Episode 6

[EP 6] Dreaming with God w/ Paige Williams

Published on: 13th May, 2024

In this episode, Christian Searer and Paige Williams delve into the transformative power of discipleship and spiritual encounters. They share personal stories, including a miraculous encounter with a stranger that led to a life-changing experience with Jesus. Paige emphasizes the importance of understanding spiritual warfare, renewing the mind with God's Word, and cultivating a personal relationship with Him. This insightful conversation offers valuable wisdom on prayer, the mysteries of heaven, and encourages listeners to deepen their relationship with God.


  • Discipleship plays a crucial role in the spiritual growth and development of believers.
  • Encouragement and edification from fellow believers can have a profound impact on one's faith journey.
  • God can use ordinary individuals to bring about extraordinary encounters and miracles.
  • Oppression and demonic attacks can happen to anyone, including Christians.
  • Understanding spiritual warfare and the tactics of the devil is crucial for believers.
  • Personal relationship with God is more important than relying solely on spiritual encounters through others.
  • All dreams are significant and can carry messages from God.
  • Prayer is essential for a strong relationship with God.
  • There are mysteries and lessons to be learned from heaven.






















You're tuned into the Authentic Podcast, where we explore the transformative power of embracing the reality of Jesus Christ. As we embark on this journey together, we will navigate the depths of faith and discover the profound impact that Jesus has on our spiritual walk in this space. You will find real and inspiring conversations about faith and how, as a believer, we should navigate the kingdom reality.



We are excited that you are part of an adventure where authenticity and faith intersect. Welcome to the Authentic Podcast. Let's dive in.



Saints, I want to give you a warm welcome to the Authentic podcast. I am your host, Christian Cyr, and I call you blessed, loved and not forgotten in this family. In this body, you are never alone. You have a heavenly Father who is infinitely in love with you, a friend in Jesus, and one incredible comforter named Holy Spirit.



May the Lord bless you in today's episode and create an opportunity to become more like him. I have the honor and privilege to have Paige Williams on the Authentic podcast today. Paige, thank you so much for joining us.



Man, we are so happy to have you here. Paige. You've released two books, lessons from Heaven Prayer Mysteries in Relationship. you're an incredible father. a husband, a friend. you you are, man, so prolific. You operate in the prophetic. You've been a credible disciple. Or even to myself, which I would love to honor and talk about here in a second.



dude, you are so involved in a lot of things, including equipping the body through Glory Hour with, Jake Richards, who we had on the podcast as well. Man, you're you're busy.



a man, man, a man. Page, I'm so excited to have you here today. I know we were talking a little bit prior to, the podcast episode, but, man, you have been such an impactful person in my walk. I remember a year or so ago, the Lord started giving me dreams. And I'm like, I do not know what to do with these.



And. And Jacob Richards, he was like, hey, I got this friend who's really and good at interpretations. I'm like, you can interpret these things. And, you know, so we've had some encounters where I'd send you dreams and you would kind of dissect them and give scripture to them and take time to explain. And we would hop on the phone and, and you would just, you know, encourage me and, and edify me and, and just give me wisdom keys that truly I would not be able to walk at the level that I'm walking out with that without that discipleship.



So, brother, I just I honor you for the time that you've poured into me and that I know that you do for others and every little bit of labor that you do in the spirit, it is not in vain. So thank you. Thank you so much for pouring into me, brother.






Praise God!



Hey. Come on. I'm along for the ride. You can. You're hot boy, and you're allowed to join in. Man. Praise God, this is so good. you know, it's so typically when I start off a podcast episode, I ask a question. Tell me about the first time Jesus got Ahold of you. But I feel the Lord leading us in a slightly different direction today.



And we're going to get to that question, because I really want the audience and the viewers to know who Page Williams is, where he was, where he came from, how the Lord encountered you, man. And it's just a such a testament to who you are as a person today and in your history. The well of history that you have with God is incredible.



I just, I know stories that Jacobs told me, and I mean, I'm just so curious to hear from the source today. but out of that place of honor and out of that place of discipleship, I've had an encounter that I truly believe would not have happened without your discipleship. And I just I want this to encourage viewers who are listening that you have been discipling for a while and maybe not seeing fruit on what they've been doing, or it's been a very slow process.



There's such an importance to coming alongside a people in their journey wherever they're at. And even if you don't know, like, for example, like I was talking about dreams here at the beginning, if you don't understand dreams, like you guys can press in together, ask of the Lord. You know, seek other out or seek other people that are operating in that.



And the Holy Spirit is so faithful and true to lead and guide you into all truths. but it is so important to have other people guiding you, and I just want you to be encouraged that that is out there and there are people willing to do that. And just like page came alongside of me and poured into me, I was able to start learning about dreams and interpretations, and it even opened me up to other encounters like the one that I want to talk about.



to $:



And, so I was like, oh, no, and that's my work truck. Like, that's how I make money. And, so I had to leave my truck at the shop and take my car to work to go painting that day. And I had the opportunity to be very upset, to be down on myself. But I chose to look at the bright side and be like, hey, I'm living, you know, God is good.



He's got this. And I just, I really tried to center myself back into him despite my circumstances. And I show up at work and there's this guy, his name is Josh and Josh. He's the drywall. Or he's going through this house doing all that type of work. And, he greets me at the front door and my my spiritual antennas are already up.



