for just sharing this and breaking it down and thinking through this.



And you're taking something that was like a big old steak and you're like, you know, you've chewed it down and you're serving to us in like little bite sized pieces, but man, those little bite sized pieces, they pack a punch. There's such a weight to them. it is clearly evident you have been spending time with the Lord and allowing him to do a work in you.



man, and I just. I just bless you with that. And I just say more like more, more, more. you're really on to some really good spiritual truths or some foundational truths that I think are going to set so many free, you know, people listening to this, people that you encounter in your day to day, you know, it's like that, that religious spirit that we were talking about earlier on, it really wants to keep you in bondage.



And if you're not doing enough, you got to do more, you know, to be good enough. But you're never that's the thing. You're never good enough. You can never be good enough. And it's like once we realize that, that we're filthy and we're really not that good because we're not, it is so freeing. It is so freeing to have that that self-awareness, that self view.



And, that's so good. Hey, what do you got on your heart? Do you have anything that you want to share? because I'm going to ask you about what you see God doing in the earth right now, but do you have something on your heart that you want to share? I mean, this year, I don't really do New Year's resolutions, but, I mean, I usually have, like, some goals or just things I'd like to do, but I usually do like a word of the year and then like a verse and maybe like a phrase or something.



and this year I was honestly like before break, I have a, I was going through one of those like a little bit of like a dry season, like kind of just I was feeling like some type of just like, I was hesitant to, like, I don't know, it was like a weird just something was like it almost like there's a little bit of, like a barrier between, like, me and the Lord.



Like, just like I kept holding back a little bit. It wasn't sure, like, really what it was, but I was like, usually there's something easier if it's like something I'm distracted in or like I'm idolizing or I'm focused on, like there's always like usually something and during break, I just like, I, I read this one devotional and the one day was all about like, surrender.



And it just hit me, like, hit me like a brick, man. Like it was so powerful. And I was like, yeah, like that's it. Like, I realize I reflected back and I was like, there were things I was holding on to there, things that I just was like, unwilling to trust. Like God knew better. And I was kind of playing my own God.



And I was like, yeah, I'd rather like, hold on to that and think it's right. Or like, rather I would just, you know, rather just keep why do I do this? Or being distract with x, y, z or, you know, whatever. Like and I think that was the very thing. And I knew deep down like I think I was getting that conviction, but I was ignoring it.



And I think that it was like causing that little bit of like, you know, like, hesitancy then for me to actually like, you know, dive all in, like it was just funny because then I read that and it was like, oh, and I like, met with a friend, like I was talking to her about some stuff and like, she just gave me straight up truth, like, oh my goodness.



And I was like, I needed that. I was like, I just need to come to terms with it, you know? Like, I need it like, that's great. Name it. Like, you know, wow. So then I realized, like, yeah, I want my, word for this year to be like, surrender. Like, I just want to there and, like, I don't know, that's so powerful.



Whenever you're able to, like, give something up or, like, resist, like deny your flesh or just, like, I don't know, it, it cause you to, like, rely on the spirit more. And I that's what I want to do. Like you need the spirit and like and just desire him more like I just, I don't know, I wanted to like, step into that.



And there's so much power in it and like, ooh. So that was my word of the year. And I think for my version I did like just, do not lead on your own understanding, but I ways like submit some some of the versions like submit to him or just trust him. And I'm like, yep, that's it. Because I just was it trusting I was it trusting like his ways better.



But every time I just let it up to him and just like, surrendered it. Like that's when he would show up. And that's what like dose your believe that's what like like Amen. Your faith just like it feels like it just increases because it's like, oh that's right. Like see it like it's like a testimony. And I just wanted to experience that and like let's.



Yeah. So right away I was like, I'm going to do this. Do I do. Well. And it was like, cool. It's like as soon as I started doing that was like, oh, I have so much more time on my hands or like, feels like it's always been lifted or it's just so funny to like, yeah, like, why don't I just, I don't know, Bravo, bravo.



That that is so good. Leah. You just you keep amazing me just how healthy of a view and a perspective you have of self, of God, of of the reality of a believer and walking out this thing with Jesus. It just it blows me away. It's very encouraging. it it draws me, it stretches me. You're even speaking to me on some of these things.



It's like, man, I do need to to let go of that. Why? Why, why will I not surrender that? Well, there's a control issue here. What am I trying to control? Why am I trying to take myself off of the cross? Leave that dude out there. Let Jesus live, man. Let Jesus live. And you know, this Christian walk does not have to be boring.



It can be super fun, super peaceful and joyous and, you know, just walking with Jesus, hearing from Jesus, sharing and experiences, praying for people and seeing things happen like it is a very engaging and life giving block. If we let go. Yeah, if we let go, let go, let God folks let go, let God come on. What a powerful word for your year, man.



