Episode 25

Pioneering The Flow State | Reclaim The Mind

Published on: 22nd November, 2024

In this episode, we explore the revelation of "The Flow State." This revelation was given in the secret place with the Lord. Understanding this state our being can remain in will allow us to exponentially grow in the spirit and unlock the ability for the impossible to happen at any moment. It requires us yielding to the four stages of the state: show, know, grow, and sow. This is a life giving cycle that will thrust us forward and destroy stagnation.










• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P44V5T5N0gI&t=6s




This video is about a revelation the Lord has been downloading to me. It is about a state of being in which we can operate in and continually abide in. This state in which we can remain in allows anything to be possible at any moment. I am starting to walk through this revelation. The Lord has downloaded to me, and he told me that is just not for me, but to throw out the invitation to others as well.



So what is this revelation? Well, it's called the flow state.



Hey guys, welcome to the Authentic Podcast. You are tuned in listening to a teaching today, and on this channel we talk about all things Jesus. I'll have guests on where I do interviews, I'll do teachings, I'll even do lives with healing. And the prophetic today is a teaching on the flow state. And I'd encourage you that if you have not liked, shared or subscribe to the channel, please do so and comment on this video.



Let me know what you thought about the flow state. It's awesome to interact with the viewers and my YouTube family, so I just welcome that. And if you find it on your hearts too, so deeper into the podcast or my wife and I's ministry, there is a link below. Or you could go to Psalm 72.org/give and if you would like to give more towards the missionaries, there is a missionary tab on that site as well.



All right. Enjoy guys.



Man, I am so excited to share with you guys this revelation that the Lord has been downloading to me when he started to speak it to me, I was like, the flow state. Like what? What is this flow state? And I just had this, overwhelming sense or this overwhelming impression. It's like the over flow state, like out of the overflow.



You can operate in this place. So, he's had me just write this all down, typed this up almost in, like a, a book format. So I just, I want to share what is on my heart and what the Lord has been showing, so we can start to walk in this together and grow in this together. So this is the flow state, God.



He is asking us to be in a continual overflow in our walk with Jesus. This is a place where you yield to the spirit and he takes over in this place, flesh is put aside and the things of God are brought to the forefront. It's likened to moments when you start to prophesy and you know when the Lord has taken over your mouth and is speaking through you the flow state, it doesn't create momentum, rather it joins the physical with the spiritual.



This joining thrusts the physical forward shifting realities that were seemingly stagnant. The Spirit of God is always on the move. The momentum in the kingdom is always moving forward. So the invitation is to jump in and flow with the spirit, breaking all stagnation. The Bible says this the wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from and where it is going.



So is everyone who is born of the spirit. That's John three eight. It's the flow. The flow state is something I could say, quote unquote, achieved when yielded. It isn't just accessible during a moment of healing or delivering a word. This is a continual, abiding place in which we can operate out of. We simply have to lean into the spirit and away from the world and God.



This is such a good verse, and God is able to make all grace, every favor and earthly blessing come to you in abundance. So that you may always, and under all circumstances, and whatever the need, may be self-sufficient, possessing enough to require no aid or support, and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation as it is written, he, the benevolent person, scatters abroad.



He gives to the poor his deeds of justice and goodness, and kindness. Kindness and benevolence will go on and endure forever. The Second Corinthians, chapter nine, verses eight and nine. The flow state is the foundation on which these Bible verses that I just read to you become a reality. This is a state in which anything is possible, as long as we remain yielded to what comes out of the spirit.



It's a place where massive momentum and life long upgrades can happen in moments or even half of moments. Yes, half of moments. This state will continually feed itself through a natural, life giving cycle that births four stages before starting all over again. These four stages birth from the flow state are show now, grow and so. And yes, there is more for for those who live according to the flesh.



This is such a good Bible verse. Guys, listen to this. For those who live according to the flesh, set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the spirit, come on, you guessed it. Set their minds on the things of the spirit. That's in Romans chapter eight, verse five. You cannot operate or remain in the flow state unless you set your mind on the things of the spirit.



You have to be led of the spirit. If you follow him, he will show you things. Then he will explain them so you know them, and then he will challenge you to grow in them. And as you apply what you have learned and are growing, you are now sowing those spiritual things into your walk. The biblical principle of seed time and harvest is always true.



So this sowing will yield even more spiritual things which will keep the flow state well flowing. So let's talk about the show portion, that first birth stage in the flow. See, this is the verse for show. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth, full and complete truth. For he will not speak on his own initiative, but he will speak whatever he hears from the father.



The message regarding the son, and he will disclose to you what is to come in the future. Wow, that is so powerful. That is in John chapter 16 verse 13. So Holy Spirit's role among many is to remind us of things Jesus has spoken. He works to glorify the son and testify of what the son did for all of humanity on the cross.



Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. And if the Holy Spirit is speaking of the spirit of prophecy, then we will receive prophetic insight. We have the quote unquote unfair advantage of being able to know what is coming. He will also show us areas we may need to strengthen or areas that we are doing well in, and etc. he likes to reveal mysteries and revelations to us, but not all things he shows us.



Do we know what they are or how to apply them? But as we flow with this spirit, we will begin to know the mind of the spirit. This is so good. Let's talk about the second stage, which is to now and here's the Bible verse with this. And do not be conformed to this world any longer, with its superficial values and customs, but be transformed and progressively changed as you mature spiritually by the renewing of your mind, focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes, so that you may prove for yourselves what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect in his plan and purpose for you.



While there's a way to know the will of God that is perfect and acceptable and good for us, man, that's in Romans chapter 12, verse two. It's one thing for the Holy Spirit to show us a revelation, which is amazing when he does, but it is a whole other thing to understand this revelation. A lot of times the Holy Spirit will speak to us in a riddle that needs decoded.



This way it helps us to rely on him and increases our spiritual ears capacity to hear Jesus. He constantly talked in riddles and parables and Holy Spirit does too. Don't forget that Jesus would plainly talk to his disciples if they didn't get it, and he will do that with you. Is well. Knowing in the flow state is a code.



Laboring with the spirit as he inhabits our mind. We need to let him occupy all of the mind space we have. We have been given the mind of Christ, but collectively we need to receive it and put it on. As we allow the spirit to consume our mind, we will begin to have inner knowing of what the revelation means.



The renewed mind, fully yielded, will flow fluidly, remaining in a revelatory state. Wow! As Holy Spirit shows you will, you will quickly know the meaning. But just because it was shown and now known, that doesn't mean you know how to apply it. And this is where the third stage of the flow state comes in, which is grow. Man.



This is one of my favorite verses, guys. This is in John chapter 15, verse five. I am the vine, you are the branches, the one who remains in me and I in him bears much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. Wow! Hearing is important, but our obedience and willingness to be renewed is paramount. It's everything.



This entire process, listen, this entire process and state is dependent upon our dependency on God. As we remain in the flow, God gives us wisdom to apply the revelation and knowledge gained. This knowledge applied will yield spiritual growth and mature our Christlike character. Praise God, we want more, Lord more. The awesome part about this whole process is the father is glorified when we bear much fruit, and Holy Spirit will guide us and teach us to bear much fruit.



The fruits of the spirit are his, by the way, and he is eager for us to bear them. And let's get on to the fourth and final stage of the flow state, which is so the verse for this is do not be deceived. God is not mocked. For whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption.



Yikes! But the one who sows to the spirit will from the spirit reap eternal life. Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time. Come on. Hallelujah! In due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. That you can find in Galatians chapter six, verses seven through nine. The flow state is a life giving state of being.



We will not only sow into our spirit, but we will also reap eternal life. This is such an encouragement to remain in the flow and press on towards the upward call of God in Christ Jesus, our heavenly prize. So what I want to do at this time is I want to pray for you and activate you in the flow state.



I want to I want to ask God to just give you boldness and courage to be courageous, to yield, to the flow state in this process



so, father, in the mighty name of Jesus. Father, I thank you for this revelation of the flow state and how when you show us things, the process of it going from head knowledge to heart and knowledge, and from the overflow from the inside out flowing out of us and becoming, operative in an operation in our day to day.



Lord Jesus, I pray for the viewer right now for this revelation to go from their head into their heart. God that it would be. It would fall on good soil. Lord Jesus, that it would cultivate a relationship with you that is deeper and more productive and more efficient. That where anything is possible, that even in half of moments, life long things that have been strived or gone after can happen in an instant.



Lord Jesus, I just pray for the boldness to be courageous, to step forward in this state, to boldly ask, okay, God, give us something, show us something, and then can we know what it is and and how do we apply in it to grow and and God, let me just apply this so I can go into the spiritual things and reap eternal life.



God, I declare that those who are listening will reap eternal life in the mighty name of Jesus. I call you blessed. Amen and amen. Guys, if you find if you found this teaching, you know, edifying and you haven't like shared or subscribe, go ahead and do that. Follow the channel, hit that notification bell so you can hear or see when other teachings are coming.



I call you blessed in the mighty name of Jesus. Until next time.

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Christian Searer

I was saved by grace through faith. Called from darkness into light and forgiven of my sins. I have been made alive in Christ and purposed to declare His goodness on my life. I’m continually being renewed by the Holy Spirit and molded into the image of Christ.

I am who God says I am.

My desire is to widely share the authentic gospel of Jesus Christ. I want to model a lifestyle that is "worthy of the calling" and to be found approved.​

This is how I give back to God what is rightfully His.

This is the Authentic Podcast.