Because typically when someone gets put in your path, like, God is so good at putting people in your path, I'll say that. So he's like, hey man, how's your day going? Like, well, bro, let me tell you, I got this truck issue, but God is good. And I said, what about you? And he proceeded to tell me some just, like, very emotional and just, like, big stuff.



His his roommate, got drunk the night before, completely trashed the house. And, like, he went missing, you know, for a time period. so, like, he he was out and, like, Josh came home to this, and at the same time, like, he's getting a phone call from his brother, which he blocked and he hasn't talked to in a couple years.



And here he was in a car accident all busted up. He's got, you know, broken bones. And he needs to be housed. The he needs a place to stay for for recovery. and and Josh himself was struggling with faith issues as well. And, so he's telling me all of this stuff, and the Holy Spirit prompted me to say, Josh, like, do you have faith, brother?



And he said, what faith I have is hanging on by a thread. And it was in that moment, that instance that I knew there was a weight to this conversation that went beyond what I could see, man. And, I was like, well, what's what's your hang up? You know, sometimes I just cut to the chase and I'm like, what's your hang up?



And he's like, listen, I don't know anybody that has a relationship with God where God speaks to them and they hear him and where they speak to God, and he hears them, and and I'm there and I'm there like, you know, just arriving to work, you know, of all this news and, and I'm like, sheepishly like raising my hand.



And I'm like, well, I, I have that relationship. Yep. And yeah, I know one. And and he's like, well how you know. And I shared, you know, some, some testimonies of how the Lord gave words of knowledge and was faithful and, and things like that. And it did build his faith. And Josh was like, okay, well, if you're so buddy buddy with God.



And I'm like, well, hey, you know, like I'm a work in progress here, you know, like still learning how to hear from the Lord, you know, and and he's like, well, you're so buddy buddy with God by the end of the workday, I want you to come to me. You ask God, and then you come to me and you tell me what I've been struggling with and praying for over the last year, last months and last weeks and I walked away crying, because I understood that what he was asking me was impossible.



Like on my own strength. It was impossible. There's no way that I could know what this man prays and struggles with. For the last year, months and weeks. So I go upstairs and I'm just like, before the Lord. And I'm like, God, like, I need you to show up. I need him to meet Jesus. He cannot meet Christian here.



He needs to meet Jesus Christ. And I tell my boss at the time, like this challenge that he's given me and he's like, well, that's unfair. And I'm like, well, it's biblical. You know? And, because there's a story of Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar and, and how the Lord needed his or how Nebuchadnezzar needed his dream interpreted. But the weight of it was very serious.



If they did not tell him their dream, his dream, and interpret it, their head would be chopped off. It was literally life or death, and I could feel that weight. And I didn't understand the reason why at this point, but I could feel that weight on this conversation. And, so I thought maybe the Lord was speaking a little bit about this guy, but I promise you, I was 0% confident.



I was 0% sure. And the end of the day came, took my stuff out to the car. Everyone's left is just Josh and I. And I said, okay, man. Like, let's just go to the side room here. I'm going to pray for you, and I'm just going to say whatever comes into my mind. And the dude goes into the side room and he sits down in a posture to receive.



And I, I'm thinking, who is this guy? Wanted to challenge God with the Daniel Nebuchadnezzar challenge, and then to sit down like he's going to receive. And I'm like, I feel like he has more faith than I because I'm walking in. I'm walking in on 100% faith. I am 0% confident about what's getting ready to come out. And I, I, I really didn't feel as if God spoke to me about him.



So I prayed over him and I closed my eyes and I started to to prophesy over him and, leading into that question and I said, you know, I, I said to the to was like, your father was abusive. when you guys were growing up, he, he had a lot of like, rage issues and he would even hit you.



He would hit all of you. And I said, I, I see a girl that you were supposed to get married with. And I said she was five, five with brown curly hair and blue eyes, and she was a teacher. And I said, you know, you what you've been struggling with and praying over for the last year, months and weeks is why why am I alive?



What is my purpose like? What does it even matter that I'm here because you're one silly mistake away from not being here? and I did use the word suicide. and I opened up my eyes, and he's sitting there stone cold, and I'm like, bro, you got to give me something you like. I'm like, I'm like, thumbs up, thumbs down, like because I.



Because at this point, I still don't know what came out of my mouth. Like, I am not sure. And and he was like she was five, four, five, five. But the rest is accurate.



Come on. So what what what that did, Paige, was that opened up the next two hours. I mean, this is after hours after work, the next 2 to 3 hours. And I stayed there. We sat on five gallon buckets, and I just taught the Lord to him, and I just shared Jesus Christ with him. This encounter opened up his heart to receive, and at the end of it I said, Josh, I hate to tell you this brother, but who you thought was Jesus is not Jesus and Paige.



He was humble enough to say, you know what, Christian? You're right.



Man, that that encounter has marked my faith so strongly. And, you know, I see him on Facebook now and he's posting all these messages about God is real and God is this, you know, and it's all of these, like, God's just doing such a work in his life. And truly, dude, I just I want to give you honor because I do not believe that I would have ever been in a place to receive from the Lord if it wasn't for your discipleship, if it wasn't for opening up, you know, the reality of dreams and interpretation.