Wow. Surrender. That's so good. Kind of scary. Really? Yeah, but it is. Okay. But it's like a good, like a thrill. It's a real. It's like, oh, God, what to do, you know? Because all things are possible with them. And that that gets me giddy. you know, sometimes, like when I'm praying and we're believing for healing or believing for, like, a deliverer and or for God to move in a situation.



one thing is like when I feel the Lord like I, I laugh a little bit, like I get giddy. and that's just my response. Everybody's response is a little bit different. but like I was saying, like, joy is kind of my thing. So he touches me in that area. and I get joy and I get a little bit giddy and I laugh.



but one of the main reasons why I laugh other than God touching me and filling me, is I start to center on the truth that all things are possible with him who gives me strength that nothing is impossible with God, and my brain just goes like way out there. Yeah, like we're going to see this lady get out of a wheelchair.



She's going to be running around the room, you know, or, or God's going to do a miracle here in this situation is going to totally move. And I just start laughing because I'm like, he could do it. Tell me, tell me he can't do it. Tell me where in his word it says he can't do it because it says he can do all things.



Yeah, that I can do all things through him who gives me strength? That if I ask in his name, it will be given to me. I'm like, come on, man. Like if we would just like, go, just like go. So what are your practical steps of surrendering this year? Yeah. well, I think one thing I just found myself, like getting really distracted with them.



Like, if I'm distracted, I. Then I'm not like, being intentional with, like, spending time with the Lord or being just intentional with, like, community or friends or. And one thing I just like, you know, real TikToks, you know, a friend that you just you just get on and you just get prayed. And I just every time I feel convicted, but I just could do it.



I do it because, you know, it was easy and it was like, I don't have to think about anything else, like this girl. but I was like, no, I didn't delete it. And I was like, I already don't really post that much on Instagram. Like, I don't really know what's holding me back. Like, I just do delete it.



Like, who cares? Like, I'm always like, oh, but what if I miss a DM? Or what if I miss like someone putting it on there? Like, I can do it and I'm like, you know what? There's always going to be something also that you're going to have to maybe sacrifice, but it's like, okay, that's right. And I'm like, no, I need to just do it.



So I like delete this guy. That was like one of the first things. And then. Yeah, and then I'm just like taking that challenge with Leah. Who else is addicted to social media out there? I challenge you, delete it right now, get 90 days. Yeah. This is your side. This is your side. Delete that thing. You know it's been robbing your time.



You know that the devil comes to kill, steal and destroy. And it's killing your time. And it's stealing your attention. And it's destroying your relationships. Let that thing go in Jesus name, Amen. Oh, man. Yeah, that's so good. Well, I do want to move on to another segment of of the podcast. Now, it's a little bit more of a prophetic question that I'm going to ask you.



but you can answer it however, the Bible says we see in part and we know in part, and we know that everyone is uniquely created. We all have different gifts, talents, abilities, and it's a beautiful thing, how the Lord has made us not one is the same, praise God. so through your lens, the, What do you see?



God doing in the earth right now? what do you see God doing in the body? And how, as believers, can we partner with what he is doing? I think the first thing that came to my mind or something were the like, I was kind of seeing in like myself at first, but then I was kind of realizing, like, actually, maybe this is something that, like the Lord just wants for, like everyone like this is like a, like a little bit of a bump in the road that we're all like, trying to get past.



And I really do think it's like. The like, unity aspect of things or even like with grace and with whatever. Like I had a theology class this semester. It was like global theology. Yeah. Global theology. And the perspective I got from that and the outlook on just the different ways in which, like, people express their faith and how like their history, their context of where they're from, like, really impacts their faith.



And then relating that to Jesus and how, like, God himself, like put himself in our context, like he is so divine, he is so apart from us, but he put himself in our context and like met us where we were and like revealed himself to us through that and like through relationship and like, and I think that just like created a whole new perspective for me because like, even when it comes to, like different church denominations or even like, you know, everyone kind of expresses our faith in a different way, lives it out differently, and like, it's so easy for like Christians to, like, fall back or maybe like, disregard community or all that



because, like, no one can find that common ground, but I think there never will be that, like complete common ground. And I think like, that's what the Lord is trying to, like, show us like there's not going to be the common ground. Stop looking at your differences as something that's separate and remove the thing. But look at your differences and try to see how in each of these differences, it's revealing my character in different ways, because not one of you will be able to completely reveal my character on one.



It's going to be all of you and do all of you. So yeah, do all of you still do you think the most practical, best, efficient way? Probably not. But that's the beauty of it. Because we work together, we help each other out, and we see that beauty and that instead of pointing out the flaws, instead of seeking the worst, we're seeking the best of how we're going to best love each other.



