Episode 2

[EP 2] From Death to Life w/ Jacob Richards

Published on: 4th March, 2024

Jacob Richards recounts his transformative journey from drugs and depression to encountering God in a near death experience. Supported by his wife, he embraces faith, emphasizing the fear of God and identity in Christ. Stressing prayer and self-denial, he advocates following God's lead, citing Romans 8:28. He discusses baptism's significance and righteousness through Christ, rejecting condemnation. Confidence in God's power and gospel's offensive nature is highlighted, urging believers to trust and walk in compassion, aspiring to emulate Jesus and restore the fivefold ministry.


• Living as a lost Christian can involve believing in God but not fully surrendering or understanding one's purpose.

• Seeking God's identity and purpose requires humility and a willingness to let go of worldly pursuits.

• Dreams and revelations can provide clarity and direction in one's spiritual journey.

• Seeking to hear from God and spending time in the secret place can deepen one's relationship with Him.

• Denying oneself and following God's leading is essential for growth and fulfilling His purpose.

• Scripture and prayer are powerful tools for connecting with God and understanding His will.

• Baptism is an important step in the Christian journey, symbolizing a commitment to follow Jesus and fulfill righteousness.

• Believers are made righteous through Christ and should not be condemned by their past sins.

• Walking in Godfidence means having confidence in God's power and promises. Knowing our identity in Christ is crucial for living a fruitful and empowered life.

• Believing in God's promises and trusting in His ability to fulfill them is essential.

• The gospel can be offensive, but it reveals the hearts of men and leads to transformation.

• Living in righteousness means understanding our true identity and walking in the love, kindness, mercy, truth, and grace of Jesus.

• Our ultimate goal should be to please God and not man, seeking His approval above all else.

• Believing and receiving by faith is the key to experiencing the fullness of God's promises.











Since I want to give you a warm welcome to the Authentic Podcast, I'm your host, Christian Cyr, and I call you Blessed, Loved and Not forgotten in this family, in this body, you are never alone. You have a Heavenly Father who is infinitely in love with you, a friend in Jesus, and one incredible comforter named Holy Spirit. May the Lord bless you in today's episode and create an opportunity to become more like Him.



I have the honor and privilege to have Jacob Richards on the Authentic Podcast. Jacob, thank you for joining us.



I know it doesn't to just get your dad said a little bit. Amen. Amen. As Todd White would say, destroy hell, man. So Jacob's 31. He's a lover of Jesus, a father, and also an incredible husband. He found Jesus after a near-death experience, which I believe we're going to dive into a little bit today. And God visited him in a dream which forever changed him.



Jacob. I also know him as Jake. We met on an online community in the past life streaming and sharing the gospel online, and it's just been incredible how the Lord has connected us, even though we were a state away. He has brought us together. Jake actually early on disabled me as I was becoming on fire for the Lord, and I was like, What about this?



What about this? And he's like, Bro, that's the Lord in me thinking that it was just my flash or some pizza that I ate the night before. He's been very instrumental in my walk, and it is truly a privilege and an honor to have him here on this show today. So, Jake, thank you once again. So let's dive into that near-death experience.



I know one of my first segments and questions that I like to ask is tell me about the first time Jesus got a hold of you. Is that that time? If yeah, there's a lot of those there's a lot of items that the world has to offer that Jesus is truly he's the only one that can fill that void.



Guilty, like, wow.






Wow. now. Wow.






I'm sorry. Laughing. No way. Wow.



My God. Wow.



My God. Wow. gosh. come on. Hallelujah. My God.



Yeah. praise God. Yeah. So you died a sinner. You died a nonbeliever, and you woke up saved. Is this what you're telling me that got more? And come on. Praise God. Wow.



Yeah, sure. My God. Yeah, sure. Wow, man.



Yeah, man. You know, and I think that's so important that when we have an experience with Jesus because he is experiential, like he says, taste and see. He wants to encounter his children. He didn't go through the trouble, if you will, of having Jesus die for us on the cross, completing those works, tearing the veil, you know, taking that separation, that void that was between the people of this world, his people and God and bringing us close.



The Bible says that we were once so very far away, but by the blood of Jesus, we have been brought very, very, very, very, very, very close. It may. It might not say that many theories in the Bible, but it's extremely close. Yes. And, you know, I love the amplified version to. my gosh, you want that in the Amplified.



But yeah, so we are brought very close to God in history store. That relationship with him, he wants to encounter us. He wants to walk with us like he did with Adam and Eve back in the garden. He wants to daily speak to us. Give us this day our daily bread. It's in those conversations, those moments, and there are times where we have experiential moments.



Now, yours is. It's wild. Like, I mean, Jesus really did find you as you were in a moment of death. You were literally dying. He pulled you up out of hell and and not, my God.



Praise God to him. Yes. Amen. Yes. Well, and now in a segue way back into what we were discussing, I mean, it all comes together because Jesus is just so good at weaving and intertwining things. But with that restored relationship with those encounters with Jesus, the living God, we need to steward them because an experience outside of a relationship is just that.



It's an experience. Now God wants to encounter us, but how are we stewarding that experience? Are we seeking them? Are we going to wise counsel? Are we trying to get in the word? Are we going to people that have also experienced Jesus? What do I do with this? Who is God? How do I walk with him and talk with him?



What do I do with this information? And there might be those. There might be people that are listening that have had encounters with the Lord but have not stewarded them. There might be people listening that have heard something in the night that they knew that it was from God. They knew that it was from Jesus, but they haven't sought out wise counsel.