I mean, this is it was straight out of the Bible, man. This encounter and and this is taking it to its purest form, like at the heart of it all. And I had no business knowing this man's life. But God was faithful. He knew he knew his life, but he spoke to me in a way that I understood.



And it was because of discipleship that I truly believe a man's life was saved.



You and me both. I said to God as I was taking my stuff out to the car. I said, if you show up, I am going to really have a lot of faith and trust in you. Like I guys like. I mean, I was 0% confident, man. And and I do this. I want to add one more thing in that encounter.



And like this is for those out there to like God. God starts you off small like he gives you a lot of times, like when you're evangelizing, he'll give you other Christians. I've noticed that like 80% of people that I share, Jesus still are Christians, and some people just need a little recalibration. some people need edification. Some people just need a word from the Lord.



But even even if you think like, man, am I thinking out? Is that God? Just step out. Just just step out and share it. I shared that word and I had 0% certainty that any of it hit and in the middle of it, when I was talking about this girl that he was supposed to marry but didn't, I all I saw, like in, in, in my mind's eye, all I saw was this woman from the shoulders up, and she had curly hair and but she was in black and white.



The picture was in black and white, and she was just kind of like a floating head. And, I said, well, you're supposed to marry this woman, and but I'm having this inner dialog with the Lord and I. And I said, God, like, I don't know, like, is any of this hitting any. And Holy Spirit's like, just keep going.



And I see, like, all right, well, I went this far, so I might as well just keep going. I said she was 55 with brown curly hair, blue eyes and a teacher, and that was a bonus. That was a bonus like I did. I didn't hear that. I just spoke it and and it was and and, this isn't this isn't.



Look at Christian or or this isn't like, oh, wow. You know, you're super special. I am an average Joe. I was painting a house, doing trades, work. I am nobody special at all. This was 100% God. And if he can do something like this for me, he can do it for you. so just guys be encouraged. Like God is way bigger than what we could ever think or imagine.



Just just step out. Just step out.









Man, that's such a good word. I just. Every time you speak, man, I just want to listen. I just want to sit here and listen. your character, you just so much God like exuberance. I believe that's the word. Just. It just comes out of you, man. And. And, like, I know there was a weight on that situation.



but this this is a little bit of a different weight. Like when you speak like there are, there's this weight on your your words. Because what you say is it's true. It holds value. and it's, it's life giving and, it's a good weight. It's not a burdensome bird. some weight, like, it's it's good. So, man, my my spirit just respects that.



I know you spent so much time with the Lord, and I want to talk more about you. I want to get off of that and kind of segway into you, man. so where were you at when Jesus first got Ahold of you?









Come on. Probably just a coincidence.



No way.



A proper Child, okay.



Amen. Amen.






Bro. That makes my heart weep. Like, That. That makes my heart weep. Ten years old man. Satan does not play fair.












Yeah. Shake and bake, baby. Hahahahahahahaha. I want to do my hands. If.



Jesus. Thank you.



Come on.



Come on.






Come on.






Wow. That is so powerful. I think, it was God who walked in front of Moses, and he. He said to hide. Hide yourself behind the rocks and, like. And then I'll tell you when the look and and Moses got to see, the train. The of his of his glory. man. And that's the verse. He just kind of came up to me like, it's like the Lord passed in front of you and and like you did receive and see his glory.



I just man, and I don't know if it would have had the same effect on you if it was your pastor, friend or somebody else. But like, and I know a little bit more of your story, but like, like for the Lord to be training you at such an age of like ten years old, like he himself, like man, that's so powerful.



th of:



so that really opened up my eyes to the supernatural. I never saw it before, which I don't know how. I didn't see that because God himself is supernatural. Like we pray to a God that we can't see. And, you know, it's. And we believe that he you know, he was in the grave for three in the tomb for three days and Rose, you know, from the dead.



And it's like, I don't know, I don't know how I didn't see some of this stuff. But in that moment my eyes were opened and I started to learn truths about devils and oppression and demonic attacks and how it doesn't just happen to rebellious people like it happens to Christians. it happens to a nine year old boy who gave his his heart to to to God.



And can you just I know there's some wisdom and there's some keys to draw from here, but can you explain just a little bit more about, like, some of the devil's tactics, how he would oppress you, like even to the point where, like, you would, you know, be thinking that you're going to lose your mind because I believe that there's others on the other end of this.



Mike or phone that are listening. And they're like, man, I hear voices. I feel like I'm losing my mind.



Yeah. Wow.



That's. I mean, naturally, you're ten years old.












Hey! Come on.



Praise God!









That's a good word. Yeah.






No. You're perfect. This is Amen. I'm going to come back and take notes on everything that you're saying. And I'm going to read. Listen best. This is really good.












You know.



That's right.



Hey, man. Man, there's so many wisdom keys to draw from here. that that verse that you are referencing, Isaiah 26 three. You keep him in perfect peace. Whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you, man. And I just I love that and, you know, he really and this is a such an encouragement to myself.



Like he meets you where you are at and even like as you are advancing and knowledge and advancing and, prayer time with him and he still is faithful to meet you right where you are at. man. And that just that opens up my understanding just a little bit more, too, of of Satan and his tactics. He plays the long game because he man, he has limited resources first of all.