That's what's going to unify us. It's through that, and it's through trusting each other. It's through like the like. If we're always like, assuming the worst and we're always like dishonoring other denominations or other, like, you know, Christianity groups like that is not loving and that will only cause that like separation. But what can we do if we actually like first love each other without this divide, and we actually see our differences as something so beautiful that we can learn from just thinking about all the different, like ways in which Christianity is expressed in these different countries, or how it came about in different countries, and why and how these people relied on their faith



during these hard times that they went through with their country, their with their people, because it brought such an enlightenment to me and encouraged my spirit so much that I was like, I want everyone to experience this. And it's so hard when you look around everyone so like almost ignorant. But I'm like, oh man, like I don't there.



I know what that's like to be, like judgmental or like think you're way just the best way or like what you grew up with is just that's all it is like. But now, like, I was enlightened and I was like, oh my gosh, like, this is huge. It was like revolutionary. I was like, dude, like, why am I first now?



Like connected? These dots are like, but it was cool. And I think like, that's the thing that genuinely like, that is what the Lord wants us all to see if his spirit is in us. Like, I think that spirit wants to really, like, reveal that all of us that's like so important, like in the back of that is like love.



It's like, so, Amen. Yeah. I guess.



I guess that when we were I can see God doing, you know, in our culture of the world, of just our generation and just hopefully bringing that to the forefront of our minds and helping us to just truly realize, like, what unity means and how to best love. Leah. I really love what you see the Lord doing in the earth right now, and I think the unification of his body is very near and very dear to his heart.



I know that's something that he's really placed on me. it's just unifying the body, getting people together despite the differences. And one, one Bible verse that the Lord has given me is that Paul became all things to all people, so that some might be saved, some might be saved. He became all things to all people so that some might be saved.



And if we're too busy arguing and I'm telling you, you're on assignment. The day you're coming at religion, you're coming, at segregation, you're coming at rebellion, you're coming at distraction. I mean, you have put on your armor and you came with a sword today. I just I know you're on assignment, but if we spend all of our time pointing at one another and we're talking about other brothers and sisters in Christ, we're all on the same team.



It's it's not, you know, like, you know, red and blue or whoever. Like, we're all on the same team if you are in Christ, we are all part of the same body. And no one person can claim a spiritual superiority like we're all equal. We're all even. We all fall short of the glory of God. That's why we need a Savior.



Amen, Amen. But why are we playing Amen? Why are we pointing, you know, fingers. So I just I love that you are seeing that. and it's it's birthed out of a place of love. It's burst out of knowing that you have been forgiven of much. So you're forgiving others of much. and I just think that's a healthy view.



And I love that. Thank you for sharing that. and I do have a final question for you, as we work on concluding and wrapping up the podcast episode, what is your biggest prayer? Thousand of those questions, right? I was like, oh man, well, here it is. But honestly, I just feel like recently and just honestly, like all throughout my life, like it's definitely been a big but it's like a verse, Romans 12 two but it's that don't conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.



Which is funny because like, I think you already made me reference part of that, at least throughout the podcast. But I just think like one of the biggest things, like as a Christian, it's like and it relates to the first thing I like when faced with whenever I first encountered it, you know, like, I want to be changed.



I want to be different or like, and what does that mean? Like, but I realized, like, sanctification, you know, I learned new terms as I like discovering things like, oh, that's what that is like. Like the Lord's Prayer, desiring me to be, like, sanctified and was set apart and like, I don't know, I just think like, that should always be like a goal of for us Christians.



And like I will always pray that for like me and even my friends and like family, like I just, I don't want to be conformed to the world like I want us to be set apart. Like. And that like will help, you know, like job more people. And I don't know, like, that's just always been a huge thing.



But also like that's going to happen. Yeah. By the renewing of your mind, which you can't do without the Lord and without the spirit. And that's what's really powerful, because it's like we're not just like setting ourselves apart or conforming or not conforming to the world, but it's like it's through that renewing of the mind, and your life would just display that.



It's not like us just trying to be different, but so. So I thought that was very powerful because it's like that's a command like, don't do that. Like don't be conform. So that means we have to actually be intentional to not be conformed. And so man yeah, you're on assignment. The daily. You really are. You are bringing conviction or.



But that's good. Like the gospel is offensive. There should be stuff inside of us that gets riled up. There should be stuff because the world has been training us. you know, if you haven't been renewing your mind, if you haven't been allowing Christ to do a work inside of you, who else has been doing that? Who else has been renewing your mind or conforming your mind to has been doing a work on you while the world, those around you, media, whatever, whatever you allow in has been doing that work in that that conforming with your mind.



it's you know, they say that that God's kingdom is the upside down kingdom, but really, it's the right side up kingdom, you know? But we're just so backwards. We're so upside down here on earth. man, it's like, what do you mean? There's freedom and surrender? It's an oxymoron. It doesn't make sense. It doesn't. It doesn't make sense.