And I just I really encourage you to seek people that are in the faith, that are living well for Christ and be like, listen, God encountered me. Call me crazy, but I know he's real. What do I do with this information? It's it is your job. It is your responsibility, like Jake said, to seek out the things of God to dive into those those things.



And also with the talents. I think that is just so incredible that he's like, Jake, you're talented. Like, he's affirming who he made you. He's like, I have much for you to do. So like you, here's your get out of jail card. And I think what's really important here and this is a warning, this like Jake said, this isn't something that he does for everybody.



And Jake isn't boasting in himself. He's not saying that I am more special than he said I was higher than I was better than dad. But Jesus, in his mercy and grace, brought me back. And we know that the tail end of that parable is that the one who did nothing with his talents is stripped from him and given to the one who has the most.



So I just I think that that's incredible. The mercy and grace of God. But it's also such a stark warning. Like you were at the gates of hell, like you were there ready? My God. Well, you know, it's so good to know you on the other side, on the flip side of where you were. Because I did.



When you and I met, I never knew you as a nonbeliever. I just knew you as someone who loved Jesus. And like, as our years continued to grow and obviously, like the Lord, he he changes different things, like where we were on a platform online, you know, streaming and sharing the gospel and then shifted to radio for you starting up your own organization, Light and Our Light the Fire.



I was going to say light the night. Light the fire. I know that just came out, but, you know, on the flip side of this, like you have been using those talents. You have been expressing, you know, the Lord through you to others and sense a beautiful thing to know and to see. So take us back. Like you, you you get Jesus gets a hold of you.



You have this experience. There's this ten years of kind of believe in a god, but still living like hell. What was the turning point? What was the encounter or the switch that got flipped at that ten year mark that you're like, Okay, God, let's go. I'm here.



Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on. Yes.



Praise God. Praise God. Come on. my. Yeah. God. Come one. No framework for it.



my God. Yeah.



Praise God. Yeah. Come on.






Yeah. You know that I have to bring in some biblical references here. I mean, the Father, Son, the Holy Spirit is a is a33 means completion. Three days in the well, you know, three days in the grave, like resurrection, three days. So it was as if you were literally in the tomb and coming to life like the old Jacob.



And for those of you that don't know Jacob before this podcast, I know that I can be a very zealous person for Christ. Typically, if I'm out at a grocery store, if the Holy Spirit calms me or I'm in conversation, I, I can be bold in the sense of like, Hey, do you know Jesus? Like, that's one of my first questions that I'll ask people, which could be bold to some.



But Jacob, he takes it to the next level. I have seen this guy just be moved by the spirit with the love and compassion of Christ, literally just chasing people down, walking with them in malls, sharing, sharing the gospel, like listening and receiving words of knowledge about people. Him and I were in an Uber ride in this guy.



He was Spanish speaking. He did not know English, and Jake moved with the spirit, pulls out a Google translator on his phone, literally shares Christ the Gospel through this Google translator and says to the driver, Is your shoulder hurting? And he said, Yes. And the Lord heals this Uber driver shoulder on our way to a service down in Florida.



It's incredible. So Jake moves with the zeal and compassion of the Lord. So like when we are talking, you guys might be thinking, okay, this dude, like, laid on a couch for three days, three days in the grave and resurrected. But I'm telling you that when you see Jacob in real life operating, moved by the Lord and with the compassion of the Lord, it's incredible.



Like he stretched. I know that I can be bold, guys, but he stretches me. He stretches my faith. He stretches. It's just incredible to be around the zeal that you have, brother for the Lord. It's beautiful. I know for a fact that you are not the same person who you were and just to watch you in your journey and to be co laboring at times with you in moments that the Lord has brought us together.



It's it's incredible. It's amazing to watch. I love spending time with you. But I also at like age when I get to gather with you because I know I'm going to get stretched. I know. I know that we're not just getting together to leisurely hang out, although there is fellowship and coming together, but there is a lot of collaboration and fellowship with the Lord because there are always assignments around you.



Is this amazing? You do have many talents, bro. You really do this. Come one. Hey, man.



Amen. Yes. A amen. Amen. Amen.



Wow. Amen.



Come on. Amen.



Come on.



Yeah. Yeah, that's right. Yes.






Amen. Amen.



I agree.



While wo wo.






Yeah. While. While.



Amen. Amen.






Before we stop. Before we step into the dream, I think it's just incredible how much our wives have wisdom. And I'm not just talking about my wife, and I'm not just talking about Jake's wife. Like, wives in general have so much wisdom because men and our thinking can be a little thick at times, and we can miss some things that typically should be seen.



But our wives have such wise counsel. My wife, she's been going over the different women in the Bible and how each one of these just had so much wisdom and they even like with their husband or kings that they dealt with or different armies that they dealt with, like the wisdom that they would bring to the battlefield, if you will, is just incredible.



And man was messing at Kings were missing it, husbands were missing it, but it was the woman who came. So I just think this is a good learning lesson for those who listening who are husbands to just don't brush off what your wife is saying in regards to, hey, I think God is saying this, if anything, like tune in and pray about that because nine out of ten times and I'm saying nine out ten and not ten out ten because we're flash and we we miss it every now and then.



But nine out of ten times, our wives are there, right, guys? They really are. Amen.






wow. Come on.



Hey, man. Wow.






Praise God.



Correct. Yes. Yeah. Yes.






I agree by design. He formed us. He called us. He chose us. And I think, you know, because we are talking about identity. And I do want to get to your experience in the shower, and I want you to walk us through that a little bit. Just in terms of like how you sensed or heard that and interpreted that.



I just feel like there is an equipping piece there for the audience, but like God, God has called us and chosen us and in the Bible does say that many are called, few are chosen. So and the path that leads to destruction is broad and wide, and the path that leads to righteousness is narrow. The door that we enter through to heaven is very narrow.