But like that just shows me that. And I'm going through and reading The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. And, I had a couple people mention that book and I'm like, okay, this isn't by chance, like, the Lord wants me in here. And so, like, I'm reading it and like just the opening, I think I'm on like the 13th, letter, but like just the opening.



It's talking about how God is the enemy and how our father below is like, you know, awesome and all of this stuff. And it just, man, did it fire me up and take me off in like the year how demons, you know, work to like, oh, if you just press on this but don't press that far and and you got to be careful when they're in this state because God's really working on them, you know.



And man, they are slimy and sneaky. And it it just I man, I cannot wait for the curtain to be fully pulled back and all of their works exposed. Man. They upset me.






Hey, man. Come on.



Haha! Come on!









Amen. Man, I, I share a similar passion, and not necessarily by choice, but it's something, you know, like that first encounter of speaking in tongues in my room by myself, like that. That really just marked me. He showed me the power that he has. And it's it's grand and unlimited. And to that point, I'm just realizing, like, one of our first, your first encounter in mind, like there wasn't a man or a woman involved like it was.



It was the Lord himself. And I just I really feel like the the Lord just wants to say, don't seek, man. Don't you don't now is there is there benefit? Is there profit to being in a place where an anointing is flowing? Is there benefit and profit to to being in a place where, where there are maybe some charismatic or movements of the spirit and things like that?



Absolutely. discipleship like we talked about at the beginning of the podcast is extremely important. But as you are believing for a miracle, don't believe that you need to make it to the pastor. And if he lays hands on you, you're going to receive your miracle. Believe that God wants to give you that miracle. Believe that God wants to set you free in whatever medium, whatever outlet, whatever avenue that God wants to use will use it, including himself.















Come on.






Praise God that that's. You know, I. I find that to be so true. My my spirit bears witness to that. And, with my walk alone, too. It's it's like I was so focused at the beginning on gifts and, not not the gift giver. And there's there's a big difference, because they are exciting.



And there's nothing. There's nothing wrong with being excited about gifts. They are. They're gifts. They're gifts. I mean, think about Christmas morning. Come on, bro, come on. Like they are good. They are for the building up of the church and equipping of the body, and all of the amazing things that they do. It's okay to be excited about them.



It's okay to to want to flow in those giftings like they are there for a reason. And all good things, all good gifts come from the father of lights. He's the one who gives them. But these gifts, our our our car, our car pencil. Wow. Car mantle. Oh my goodness. Car. I know I got to get this word out.



okay. Like, come on, Christian, we can do this. Car. Met car, met car. Why can't Paige give me the word here? they're put in these little boxes. Dad. That one. We're just going to go with that. I'm not even adding this. Editing this out. This is good. This is authentic. This is real, guys, praise God, but they're put in these, like, little boxes.



And when we focus on the gift of healing or on the gift of prophecy, or in the gift of wisdom or discerning of spirits or whatever it is, we're only focusing on a portion of Jesus, a portion of of what he can do and, and man. One of the the dreams that you actually interpreted. For me, it was an encounter.



where is this a powerful encounter where a messenger from God showed up and he said, Matthew ten and you're like, oh, well, the secret to this message, the code is, is in the apostles. And you broke down the names of what each apostle meant and, and the message was that Jesus is more superior to his gifts. And, and when I preach or when I share, and this is for anyone, when you share Jesus, don't share Jesus.



That can do something for you. Share Jesus himself because he is enough. He is enough. And man, that's been such a a walk to embody that, to like to walk that out. Because we live in such a fleshly world and it's carnal and it's and we have a flesh suit on and we drive cars, we put on clothing, we eat food, all of these physical, you know, worldly things that that pull us back into, I want to say, a false reality, a false reality of who we are in Christ.



you know, because Jesus said, I have food for you that you do not know about. You know, it's like why we eat food all the time and, and and, you know, like it. Whatever. Like there's many things, you know, we're not a body that has a spirit or a spirit that has a body. And, you know, the the flesh is very temporary, but the spirit is eternal.












That's right.



Man. Man. That's such a good word. It's such a convicting word. It's such a convicting word. And man, you have, like, gifts are exciting and and all of these things. And Jesus does do a lot. That's in his nature. It's who he is. It's who God is. He's a very he's a very good father that has so many attributes.



But if we take our eyes off of him, it's what are we? What do we have our eyes on? Not the right thing, man, to love Jesus. And that's it. That that that is. That's the goal, brother. That is. And and these and these signs will follow those who believe. So it's like as in and in God can do it however he want.



He showed me power and then revealed himself in love and so he can do it. It doesn't look a specific way. And it took me a while to like, operate in the guess to like it wasn't just like instantaneous, because there's a, a heart transfer, there's a heart posture, a renewing that needs to take place. but man, like, just just to know and to love him as we center and focus on him, those things will follow.



That's a promise. And Jesus is supernatural, so supernatural things will just automatically occur. man.



That's so good.






Amen. Amen. Thank you so much for just bringing a correction to lenses right now. Yeah, and I just. And I just pray to the audience that that word, you would just you just ruminate on that, that you would just not let that in one ear and out the other, because that is a word for the body that is Jesus at the core.



of lenses that we would get.:






You're learning spiritual warfare. Like these things are very real to you. God is very real to you. Walk us through like, what did that look like following that powerful encounter?