Like, what do you. What do you mean? That we can't see God, but he's real, you know, like, well, we walk by faith and not by sight. man, that's so good, man. This is just been so encouraging, Leah, I think. How old are you? 21, 21 years old. And this is the wisdom that is spewing out of your mouth.



I know that you have been seeking it, and let me tell you, he has given it to you. I, I've talked with more, quote unquote, mature Christians that have been in the faith longer than than you've been alive. But what comes out of their mouth is nothing is profound, is there? So I just want to say that God is doing an amazing work inside of you.



You're a blessing. You know, as my cousin is part of, you know, my family. But you're such a blessing to the body of Christ. Enlarge. You bring such a healthy view and perspective, a real true kingdom reality. And it's all based out of love. It's all based out of who God is and who he says he is in your believing it, and you're standing on it.



And guess what? You're finding out that it's true. so I just I thank you so much for for sharing everything, that God has given you freely, you have received and freely you have given today. And I just I just blessed that tenfold in you. Leah, I would ask, would you be able to pray us out?



Would you be able to pray over those who are listening today? Yeah. Who is? Amen. All right. Lord, thank you. Just for honestly this opportunity. Thanks for just bringing Christian. into this area of podcasting and just giving him the courage to do this. It's going to have such an impact. And I thank you that you just are so present in our lives.



And you, your ways are so above ours, and you are working in ways that we will never understand. but I just pray that we would trust in you and know that like you are guiding and your ways are better. And I just pray that your light would just continue to just shine on the darkness, and that we would look to you as children of the light.



And so we walk in there, and I pray that any hindrances from the enemy would just, would be loosened and just would be removed. God, I just pray that you protect each person listening right now, and I pray that you would just give them a clear mind and open their ears and open their eyes to just see you and your truth, convict their hearts, Lord, and just let it lead their hearts to repentance and freedom and just like, show them your love.



And I pray that shame and guilt would just not have a hold of them, but yet they would experience your grace and your freedom. Lord, I just pray that they would continue to turn to you and just never, never look back, Lord, and just like, follow you and allow your light to shine on their faces. Lord.



And I just pray that we wouldn't be conformed to this world, that we wouldn't be afraid to be different, that we would go out and do the things that you truly have called us to do. And even though it looks so different, even though it might not even look like what Christians are doing, that if you've caught us, that we are just about God, and I just pray that you would give us that strength and that boldness and just give us the purpose.



Lord, I pray that we wouldn't go through the motions, that we wouldn't just live every day like it's nothing. But I pray that we would see the value in each day and see the value in each person. And truly, like, walk in the mission that you've given us. And I pray that you're full of hope, knowing that one day, like we will seriously spend eternity with you.



Lord, and that all things will be made known. And I pray that right now we will be able to bring the kingdom to earth and see you so clearly, even though we don't fully see it. But I pray that our faith would just increase. Lord. And, I just thank you for Christian and I just pray that you will bless him and just give him the endurance to continue this.



And, just give him the light that he he already just shines so bright and he encourages so many spirits. Lord. And I just pray that you continue to fill his cup so that he can so graciously pour over onto others. And it's just so evident that he is working with you, Lord. And that's so encouraging to so many people.



But yes, thank you, Jesus. And I just thank you for this opportunity. In your name, Amen. Amen and amen. Wow, what a beautiful prayer. The power in that prayer. Man oh man. Guys, this was Leah Briner. She's a junior at Messiah, but walking like a super senior with the Lord right now. The wisdom that has poured out of her is incredible.



I just pray that you guys would heed her instruction and receive the conviction that comes to your guys's heart. And don't just walk away convicted, but actually step into what the Lord has for you. Let's stop running this year. And as Leah had set a word for her year surrender. Let's step into surrender. Let's stop running away from Jesus and just run right into his arms.



So I call you guys blessed in the mighty name of Jesus, and we will catch you on the next one.

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Authentic Podcast
A faith-based podcast that equips the saints and preaches Christ crucified
You're tuned in to The Authentic Podcast, where we explore the transformative power of embracing the reality of Jesus Christ. As we embark on this journey together, we will navigate the depths of faith and discover the profound impact that Jesus has on our spiritual walk. In this space, you will find real and inspiring conversations about faith and how, as a believer, we should navigate the kingdom reality. We are excited that you are part of an adventure where authenticity and faith intersect. Welcome to the Authentic Podcast!
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Christian Searer

I was saved by grace through faith. Called from darkness into light and forgiven of my sins. I have been made alive in Christ and purposed to declare His goodness on my life. I’m continually being renewed by the Holy Spirit and molded into the image of Christ.

I am who God says I am.

My desire is to widely share the authentic gospel of Jesus Christ. I want to model a lifestyle that is "worthy of the calling" and to be found approved.​

This is how I give back to God what is rightfully His.

This is the Authentic Podcast.