It's a narrow walk, and yes, there's grace in that. But we're not preaching hyper grace, but we do need to step into our identity in Christ who God has called us to be and understand who God is to us in that relationship because we aren't powerless like we are powerful in Christ. You know, we aren't righteous. And I think we're going to talk about righteousness a little bit towards the tail end of this broadcast.



But we aren't righteousness in our in and of ourselves, but we're righteousness in Christ and we have the power to deliver in Jesus name. We have the power to heal, lay hands on the sick, and they recover in Jesus's name as his ambassador, filled with the Holy Spirit, empowered by God. And if God has chosen us to bring Heaven to Earth, we can't be like, like I.



I don't know why he would pick me. There's there's better candidates in. I don't know. Can I really lay hands on the sick? And they recover. And it's in this place of false humility that I think has really stripped power from the church. And it's something that Jesus hurt. Not Jesus, but Satan wants us to walk in is is false identity.



And and I know we're kind of going down a tangent here, but I believe that a lot of times when things are happening in the spiritual, they manifest themselves. And this isn't new age spiritualism manifest is used in the Bible guys, but they manifest themselves into the natural. So we see right now that there's a big battle, a big warring one gender, one identity, one on things of that nature.



And that just tells me that in the spirit there is a battle for Christians, for believers to find their true identity and to step into that. So I think once again, that that prayer that you were praying, God, who are you and who am I that is a big time prayer that believers should be, should be praying. Yeah.



That's incredible.



Sell all of your possessions and follow me like that. That was like a rich young ruler type of scenario. wow. Come on. You. Wow. Come on. Yo, come on, eat. Yeah. Wow. Whoa, Wow. yeah. Hi. Come on. Praise God. wow. Hey, man. Well, come on. Yeah. Please. Sure. Yeah, I know his secret, bro.



Wow. Come on. Why? Come on. And. wow. Sure. Guess. man. wow. wow. man. Wow. Wow. Amen. Wow. Dude, that is just. That makes my heart weep. Like it. It literally breaks my spirit to hear, like just those 30 seconds. That one minute that you were reading his scripture, reading his love letter to you.



And that was the only time. But he was there faithfully every time he was there, like waiting for that moment, like, here comes Jake. Like, I get to spend some time with him today. That just and you not knowing and you not knowing that man, that just that breaks my heart. Yeah, right. Amen.



Wow. I just. I have so many questions, but I do want to dive into other things. Can we. Can we take a step back to when you were originally in the bathroom getting a shower and the Lord spoke to you to sell everything? Like, to to, like, move on from streaming? Was that like, an impression? Was that a thought?



Was that an audible? Like what? What was that?



Can you can you can you speak into that? Because I just I really feel the Holy Spirit on this because there's people I just I really feel prophetically right now that there's people that are in a pattern and a rut that and hate to even call it a rut, but it is because God led you there. But you're burning a track that he has not called you to burn.



It was for a season. It was for a time. And I feel I feel like God is doing such a a work in this earth right now that there's a lot of mobilization, a lot equipping, a lot of movement that's happening. And if you're stuck in the same old, same and there are good godly routines, get and praying and fasting and seeker plays and in praying with your wife or your husband, like there's good routines that aren't religious that that are good to get into.



But I just feel like there's some people that are stuck in a position that God has called you to move on to. So when you say that this thought, this this justification was crumbling in your heart, can you just speak into that? Because I just I believe that people are feeling that, but they don't have a framework or a context where they don't know what it is specifically that they are feeling or hearing from the Lord.



And unfortunately, I feel like in today's time now it's becoming more prevalent where people understand that they're hearing from the Lord. But a lot of prophetic stuff, a lot of spiritual stuff, a lot of equipping stuff isn't being preached or taught in churches. And I know early on, like I struggled with hearing from the Holy Spirit, even though I was hearing from him all the time.



And that's where you and I had conversations and you were like, No, Christian, that is I believe me, brother, that is not your flesh and that is not Satan like that is from God. So could you just walk us through that? A little bit more? Take him. Wow. Amen. man. What a hostage negotiation with Jesus. Wow. Wow, wow, wow.



Yes. Yeah. And it's profitable, correct? Yeah. Amen. Praise God. Who come? And then this. You know, I. I was just talking with my uncle and one of our family friends. Their mother passed away, and in, like, they. And she was a believer. She was going to spend time with the Lord. And in her last, like, moments of breathing and entering through the veil, there is something called bereaved voice breathing.



Or it's it's like this weird kind of breathing. Yeah, it's interesting. I don't know a whole lot about it, but like, the way that my uncle and I were discussing, I said to him, You know, it is so wild that our flesh doesn't want us to go to heaven, that our our flesh there's this, like laboring to, to stop breathing, to enter into the veil.



And our flesh naturally holds on. And it almost reminds me of like, you know, Jesus saying, like, these things must happen to me. And Peter's like, No, I'll never let you die, Lord. And he's like, Get behind me, Satan. It's like one of those moments that are flesh is struggling, is holding on to keep us here on earth.



But the Lord's like, now you're coming home. So denying yourself is crucial in this life because our flesh, you know, I've said this before, but our flashes here for a short time and a good time, baby, it doesn't care. It doesn't care because it can't go to heaven. It doesn't matter. You know who it's with, what it dies, where it dies, that it just wants to enjoy itself.



And Jesus never said to pleasure yourself. He never said, you know, to to go take some self time and do self care and and you know, it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on. Yeah, that's right. Correct. Yeah. man. Yeah. Come on. Wow. Yeah, yeah. And knowledge is power, you know? And that's like one of the oldest lies if you take it back to the garden.