Amen. Sure.






No way. Come on. Bro.






Wow. Wow.



Gosh. Yeah. Not just serve him, but serve him. Serve him.



Praise God. Yeah, he ain't playing around.



Come on.






From her. Okay. Okay.









Yeah, man. Wow.



Oh! Come on.









Wow. Come on.



Man. That.



Oh. That's beautiful. I just had, Samuel Sanchez on the podcast. He's a worship leader and prophetic and, he said that there was this instance, and I forget his age when it happened. I almost want to say it was like ten or something like that as well. But there was this prophetic woman who came into their home church meeting was led to anoint his hands in his throat and prophesied into him that he would have a singing voice.



And his voice was like, you know, beforehand. But but the next day he woke up and he was like, all right, God. Like, if this is you, it should be there. And he went into the shower and he sang. And when he came out, his family was standing there and they were like, my God, like, you have a singing voice.



So I just, I, I love that about God because and man, it's is back to back and like you sharing like one day you could in the next day you couldn't. And and one piece of advice that he said he he said, God doesn't call the equipped. He equips the called. And man, that's just I, I just feel like that's such an encouragement because sometimes we really do not feel equipped to do things.



We do not feel that we're worthy or could step into something. But like, God is so faithful to equip it, even as something is like dream interpretation, that that's phenomenal. I did not know like that was your encounter that kind of like really kicked all of this off, man. And when that angel land, that fiery angel would walk in, I would just be like, yeah, kind of like I'd be like.



I was like, oh. And they would that they put its hands on me. I'd be like, what in the world is going on, man? But I love, I love the sealed message. I love that there was like the, the cherry on top. It was like the wrapping paper. It was like what? What was. And and you. You won't understand this until you come seek me.



You won't understand this until you ask about it. And, you know, there's times I wake up and, like, I have the interpretation already, but there's pieces of it that you don't know, and you need to seek that out. It's, It's a kings matter to to seek a thing out, you know? And I feel like I feel like God puts such a value on those who just go deeper with them, who seek that out.






Right. Come one.



Ha ha ha!






Were they all related to one where they like chapters?












Dude, that. That is such a good word, man. I know, like, it's like I was seeking you or seeking to understand dreams, like, through you in discipleship. you know, there was a time where, like, I was, you know, you were the milk in a sense, like I was, you know, receiving from you. But there was a weaning off that needed to happen.



Where then it was just between the Lord and I. And, you know, there was a season where I was extremely faithful in stewarding dreams and it was like, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam. But there was also a season where I wasn't as faithful is what I should be in stewarding in those dreams. although the dream still came, it wasn't as frequent and it wasn't like, as detailed.



and and it now and it is and it it's very tough to get back into the realm of like writing that back down and like being a good steward. And it's not easy. It's like you you heard Paige say, like, I don't even know how I was rejuvenated enough to go to work. He still had to get up and go to work, but he was faithful in writing down what the Lord had given him.



And one question that I have, in regards to this is how do you, I know one key you said is to find scriptures that kind of parallel or are similar in the realm of what's taking place in your dream, which sometimes you got to get creative with. but how how do you partner with dreams and visions?



So, like, let's say you received a dream, you received a vision, you write it down, which those are two. Number one. Number two, like, those are like very important steps. But what's what's three, what's four like. How do how do you partner with that. what the Lord has given you.



That's good. And. You know, and I love how there are side courses. And, like, you know, I've had some dreams that they keep on giving. Like in one season. It meant this in another season, it meant this. And I'm like this dream again. I'm like, man, this is a blessed dream. Like, wow, you know, so it's cool to see some of those things come to pass or like, you're in a moment and the Lord brings a dream back to remembrance.



And he's like, this is that. And I'm like, whoa, you know? And and that that doesn't happen if you're not, like, stewarding it, stewarding it and writing it down and like asking God about it. You know, I think about, Jeremiah 33 three, call on to me and I will reveal mysteries and hidden things, you know, to you.



But the prerequisite there, you know, the step number one is call unto me. You could have, you know, and I say this about faith. You could have all of the faith in the world. But if you're sitting on the couch and doing nothing with it, it's wasted faith. It's wasted. It's it's not activated. And you could have all of the prophetic dreams in the world.



But unless you activate, unless you step into or ask about them or call into the Lord or or do something, they just sit there wasted.






Yeah. If.



And? And that's cool. Like. I love that about God, I love that, you know, like, earlier in the podcast, you're saying how Satan, he'll try in one area, and as that fails, he'll move to another. Well, God's very similar to in the sense of like, if he speaks through you in dreams, he'll shut that off for a season and speak to you, you know, in visions or in your quiet time or through other people or through a radio station or, you know, I you know, I don't I'm not going to limit him.



He can speak in a bazillion different ways. but but that's giving us the more well-rounded, you know, Christian, structure that that he wants us to have, character. so that that's cool. I love that some some dreams are going to stretch you just like, you know, some missions that he sends you want or are going to stretch you.



But, man, this is good. Paige. You're adding so much value to the listener. So much equipping is happening here. And I just I really do believe by faith that those who have not been dreaming will be dreaming, and those who have been dreaming will start to receive understanding for their dreams. And and I just want to say, it is not the pizza you ate last night.



It just it is and it it is. And, you know, just like we have thoughts throughout the day. And Paige was talking about this early on with hearing the demonic voices. And then he was thinking, I'm going to lose my mind. But then but but then God came and said, hey, that's that's not the case. Go up front, I got you.



So that tells me that there's there's three voices, you know, there's there's the enemy's, there's ours and there's God's, and our mind is a fishnet. And we, we capture those voices and it's it's our, job to discern and decipher which voice we are hearing from. And the dreams are no different. We can have a dream from the enemy.



We can. We can have a fleshly, carnal dream. And we we can have a dream from God. So are all dreams important? That's a actually, I'm going to ask you that. Are all dreams important?



Wow. Amen.



That's good. Man. And like I was, I was slanted to that. Like I would say, like, some dreams are kind of insignificant. you know, because I think a lot of times, like, the human nature is like, look for that big, grandiose thing like that angel who comes in and lays hands on you, you know, and it's like, that's significant, you know?



But the dream with the little black dog, it went over to the tree, you know, like, you know, whatever. so I think that's a really good word to encourage people because so often I've heard like, oh, that's the pizza you ate last night, or, or like, you know, yeah, I, I dream, but when it's a God dream, I'll really remember that one.



But, you know, I feel like it's those other insignificant dreams that as we steward, like we would ultimately receive more God dreams and and and be better, you know, just overall stewards of our dream life. so, man, that's so good because that's the one thing that always, like, was unsettled at me when people were like, well, I know it when it's a God dream, it really sticks out.



But I'm like, well, but you're probably like, we're not perfect. So yeah, we're probably we're probably missing other messages that he's trying to say. And and he's like, hey, idiot, here, here's the big one that you're looking for, neon signs. This is what I've been trying to say over the last ten, quote unquote, insignificant dreams. Body. I don't know if you can't say it.



Yeah, those that's my terminology, but, Hey, everyone's got a different relationship with Jesus. Sometimes we need that. But.



man, that's so good, man. And I love how, like, in your your wife at your time. At the time your girlfriend, you know, is kind of like saying, hey, and just rally in you. And, like, she was such a proponent to, like, you know, spurring and stirring your faith again. And even her testifying like, who are you?



How do you how did you have a dream and and know the interpretation. Like what? What is this is some, some next level prophet. Like what's going on here? man.



Amen. Hey, man.






Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I love that thought that just came through. And it just hit her like, what is this, mad. That's so good. so I know we're talking, you know, about some very powerful encounters in the demonic and, dreams and stuff, and I. I don't want everything to be centered around, you know, just that it's been very heavily slanted in that direction.



One thing that I do want to ask, and that doesn't mean that those, topics are off limits, by the way, I just I want to redirect in for a moment and talk about the love of the father. I know as you spoke like that was something that he really encountered. You know, you from 9 to 10.



he really showed you that. That love. And I'm assuming, you know, other, periods of time throughout your walk. How how do you how do you call to vein that? Like, how do you, And I know the Lord is the one who renews the mind, but how were you taking yourself to God to allow yourself for your mind to be renewed and, like, have that healthy perspective, like have that healthy lens that you look through.



It's like man, like God really loves me. Like he he really, really loves me. And then, also, like, I know you've experienced his presence and and feeling that love. Like how how does that work? How do we. And I know God isn't a formula. but how what were the steps in your life and how, as believers do we call to V8 that love in that presence in our walk?



that love in that presence, in our walk?



Yes. for me, and I think for anyone, honestly, because I didn't know, quote unquote, a super religious thing to do. it was as simple as loving him back. Wow. And experiencing his love. Like the Bible says, we love him because he first loved us. And so when we really get to experience it and love it, it provokes our hearts to love him back.



And I kind of just stayed in that kind of vein of just loving him back and loving to spend time with him. And I would talk to him, I would walk outside and just sit out on my porch and just talk to the Lord, or read a scripture that I was, wandering about and just talk to the Lord.



And for me, nature speaks on that very heavily. like when I go outside and just look at God's creation, it really ministered to me, about the greatness and the vastness of the Lord. But I would do that then. But it was really simply just choosing to love God back. And and by that I mean to open my heart up to him in relationship and just share my heart with him.



That's one thing I can say that he did during that time between like when I was like ten years old, if he he kind of broke my heart open to him. Amen. And and that became a catalyst for the rest, really, the rest of my life. and something that I can't live without. I can't live being closed off to God.



I just don't like that feeling of being closed off to God, even if I'm, you know, thank God either. Like. Yeah, kind of like Adam was like, oh, man, I've missed that. Let me go a little bit. God's working, but God's lurk and God, oh my gosh, that's funny. But no, just keeping an open heart to God and a transparent heart with God.



I learned that in the Scripture says, blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. And that that that the word that was used there, I forget how it's pronounced. So I'm not going to butcher it. it actually means transparent. Amen. And so I look at that, like with all that transparent in the heart for they shall see God.