And I'm also thinking of another verse, Stewart says, Those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. So we do not want to be led by the spirit of flesh. We want to be led by the Spirit of God to become sons of God, which we are. But it's walking in that identity. But back to the garden, like Satan said, like, you surely won't die.



Like, it's because you'll become like, God, you know, it's knowing him. It's been like him knowing how to operate like him. You know, it was a knowledge struggle. And I feel like, you know, what is said is like knowledge is power. You know, like if you have dirt on somebody, if you have blackmail and somebody like you can leverage your, you know, that knowledge.



And I just I love how Paul, he was like everything that I learned before Christ, I called that is rubbish. Like all of that knowledge is nonsense to the things that Jesus taught me, you know? So it's his his thoughts are not our thoughts. His ways are not our ways. And the upside down kingdom doesn't look so upside down when you're being led by it, man.



But it does to the world. The worlds like these guys are nuts, man. amen. Wow. That's right. Come on. Praise God. Yeah. Come on. Yeah. Amen. Amen. Praise God.



If you guys are just tuning in, we are on the podcast with Jacob Richards, a dear friend of mine and founder of Light, the Fire Man.



We've been talking about so many incredible wisdom keys that the Lord has shown you throughout your walk early on as a believer. And just to hear you talking with a frame of reference and understanding what those keys are looking back on, it's just a delight to hear them. And I just I really appreciate you taking a step by step and walking through.



What does an impression feel like? What could a visitation from the Lord be like or even just allowing us to know that, hey, this is real and this happens to everyday Joes like yourself? Jeff So I do have a question for you, Jake. Throughout this time of being in the word, being in the Scripture, learning about Jesus, what is one of your favorite Bible verses or an anchor?



It's your faith that you look back into in Scripture that's like, Hey, this is who I am, or I'm believing for this. What's the favorite Bible verse that you have? Come on. Yeah. Yes. Amen. Yeah, that's good. Yeah. While. Yes, a man who Amen. Guests. Come on. Amen. Wow. Now, you know, and honestly, I just. I feel the Lord on this because earlier in the segment, we were talking about how someone may be stuck in a place like you are stuck in a place of of streaming, but the Lord is like, no, I have more for you.



And this is this kind of hitting me right now. You could be stuck in a place in your walk, like denying yourself and God's like, I have more than just salvation for you. I have more than you think. I'm like, You need to struggle through sin. Like if you deny the devil like he will flee. If you put off your old self, the robes of righteousness, the new self will come forward like there is promise hope in life in Christ.



There's always more, there's always more. It's not just believing him for a savior is believing him as the Lord, as healer, as Redeemer, as the just the fires, the refiner, as the power source and creator of everything. I mean, it's like I just when my eyes were open to who God is and I only see a portion of him, you know, one of my deepest heart cries is God, I want to know you.



And I know it seems kind of like maybe not silly, but just kind of like generic of a prayer. But that's one of my, like, biggest heart cries. It's like, I want to know you. I want to know you. And restoring families. I want to know you and being caught up to Third Avenue. I want to know you and healing minds and healing hearts and healing body parts.



I want to know you as the deliver of demons being cast out, you know, delivering people from oppression that maybe doesn't even have to deal of demons, but poverty or a situation like I want to know you in all forms. man, Come on. Wow. Yeah. man. Yeah, yeah. That's a tough word. Yeah, Yeah. Yeah. Yes, I agree.



Yeah. Wow. yeah. Amen. Come on. A man. Right, Right. Amen. Wow, man. And that is such a good word because, you know, it's like and we're not going to go down this rabbit hole. This might be for another time. If you would return to the authentic podcast to discuss. But like, once save always. And I know that we could really go deep into that, and there's a lot of scripture supporting both sides, and I can see that.



But it's like as, as a baby being baptized, being dedicated is really what it is, because at that point in time, like you, you can't say, yeah, I want to be baptized. You're just you're not of the age maturity, you're not able to act or function by yourself. You're in need of others to take care of you, you know, in that dedication that that isn't your baptism.



Like once you say yes in your heart, when you Romans ten, nine, if you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Lord, you will be saved. And in that moment of crying out to the Lord and saying, you know, save me, God, I believe in you, be my Savior, like I want to give you my life.



Then there are some requirements after words like being baptized and and and we know that baptism itself does not save you. It's an outward expression of an inward change. But there are spiritual things that are taking place just like when we take communion. Yes, we're eating bread and we're drinking grape juice or there's different. Very. Exactly. Because they're just they're they're copycats.



They're they're mere correct. Exactly. And it's just an it's an earthly representation. But prophetically, when we are doing these gestures, there is something that is happening in the realm where we're truly partaking of his body, where we're truly partaking of his blood. And in baptism, you know, the Bible says that when we go down, it's as if our old selves that died laid down with Christ.



And when we raise up out of that water, it's as if our new selves, just like Christ, rose up out of the grave. So, like, there is a spiritual thing that takes place. Yeah. Come on. Yeah. Praise God. Wow, man. You know, and. And just a feed into that. Like, on the topic of baptism of communion, if you read and first Corinthians 11, I think that's where the Lord's Supper is.



When it goes down thrill. It's as that many of you are sick and dying because you take the Lord's Communion in an unworthy manner and we could and we can get into like they were drinking the wine and getting drunk and like eating too much of the bread that others wouldn't get. And like, there was some blatant things that were going in there.



But it asks us to take a look into our hearts to see what's going on inside, to have a realistic view and talk with God before taking communion and to check yourself, because it is the only meal in the Bible that will actually kill you, that will make you sick if you if you drink or eat or partake of it, and an ungodly manner, it will actually.



And a lot of people think, here we go, We got to go up front, take communion again, we got to rip the bread out, got to drink the juice, and people lackadaisical go through it. But but the these these physical things have real spiritual implications attached to them. And and I can't you know, just the way that you said it, Jake, like don't take for granted the things that God puts value on.



I could not say that better myself. Like there is a value that God holds with communion with baptism as something sacred. When the disciples were getting together, what did they do? They broke bread together. They communed together while sure they got covered. Yeah. Yeah, sure. Yeah, yeah. I am a man and I just. I feel on that word.



My spirit breaks because we we are not bodies is that have a spirit attached to them. We are spirits that that have bodies and like everything like we're created in God's image in God. He is not natural, He is super natural. And there's nothing natural about that dude, man. Like, there's nothing about God at all. Everything is spiritual, it's prophetic.



It's beyond what our eyes or our minds or our heart could ever comprehend. And that's why we need to live by faith. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. So some of these things we might yet nothing is without faith. It is impossible to please God. Come on. man. This opens up a whole can of worms, bro, because, you know, I have this teaching that I haven't released yet, but it's one love favor.



And we are fully loved by God. We. There's nothing that we can do to earn any more love by God, but favor that is a different story. And that your head. I know you got something on that I. Yes. Amen. Preach. That's right. Yeah. John 15 guys. Yeah. Who, you know, while, you know. And but on this, because this is so good and I think there's so much value to discuss here, and you're just hitting the nail on the head just time and time again.



So much wisdom flows from you. Jake. It is. I just. I could just get lost in all of the revelation that flows from your mouth and all of the incredible challenging points that we need to hear in today as a believer, as we're accepting and believing the reality of Christ and walking this thing out, I just I think that it is incredible that he is returning for an investment like he he bought us.



It says that our life is exactly our life is not our own like. And he respects a return on his investment. So it's like, what are you doing with what God has given you? Has God given you to kids at home to watch after? How are you stewarding in? Has God given you a ministry with a million people followers attached to that?



How are you stewarding it? Has God given you a job where you minister to one person and could be for a year? It could be for 20 years. How? Like what are you doing to take your talent? Is it in art? Is it in preaching? Is it in photog Raphe? Is that in in prayer? Is it an intercession like what talents is God given you and what are you doing to grow and to utilize them?



Because God takes us from face to face, from glory to glory, glory. And if we're faithful with little, we will be given much. But as much is given, much will be required. So it just it goes right back to dying to self. And and this is good. And and I got to say this God is back for his bride.



Jesus is coming back for his bride. But it is our job. You know, Jesus. He said, pray this that laborers be sent out into the harvest for the harvest is ripe and ready, but the laborers are few. And I heard this. A minister said this the other day, and it just an absolute Lee just struck me in my heart.



You know, there's a harvest that is out there, but who reaps the most depends on who sows the much seed who sows. The more the the much amount, the more amount of seed. So as Christians, if we're sowing more seed, we're going to reap the greater harvest. But as Satan is sowing the greater seed, he's going to reap the greater harvest.



It's a war. It's something that is participatory. It's not a sit on the bench, sit on the sidelines and like, God's got it. And you guys are just talking about this in your glory hour, actually, which was, which was phenomenal. And I'll put a link to Jakes testimony, his YouTube testimony, and I'll put a link to Light the Fire as well as glory hour that Jake and Page Williams.



They put one as the spirit leads and it is just an hour or two. I know that they say a glory hour, but sometimes it runs over that of just revelation from heaven. It's it's a conversation with those who show up and participate in it. It's not just a monologue, it's a dialog, and it is something to tune into and plug into.



There's a lot of fruit on it. So the ministry that Jake and Paige are doing together is just it is absolutely a beautiful thing to watch and to participate. And you want to talk about sowing. That is a good place to sow. So I'll put a link to those in the description or in the podcast notes. But yeah, man.



ROMANS 828 I think that is such an incredible verse. And I don't know if you know this or not, but my, my, I have two verses that I base my faith off of and one is Romans 828 Yeah, I know. And the other it is. And the other one is Ephesians 111 and in Ephesians 111 it talks about how we have been predestined to receive an inheritance.



And there's a whole line that I just I'd love for, I love and I'm believing four in that. But on the other the latter half of that verse, it says that God works everything in accordance to His well. So if, if God is working everything for the good of me and He's working everything in accordance to His will, as long as I'm seeking first his kingdom and his righteousness, what what can come against me?



What can stop me? What? Why? Why should I worry? Why should I. Why would I not have joy? Why would I not trust in God? So it's just been one. Those two verses have just been so paramount to my walk in Christ, knowing that God's got this. He's working everything for my good. I just need to take myself to him.



I don't do the work. He does the work in me. He does the work through me. My job is just to come to him, to be an open vessel, to be civilian, to the promptings and leading of the Holy Spirit. And as long as I continue to follow him, he does the work inside of me. Man, that's so good.



I Do know that we want to talk about righteousness. And I think there is a misconception in the body of Christ. Like if if I were to make a statement at a multitude of churches, say, and I just stand up and say I'm righteous, it's possible. It's possible that some people might think, Wow, this guy is conceited. He who is he so high and mighty?



Because The righteousness. It just has such a it can have such a negative like stigma, a context to it that when people think of it, they think of like self-righteous and not righteous in Christ. Now, I know you have a little bit of revelation on this. I know you have some scripture to kind of take us into this topic.