And so if we're honest and open and vulnerable with God, God will be honest, open and vulnerable, vulnerable with us. Not that he's never honest, but he will reveal more of himself to us because we reap what we sow, and so we sow that into our relationship with God. We will receive it back. And for some of us, that can be very scary because it's not easy to be vulnerable with, most people, whether it's with their parents or their spouse or their girlfriend or boyfriend friends, whatever relationship, being vulnerable requires a certain level of of bravery, of and so but you quickly learn that God is trustworthy and that he, is able



to handle whatever you're throwing at him in your vulnerability or whatever it is you're confiding in him about. So I would say just loving him back simply, I don't know, another way to, to really I love that. Yeah, I love that. I, you know, we we really do complicate a lot of things and. Yeah. And is God complex?



Yeah. Oh, yeah. For sure. But but he's made it. He's made it very simple. Yeah. He's made it very simple. He uses the foolish things to confound the wise. If you if you have faith like the child, like a child, and he he isn't into games, he is into growth, he's into growing up. And yeah, I like how you use the kingdom principles of of seed time and harvest.



Like what you what you sow is what you're reap. And that seems like that principle is something that's really rooted in you. Because like, yeah, it was almost like you're saying like a matter of fact type of statement, like this is something we need to know. but like as, as we're sowing love into him, how, you know, we're going to be reaping that love back, and and that's what he wants to give us.



And. Yeah. Yeah, man. Man, this is so good, brother. Wow. I just I'm so tender right now sitting here. I just, you know, like when when God's presence comes and, like, even audibles need to bow down to him, like. Yeah, it's, it's the need to obey. yeah. I just, I feel like I'm just shrinking and getting quiet right now, and, like, because I can feel the Lord's presence on this and is so beautiful.



thank you for your love. Lord. You're so good. God, you're so good. I just I just pray that others listening would be able to experience love, maybe even love, for the first time. And I just I break every barrier, every hindrance, every insecurity, every thing that maybe even they're ashamed of, that they're just in this moment, even pause, just pause this podcast and say, God, I give all of this to you and counter me right here, right now.



Lord, I want to feel your love. I've been running on empty for too long. I've been running. I've been running hurt because of maybe very unfair things that have happened to you. I've just. I've been running, and it's time. I just say it's time to confront those things. And I just believe that if you yield them, that God will just remove them in this moment and encounter you and love you.



in Jesus name, man, this man, move and praise God for God here I am in the presence of God. Wow brother. man, what an equipping podcast this has been so far. There's, there's so much more that I could ask you about your walk, and I feel like we haven't even scratched the surface. may maybe sometime in the future.



We'll have to run it back, and do another one. But there's there's two questions that I really like to get into on the podcast. And, and one of those things is, prophetically like, what do you see the Lord doing in the earth, you know, through your lens? We see in part, we know in part and and there is no other page.



Williams. You have a very specific lens in which God has gifted you to look through. Yeah. so the first question is, what do you see God doing right now in the earth? And as believers like, how how can we partner with that? Yeah, two main things. one is giving his people humility. because it's people are crying out for revival.



They're crying out for a move of God. But the Bible says that he gives his grace to the humble, and his grace is his empowerment to overcome whatever deficit we have in life. And so the kingdom of God is designed to enrich us in every area of life. But he wants to humble his people in humility may look like circumstances.



Humility may look like, relationships that test your your patience. But he wants to get us humble so that he can pour out his grace. He's trying to answer the prayers of his people, for his grace and his power to be seen and demonstrated, and to bring and solve and the harvest that he, so desires. But he cannot override his word.



So humility has to be at the core of who we are so that we can receive his grace. Another thing is patience. the Lord is really emphasizing patience in his people. because one thing the enemy likes to do is to get behind us and push us ahead of the will of God. Sometimes when we get a promise or we get a prophetic word, we just think that that's tomorrow, that that starts tomorrow.



But, the character development and the, the process that it takes for us to steward the promise or the destiny or the prophetic word, well, takes time. And the Bible says in that patient have its perfect work, making you whole to entire, lacking nothing. So there's areas in our lives that we lack in, whether it's in your, discipline, whether it's in your your attitude, your life, whether it's in, you just saying things, you should say whatever it is.



There are areas that we all like, but we have to have the patience to allow God to work on those things and to build us up in those things, and to where we start to bear the fruit of the spirit in those areas of our lives. And so impatience, God showed me, is abuse. Impatience is abuse. Anything we're impatient about or for will ultimately abuse or hurt.



All of we make bad financial decisions because of impatience. We can't wait. We make bad relationship decisions. One of impatience we make bad. what is it? Emotional decisions be command of impatience, all these type of things. Because we just can't wait or I can't wait on God's timing or I don't, or I don't think that person knows.



So I can't wait to tell them off or tell them. Disney, they need to hear this. And I can't just hold it until I allow God to work that situation out. All those things ultimately abuse and hurt our lives in some way. And so our impatience creates an abusive lifestyle, that we initiate. And so with patience, it allows you to sit back and be content with where you are.



The Bible says, Paul said, I have learned and what saying statement to be let me see, have to learn. It was a process. He didn't just come out on content. He's like, no. He learned contentment. And so he learned how to be on both ends of the spectrum and live in contentment to where God could counsel him so he can make the best decisions possible in his life.



And I believe God is really doing that in his people now, because we live in such a quick society and everything quick everything. Now, if I start a business today, next week I should be the top at the top. Wow. Making this much. I should be doing this and it's good to have vision and it's good to have even ambition to a degree.