And I would absolutely just love to hand the microphone over to you and allow you to talk about and discuss righteousness and the importance that it is to us in the body of Christ. As a believer walking this thing out with Jesus to understand those those those filthy rags. It actually says, like the menstrual rags that we wore before have been replaced with robes of righteousness.



So would you be willing to share with us what that looks like as a believer and reveal that revelation to us about righteousness? I I'll. Amen. Yeah. Who? Yeah. Wow. Come on. Tongues will fade. Words of prophecy will fade. But the word of God will remain forever. Love remains forever. Come on. Wow. Yeah. Yeah, that's right. come on.



Who? Yes. Amen. Wow. Wow. You have me geeking so hard over here, man. That is this life to my spirit like. I mean, that just. Come on, guys. Does that not get you riled up to know who God is and who he is called you to be? Jake, this is so good. That's right. Wow. Wow. My God.



Wow. man. No, I am just, like, being blasted by all of this wisdom and revelation. It's something like when you hear this, you can't walk away the same. Like when you hear this. This is something that will be pinging me in my spirit. It's like, who? What is God's portion here? You know? And I once heard the Trinity explained like this God gives the command to turn on a light switch.



Jesus goes to the light switch and flex it. And the Holy Spirit is the power that turns on the light bulb. So it's like there's a there's a work, there's a portion that they have in that, but it's like we need to be the one who lays the hands on which God said they will lay there. Jesus said they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover.



It's like when we're laying hands on, it's not us who claim our our portion. Exactly what you said is to lay hands, but God's is to do that restorative work, that resurrection work in their body in their mortal body. Wow. Wow.



Yeah. Come on. Please. Wow. children of God. Amen. Come on, dude. Amen. Yes. Come on, dude. Wow. Wow, wow. Yeah, absolutely. man, that that is just incredible. That That is some identity right there. I'm just getting blasted with that scripture That is such a powerful scripture for us to soak in and to believe. Even as Christians, it is vital for us to believe our identity in Christ, because the world may say that word this the world may say that we're that.



But the fact is that when we say yes to Jesus, we are a new creature in Christ. It says old things that were impossible are now possible. It's like behold, spiritual awakening, spirit. New spiritual life brings a new life. It brings a whole new reality to itself. So things that were impossible before Jesus are now possible to us because we're a new creature.



Our life is hidden in Christ. We are now sons and daughters of God. Yes. So what verse do you have for us, Jake? Yeah. Blast us. Come on. Amen. Yeah. mad. Yeah. wow. Hey, man. Hey, man. my God. Wow. Wow. my goodness. That's all that you have. Wow, that. That is I could just sit here in silence for the next 45 minutes.



Just taking in everything that was said and, like, pondering it and just dissecting it. Man, that's so good. You know, one one thing that I love that you said is being confident in God. And like, I that God fit in, like being God for that. And it's not that like I am being cocky or, or being in the sense of like, like this is going to happen now.



It's like I'm believing these things by faith. I'm believing in who God says that he is. And like, I know, like as we're walking things out, like we've seen God heal people on the spot in of us. And folks, I'm going to tell you this your carnal mind will not get it. Like when you see a healing happen in front you, your mind will not get it.



You'll you'll see it. You'll believe it in you, kid. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Your brain yes your brain because that that's good to differentiate the two. That's good. Thank you. You're Yes. Yeah. By saying carnal mind. I understand now. Very good that you're always stretching and growing me. You're always for the equipping and so good. Even today you're still disciple.



Disciple made me praise God. And. And he's so. And he's so right. Because you don't want to have a carnal or distracted mind. You want a mind of righteousness, you want the mind of Christ. And by me even saying something like your carnal mind, I'm actually prophesying death over your mind right now. So I rebuke that in the name of Jesus, you, all of you, with the mind of Christ, but your brain, your brain, you'll see this interaction with your eyes.



Your brain will not compute or understand, because the world says that person who had tonight is that that's incurable. They're going have ringing in their ear for the rest of their life. There's nothing that they can do. But you pray for them in a moment of faith. They get healed. They no longer have ringing in their ear and you're like, okay, is your brain your your brain's like, wait, that's not possible this is an incurable disease.



But with God, all things are possible. And you will walk away from that encounter. And I'm just I'm I'm speaking to somebody here because you're getting ready to have breakthrough with the Lord. You're getting ready to lay hands on the sick, and they are going to be healed and Satan is going to try and come and rob that blessing from you.



He's going to come and speak to you, say now you're less than that. Didn't really happen. That wasn't God. You know, that was just by chance like they're not really healed. Like, you can't do that when if you lay hands like, you know what the world says, the doctors this and medicine that and and that's incurable and that won't I'm telling you right now that is you start to step into the things of Christ.



Your faith will be challenged and you need to hold on to and cling on to the truth, the Word of God, and believe these things you have. Where do you call to be a believer, not a nonbeliever. You're called to be a believer. My goodness. I mean, so as even in the title, it comes with in the description, we have to believe these things as we're stepping into them.



And sometimes we will not step into unless we believe them first and which is out, which is out of order, which is like what you were talking about earlier going into ministry. Not understand being your identity, going into ministry, believing that you're still a sinner, you're no longer a sinner, you are a saint, you are no longer darkness, you are now light like you have been translated into the kingdom of light, like you're a man.



Yes. Amen. sure. Amen. It's by faith. How bad? Amen. So. So some of you guys on the other side might be thinking, Wow, this guy, he is on one. He might be off his rocker. He's he's yowling, he's getting voice stress. But this is the zeal of the Lord. This is being moved with compassion this is speaking truth.