Because yeah, it motivates you to be successful and do what you're doing and excellent. But if you don't balance that with patience and the process that it takes you to be developed, because sometimes you're so focused on the maybe the product or the thing you want to get out, even in the get things that we're talking about. But God wants to develop you.



And so if he is able to develop you, then whatever he gives you becomes more stable and sustainable because of who you are. And so the it's God's it's like God's damage control almost. That's good. Yeah. If he develops us, whatever he's placed in this becomes, that much more sturdy, that much more sustainable because we are getting more solidified in him.



And so, yeah, those are two things that God is definitely, emphasizing. I love that, I love that lens that you're looking through. And it's so true to your character as well. You're you're extremely humble, like you, you carry yourself in humility and meekness and, I think those who are meek will inherit the earth. I believe that's in the Beatitudes.



And thank you. Yeah. Praise God, may that just be confirmation. Yeah. Prophetic words spoken over you. Yeah. Hear it in that prophetic realm right now. thank you God. And, it is amazing how much, just like sitting here, I just, I feel, how much you just wants to speak to you. which is really cool, because sometimes there is people, you know, they get highlighted.



And what I mean by highlighted more for, you know, the viewer is like, they stand out to me that I could scan the entire room, but I can only keep coming back to that one person, or there's a tug where it's like, oh, I should probably go talk to them or yeah, I don't know, just there's just a subtle shift.



I know what you mean. And, it's like just the entire time talking to you. You like you are highlighted, man. And and he wants to speak to you so much and and it makes sense because you talk about cultivating a relationship with him and the love of the father, and and you reap what you sow. And, just the intimacy and the track record that you have with him, it makes sense that the entire time we're talking, you're just highlighted because he you guys talk to each other, it talk to each other so much.



He just wants to talk to you, man. And he does. You you have that relationship and it's it's beautiful I, I feel like I could just probably prophesy over you forever, man. Like it is. it's it's incredible. Man. This so good. And I'm glad that he is, confirming words, inner weaving throughout this. Praise God. man, God cannot override his word.



I love that phrase you said. Wow. So true. What a powerful wisdom key. You've brought so many keys to us. throughout this podcast page, we we thank you so much for everything that you know, that that you've been stewarding and allowing the Lord to work in you. and, and as we're working on coming to a conclusion here in the podcast, my my final question for you is what is your biggest prayer?



And then from that place, could you pray over the audience, however the the Lord leads you to do so? Yeah. My biggest prayer and really my heart is for people to know Jesus, the real Jesus. And that is my core desire. and what I desire, anytime I am privileged or blessed to stand before God's people, that is my prayer.



Not that they see me or know me, but that they are able to encounter Jesus Christ. yeah. And it's that simple for me, honestly. Amen. Because that's that's why, Jesus is here. He wants to have intimate relationship with us in the stories, in relationship with our father. And so but we have to know him and walk with him and be discipled by him.



It's a beautiful thing to be loved on by him. And so I want others to experience that and to know that that love and that place with him, because it's life changing and you just want to share it with everyone around you. Come on, man, that is my heart's desire. And I'm going to really pray that and really pray a prayer of faith, but also impartation.



Amen. father, I thank you for this podcast. I thank you for every listener. I thank you for everyone who will listen. Lord, I know that it is your heart to be revealed to every one of your children face to face, and I know that you want to show them who you are. Your post in your heart, your mind, your ways and I thank you for doing that.



For that I pray and decree, even now, that every open heart will receive this from you, that a door will be opened to them, that they way will be prepared and made for them in their lives to encounter the true and living Lord Jesus Christ. And I pray that the power of the Holy Spirit would rest upon them and prepare them, even for a life with you, and a life that is led and guide and and moved by you in your heart.



I pray that they would know the love of the father, that they are forever accepting, that they are forever loved, that they are forever treasured in the name of Jesus. I pray that your blood would wash them and cleanse them of any sin or inequity, and that they would be sealed in your salvation. In Jesus name I pray.



Amen. Amen, Amen. Wow, Paige, thank you so much, guys. That was Paige Williams on the Authentic Podcast, author of lessons from Heaven and Prayer Mysteries in Relationship. We'll be sure to put a link to everything in the description in the show notes of the podcast. Paige, we thank you brother for spending time with us and just sharing the amazing mysteries that God has given you.



I call you blessed in the name of Jesus

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You're tuned in to The Authentic Podcast, where we explore the transformative power of embracing the reality of Jesus Christ. As we embark on this journey together, we will navigate the depths of faith and discover the profound impact that Jesus has on our spiritual walk. In this space, you will find real and inspiring conversations about faith and how, as a believer, we should navigate the kingdom reality. We are excited that you are part of an adventure where authenticity and faith intersect. Welcome to the Authentic Podcast!
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Christian Searer

I was saved by grace through faith. Called from darkness into light and forgiven of my sins. I have been made alive in Christ and purposed to declare His goodness on my life. I’m continually being renewed by the Holy Spirit and molded into the image of Christ.

I am who God says I am.

My desire is to widely share the authentic gospel of Jesus Christ. I want to model a lifestyle that is "worthy of the calling" and to be found approved.​

This is how I give back to God what is rightfully His.

This is the Authentic Podcast.