Life and identity ensue. So if you're on the other side of this and you're hearing this for the first time in it and it's pinging you and you're getting a little upset, I would just encourage you that it is not you that's getting upset. It's an ideal, it's an ideology. It's maybe something inside. It's something that is not yours to be struggling with and something to yield to the Lord, because this is all scriptural, this is all truth.



And Jake is just moving and skill with compassion, speaking that truth, life and identity ensue. And brother, this is such a challenging. What a good word. This is a word that we need to hear is the body of Christ. Because it's one thing to say, yeah, ah, inheritances and Jesus. He's given us all, all, all heavenly blessings and spiritual things and we could say it like that, or it could be like our inheritance is Jesus as we were.



We are born into His kingdom, like all things have been given to us. And it's something to, like, get excited about. It's something to have. We can go cheer for the Eagles or the Steelers or the Cowboys or whoever your favorite team is, and all riled up or your favorite pop star singer up on stage. If we can cheer and celebrate our hearts off for them, why can we not do that for Jesus?



Why can we not get excited for the things of the Lord that He has so graciously given us? man. And it hurts. It hurts. And it's not that me, myself, or Jake is hurting. It's our spirit inside of inside of us groaning for other people, believers that are walking in Christ. But yes, they have not yet realized their true identity in Christ.



And it hurts to see people believing that they're a sinner when they're a saint, when people are believing that they have rags, menstrual, dirty rags. One is how the Hebrew breaks it down as menstrual rags like that's that's filthy, that they believe that they're carrying this filth on them, but they have robes of righteousness where they come, come on.



man. Amen. Yes. Wow. Yes, you are. Yeah. Yeah, right. Yeah. Who got us so good? That's so good. You know, And that's so true. Like one one of Jesus's roles is to be offensive. The gospel is offensive. Like the world does not understand it. And the Bible says, and Jesus and Red letter says if they persecuted me, they will persecute you always.



The world hated me. They will hate you. And I want to drop a little key of wisdom that I believe is really going to help a lot of you. And this is something that my my pastor, Jerry Wise, he shared with me early on in my walk with Christ. And it took a little bit of time, about three months for it to become had knowledge from the head, knowledge to become heart knowledge.



And this is kind of what we're talking about, is believing something. And then it actually becoming realized in our hearts, believing by faith, and then it actually becoming a reality in our hearts. And and Jerry said this to me. He said, Christian, it doesn't matter if there's one person in front of you or a hundred people, it doesn't.



If there's a million people in front of you, the opinion of a man will always fall short to the opinion of God. And it is not man who you are trying to please, but it is God. So whether you are in front of one 100 or a million, you are only doing unto one person. You're only pleasing one person and that is God the Father.



What does God say about you? What does God say about? The actions in that moment that you are taking? Are they by faith or are they not? Are they in that place of righteousness or in a place of self condemnation? Who who are you trying to please in that moment? Because it isn't, man. It is not, man. If we are trying to please man.



Paul says we will become a slave to man. And he is not a slave. We are not slaves to man. We are to God. So whatever you do, whenever you do it, wherever you do it. It is on to an audience of one. It's onto an audience of one. You are here to please God and not man. So if you look like a fool, it's for God.



Paul says. If we're out of our minds, it's for God. And if we're in our right minds and clarity, it's for your benefit. So the things of God, they're going to look wild. They're going to look different. Sometimes Holy Spirit is going to take us to a place that is offensive. But it reveals because what does God's Word do?



What did Jake say This two edged sword. It reveals the hearts of men. And that is what God the father cares about is the heart. He cares at the end of the day. He wants your heart postured in such a way that you are believing for and receiving what it is. His inheritance is for you. Who God says that you are, who he says that he is.



He cares that what you do, the intentions of your heart is pure, cleaned and refined. He wants you to move in the way that Jesus moved in. Jesus didn't move out of a place that was ill. He moved out of a place that was compassionate for others. And it's a walk. It's a procedure, just like we've been saying.



This is something that you have to believe and receive by faith, and then it'll be that is actually it's actualized. It's realized in your heart and then out of that place because God is doing the work in you, out of that place, you will start to walk with the love and kindness and mercy and truth and grace that Jesus has.



And then that is righteousness also which is God. You know what we've been centering on, dude? man. Jake, this stuff is so good, brother. You have just brought hit after hit after hit like I. The weight of your words, the weight of the word is just immeasurable immeasurable. Amen. Amen. Praise God. Wow. Dude, it has been an absolute pleasure.



Dude, I've really value all the wisdom. Everything that you have brought to the table today. I know there's been a lot of time just standing and seeking space in that secret place and a lot of renewing of the mind, believing and walking and faith. It's just been an absolute pleasure to witness that, you know, with my eyes collaborating with you at times and to also just receive.



And, you know, I just I pray that the other people, the people that are listening to this, there's just wisdom keys for them that unlock new spiritual realities in Christ that they can now believe in and step into. It's just so it's so good. Jake Hey, before we sign off, I would love for you to share one of your biggest prayers as a believer.



One of your biggest prayers that you in the secret place, you know, pray or something that you're believing for. And I would just ask if you could just bless our audience, if you could just pray over the audience for equipping or whatever the the Lord leads you to pray. But yeah, what's your biggest prayer and would you be willing to pray over us?



Hey, man, Wow. Hey, man. Guys, that was Jacob Richards. Richards, founder of Light, the Fire Minister and glory hour and just an incredible child of God. We honor and bless you, Jacob. In the description below, you will find a link to his testimony, as well as other ways to maybe plug in with light the flier or glory hour.



I call you Blessed in the name of Jesus, and we'll catch you on the next one. Amen. You bro. That was that was fire. That I know that this is exactly what this is for. This I want to capture other believers, lands and viewpoints and just perspectives, you know, in like we're talking about the body in the five fold.



Amen. Like I'm so with you. My cousin, he talks about how, you know, the in the body there is even on a microscopic level. If you think about in a finger, how many different like cells are in a finger and like how many different functions are just in a finger. Right. The First knuckle, second, you know, the main knuckle, the cuticles, etc..



Like, you know, so everyone's expression in the body is going to look way different than the next person. So like you said, we don't want another Christian. We don't want another Jake. We want you knowing who you are in Christ, operating in the gifts and talents that God has given you. So, man, thank you so much, dude. Really, really appreciate your time, brother.



I'll let you get back to your day. Do you have any, like, comments or any things like on the podcast at this time? And if you think of like any tweaks or anything like that, please reach out because like I've already taken in a lot of like your advice and everything I did forget to hit the soundbite for the prayer noise.



Yeah. Amen. Yeah, right, right. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, yeah. I know. Yeah. Yeah, man. Yeah, absolutely. And I'm with, like, I can air definitely on that side. Like, I'm all fired up and everything. But it was, it was one of those things like, and this is why people are sent out in twos, you know, it's like I was, I was recognizing Holy Spirit saying like, explain, Jake, because you are incredible, bro.



Like, there's a lot of people like you, but you're needed. Like, you are so needed the way that you share God, like it's the need it and the people that listen to this, they they need your perspective, just like there. There's other people, you know that I'm going to be interviewing that that they need their perspective. They need to hear the testimony by the power of the blood in the word of their testimony and their understanding of who God is, because it just if we only know Jesus is savior, then we won't know, my Lord, you know what I'm saying?



And you bring such a, my gosh, a picture of God. That is so beautiful, man. Thank you for equipping the audience. Like, wow, I can't wait to, like, get a backlog of these so I could start releasing them like, Dude, my gosh. yeah. There was nothing that wasn't like, I Holy Spirit, everything together. Like, we kept we kept circling back to points that we made earlier, like, and I'm just like, my gosh, there's a there's another one.



Like, yeah, it was really good. Yeah. So if he could shoot me over a link to, like, your testimony, the glory out, like a way to plug in with Glory hour, which I know a lot of times you guys like just live like from your account. I don't know if you want your Facebook account out there or not or what that.



Okay. All right. Very good. So I'll put that and then light the fire that does have a website. Correct. A Facebook page. That's what it is. Yeah. So I'll want to like in the show notes record, like put those and that way people can just plug into your ministry and see what's going on over there. And if they feel the need to do so or to pray or to, to plug in, I just, I want to give honor, honors.



Do so. I'll put that in. Yeah, dude. Thank you. Go ahead. Amen. Thank you. And and I'm going to tell you, as someone who has that heart like I do, like I have the heart to see, like, the kingdom get equipped and, like, all gifts be utilized, whatever they are. It is so tough to, like, crucified, died of the flesh because at times and I know you and I have talked about this a little bit with with like being the prophet of the house and that type of thing.



It's like there there are there's so much like in me that's like, but they're stealing your thunder. Like they're they're taking this show like, like, shouldn't you be prophesying? And it's like, No, no, no. Like this is we're all one team, but man, it is such a tug of war at times. And we just got to we have to keep, like abiding and have exactly what you were talking about so we can understand that kingdom perspective because it is so different than what our what if we have a carnal mind, what it could, you know, interpret.



And thank you so much for rebuking me on that carnal mind. Now there was educating. Dude, no, that that was good. And I think that that even in itself was an equipping part of the broadcast as well. Like, and in real time, people could recognize like, you know me like humbling him like, yeah, like that, that, that, that is like, you know, so like that in itself was equipping and it's true.



Like, no longer do we have a carnal mind. We have the mind of Christ, you know, we're being renewed and transformed into that. So that was good that I was not opposed to that at all. I was like, yeah, that's what Jake does. Like, this is not news to me. yeah. He's going to let me know his work schedule when it comes up again.



He was like very apologetic and whatever, and I was like, No, dude, like, God so good. He knew that the chimney sweepers were coming. Like, He's so good. But yeah, man, So I'll, I'll end this broadcast like it's still recording. Now this will get cut out. It's a recording and everything like says it's 99% upload. I'd make sure it goes to 100% before you exit out of anything.



And once it's at 100%, feel free to tobacco now. But man, dude, thank you so much. Call you blessed in the name of Jesus. Jake. You're awesome, bro. And don't ever use that. I, I tracker thing. God, that thing is friggin weird. He Like, I'm like, that was not you. Yeah. Wow. That's good, Barb. Whatever. All right, Brown.



Love you, man. I call you.

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Authentic Podcast
A faith-based podcast that equips the saints and preaches Christ crucified
You're tuned in to The Authentic Podcast, where we explore the transformative power of embracing the reality of Jesus Christ. As we embark on this journey together, we will navigate the depths of faith and discover the profound impact that Jesus has on our spiritual walk. In this space, you will find real and inspiring conversations about faith and how, as a believer, we should navigate the kingdom reality. We are excited that you are part of an adventure where authenticity and faith intersect. Welcome to the Authentic Podcast!
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Christian Searer

I was saved by grace through faith. Called from darkness into light and forgiven of my sins. I have been made alive in Christ and purposed to declare His goodness on my life. I’m continually being renewed by the Holy Spirit and molded into the image of Christ.

I am who God says I am.

My desire is to widely share the authentic gospel of Jesus Christ. I want to model a lifestyle that is "worthy of the calling" and to be found approved.​

This is how I give back to God what is rightfully His.

This is the Authentic Podcast.